Archive for the ‘Errol Flynn’s Homes’ Category

Did Errol Live Here (Too!)?

11 Aug

If so, when? When he first arrived in Hollywood, before he hit it big with Blood?




Hollywood Landmarks: the 1929 Villa Bonita Building

— Tim


Go Greyhounds!

16 Jul


Per Hedy’s autobiographical account of Errol’s Flynnomenal parties up at The Farm:


— Tim


From Penthouse to Saloon

13 Jun

Stained glass said to be from Errol’s legendary 57th Street penthouse in Manhattan being installed at the soon-to-open P.J.Clarke’s in Philadelphia, at the Curtis Center, near Independence Hall.…

P.J. Clarke's

P.J. Clarke's

The Curtis Publishing Building, the year of Errol’s birth:

Curtis Publishing 1910

The new Curtis Center, in the Colonial Center of Philadelphia:

Curtis Center Atrium

Curtis Center in Spring

— Tim


That’s the Way He Rolled

04 Dec

That's the Way He Rolled

Errol at Linden

— Tim


After Party Ghost List

20 Nov

Mulholland House

Ghost List for the After Party: A to Z

Hedy, Bev and Niv’ all are said to have said that Errol’s powerful spirit remained here after his death, or at least occasionally returned. The Hamblems and Nelsons believed so, too – along with other presences at Errol’s favorite old haunt, Mulholland Farm. Paranormal activities have abounded on the Zaca, too, it’s been said.

So, whether you believe in ghosts, or not, let’s explore the legends. Don’t be afraid of no ghosts.…. That’s the spirit.

If they exist at all, were they somehow connected to Errol, or perhaps to James Lankershim, the land’s former owner, or someone else entirely???

What are your thoughts?


Here are some things that were reported at Mulholland after Errol’s death:

Apparitions All through the House

Breaking of Glass

Cheap Perfume in Upstairs Room, and Elsewhere

Cynical Presence

Dark Presence

Doors Locked from Inside Empty Rooms

Entire House Shook When Errol Died

Errol in a Tuxedo, Celebrating New Years

Haunted Casino

Man in the Mirror

Powerful Sexual Energy

Spectral Naked Lady

Spooky Den

Top of the Stairs

Unexplainable Noises

Mulholland casino

Ghost Ship?

… Zaca, too, it’s been said

Clinking of Glasses

Errol Pacing the Deck

Laughter of Women

Dancers on Deck

Silhouettes of Partiers On Board

Sounds of Music

Uproars of Laughter

Zaca ghost

— Tim


It is No Secret – He Lived in Errol’s Old House

01 Jun

It is No Secret. Stuart Hamblin used to live in Errol’s Old House on Mulholland. Like Errol, he loved and treasured the place – used to have legendary friends like John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Johnny Cash & Ronald Reagan up there as guests. (Like Reagan, he even ran for President, coming in fourth in ’52, I believe.) Heck, Hamblin even broadcasted a famous Christian music radio show from Mulholland Farm.


Here it is during Hamblem’s time there – from Jack Marino & Warrior Films, I believe:

Hamblen Home

And here’s Hamblem on Mulholland’s “Lower Pasture” – from “Errol Flynn Slept Here”, I believe.


Singing “This Old House” When He Lived at Errol’s Old House, with Very Interesting Lyrics:


— Tim


“The Orson Welles of Rock ‘n’ Roll” – Errol’s Little (Feat) Neighbor

27 May

Errol (and his pet monkey) left a big impression on the kid who lived near him on Mulholland Drive. One he never forgot. Like Errol, he died far too young, but, in his day, this boy grew into the man Jackson Browne called “The Orson Welles of Rock ‘n’ Roll” and Bonnie Raitt declared the best singer/songwriter/guitarist in the world. Lowell George – son of the famous “Furrier to the Stars”, who had a chinchilla ranch right by Mulholland Farm. Member of the Mothers of Invention & Leader of Little Feat, he played also with Harry Nilsson, Frank Zappa, Bonnie Raitt, Emmylou Harris, Jackson Browne, Christopher Cross, Robert Palmer, Randy Newman and other legends from the 70’s. Here’s an account of his connection to Errol and a video of him on Midnight Special.…

Lowell George…

— Tim


Sirocco on Mulholland Drive

27 May

On Thanksgiving Weekend last year, I was up on Mulholland surveying the situation, trying to get a fix on the exact layout of Mulholland Farm. While doing so, I was greatly surprised to see a home called “Sirocco” only walking distance east of Errol’s old spot!

Naturally, I did take a photo of the Spanish tile “Sirocco” sign, but have lost the cell phone I had that shot saved on! Fortunately, though, I did write down the address. It’s @ 7621,about only 2000-ft from 7740, Errol’s address, on the opposite (north) side of Mulholland Drive.

Here’s the famous film noir star who lived there at “Sirocco” during Errol’s day – Dan Duryea (who I most remember from Pride of the Yankees & Wagon Train, I believe. But, IMO, it’s highly unlikely Dan Duryea would have named hs estate Sirocco. So, who did!!!???!!! Anyone in Flynnlandia know!?!…

— Tim


Errol’s fourth home! 1919

07 Jan

In mid 1919 Theodor Flynn moved his expecting wife and 10 year old Errol from Holebrook Place to the Imperial Hotel located on Collins Street.
As quoted by Bob Casey, a nurse named Elsie Hinds felt sorry for Errol when he was left alone. She often took him to the wharves to see the ships in port, flying the flags of all nations of the world.
Don Norman wrote, “Elsie remembered Errol standing politely and removing his cap when she stopped to speak with one of her friends.”  A maid at the hotel remembered giving Errol money so he could go to the cinema.
It is stated in several publications that Errol had no spending money, was a neglected child but had very good manners. One could take a good guess and see that his pranks most likely have been fueled by being a neglected and abused child and therefore became his way of retaliation.
Another picture of the hotel in the comment section.

— Tina


Errol's tenth home! 1926

01 Nov

After Hobart State High School his father managed
to enroll
Errol in one
of the most prestigious schools of Australia. Maybe
his father heard
of the saying “It does not matter
where one starts but it matters where one finishes!”

Errol started at
Shore, Sydney Church of England Grammar
School (SCEGS) in March 1926,
his entrance
number was 3955, but by the end of the same year
Errol was
dismissed from this school too
and thus
his formal
education.  His name was
removed from the school attendance listing.

will show in the Reply section more
picture of the school in order for our readers to
see where
Errol roamed in this his final
school year.

— Tina