Archive for the ‘Films’ Category

Outback in the Open Air

03 Sep

September 3, 1937

Longreach was established by the Thomson River in the late 1800s. The town got its name from the river’s ‘long reach’. The famous flying Father Flynn – “Flynn of the Inland” and face on the Australian 20 dollar note – flew the world’s first aerial ambulances through here. Then, on September 3, 1937, that other Flynn, Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn, “showed”, in the Mark Twain classic Prince and the Pauper at the (open air) Palace Theater.

This (2020) is the Centenary Year of Qantas – Australia’s most famous corporation, being celebrated at the Qantas Founders Museum in Longreach. Adding another illustrious name to the mix, Qantas flew all de Havilland aircraft in its earliest days – aircraft created by aviation design pioneer, Geoffrey de Havilland, Olivia’s cousin.

Celebrate the Qantas Centenary in Longreach

Top Ten Things to Do in Longreach

— Tim


Four’s a Crowd Draws a Crowd

01 Sep

September 1, 1938 – 12:30 Matinee

“The cream and black tiles glistened and the neon sign spelled out its welcome. The new Lafayette Theater, with its modern Art Deco design, was opening! The line stretched down the block as people waited to see Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland in “Fours A Crowd.”

Here’s the Original Trailer

— Tim


(Out of Africa) A Star is Born

26 Aug

August 25, 1935

Los Angeles Times

By Muriel Babcock

Adventure again is holding the stage. The cutthroats and brigands and brave seamen of Raphael Sabatini’s swashbuckling tale of the Seventeenth Century, Captain Blood, are coming to life on the Warner Brothers set in Burbank, California, in this year, 1935.

One of the most interesting sets I have seen in visits to many studios, is the great, sprawling layout if a Jamaican slave plantation of the Captain BloodCaptain Blood, as you know, is the story which gives Errol Flynn, the Irish adventurer, his big chance in pictures. Chatting with him idly between scenes, I discovered that while his adventures in Captain Blood are thrilling, he has had almost as exciting ones in his own life before he came to America. He has a terrific scar on his left leg from an arrow shot at him by African natives.


He was lost in the African jungles, and for two days, while hunted by the incessant tom-tom of drums, he hid from the natives and tried to make his way to safety. “Never in my life have I been so frightened” he told me.

But more about these interesting sets of Captain Blood. On still another stage are two huge replicas of galleons of that day, on of the Arabella, a Spanish ship, the other the Diligent, a French pirates’ boat. They are a beautiful sight to come upon, and it takes you a moment to realize they are only half ships that move back and forth on pulleys across the stage against the painted canvas sea background, instead of sailing the Caribbean as they did in Captain Blood. I climbed up on one, and I assure you it gives you a thrilling feeling.

The Jamaican Plantation*

*Imagery from the superb “Blonde at the Film” review of “Captain Blood 1935”

— Tim


Island Cruise Quiz

16 Aug

Circa August 16, 1946, the Zaca was in the waters surrounding this island. What island is it?

Two new names came into the world and history of Errol because of Zaca’s trip to this island. What were those two names??

10PM EST – Clue No. 2 – A VERY BIG CLUE:

A Half Hour Past Midnight EST or so:

Monday, August 17, ~ 6PM EST:

Here’s a couple more Cruise Clues. Though physically very small, they are very big quiz clues – even bigger quiz-wise than the elephant seal and fur sea lion above:

Tuesday, August 18 – 10:30AM:

Wednesday – August 19 – ~ 3:10 AM:

The island is infamous for its huge and destructive goats. Here is an old photo of a couple:

— Tim


The Black Prince ———— aka The Warriors ———— aka The Dark Avenger

24 Jul

July 23, 1954

New York Times

Errol Flynn, Peter Finch and Joanne Dru Will Make Film in England for Allied


Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitants from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French.”

— Tim


Against All Flags — Blu-Ray On the Way

22 Jul

Could Be Today, July 22, 2020.

“In 1700, the pirates of Madagascar menace the India trade; British officer Brian Hawke has himself cashiered, flogged, and set adrift to infiltrate the pirate “republic.” There, Hawke meets lovely Spitfire Stevens, a pirate captain in her own right, and the sparks begin to fly; but wooing a pirate poses unique problems. Especially after he rescues adoring young Princess Patma from a captured ship. Meanwhile, Hawke’s secret mission proceeds to an action-packed climax.”

— Tim


Errol Flynn’s Idea of Hanging Out Sea Hawk 1940

19 Jul

— David DeWitt

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Nice Silver River Pictures Errol Flynn Anne Sheridan!

18 Jul

— David DeWitt

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Eighty Five Years Ago Today — Captain Blood Gets Ready to Sail Again

12 Jul

July 12, 1935

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express

Nearly a dozen years ago, 150 carpenters and laborers reported to work at the old Vitagraph studio on Talmadge Street. They started construction of ancient man of war vessels for the rapidly-declining film firm’s last lavish venture, Captain Blood.

Today the Warner studio now owns the Vitagraph plant, and nearly 300 carpenters and laborers are starting the construction of three Seventeenth Century war vessels for Captain Blood, to be one of the most costly of the Warner specials this year. Something near $100,000 will be spent for the ships and reproduction of the village of Port Royal on the Spanish Main.

Odd, isn’t it, that 12 years later the Vitagraph studio is again the setting for this adventuresome tale of the sea?

Vitagraph’s Captain Blood

— Tim


No Highballs, Jingle Bells or Rah-Rah

13 Jun

But it was a Really Big Shew Nonetheless

June 13, 1939

Ed Sullivan

Hollywood Citizen News

Director Mike Curtiz, one of the best on the Warner lot, has a bad memory for names….He calls John Garfield “Group Theater”….Claude Rains, to Curtiz, always is “Mister Theater Guild”….Wayne Morris is “Bank Night”….Olivia de Havilland is “Baby”….In Elizabeth and Essex, Curtiz became impatient with a love scene that Errol Flynn and Bette Davis were doing, and stopped the action….”Remember always,” he explained, that this is a 17th Century love story without the highballs, jingle bells and rah-rah”….

— Tim