Archive for the ‘Films’ Category

Rajah Rides Again! — Doomed No More?

21 Sep

“An epic tale of Sir James Brooke, the British adventurer who became King of Sarawak in the 1840’s and embarked on a lifelong crusade to end piracy and head-hunting – only to face charges of murder and piracy himself.”…

Over the course of his life “The White Rajah” fought “pirates and the Sultan’s enemies to win a crown as Rajah of Sarawak, where he ruled a jungle kingdom larger than England.” He led a crusade against piracy, slavery and headhunting and was eventually knighted by Queen Victoria for his bravery.

He later “defied England when the British Empire tried to colonize Sarawak” and “in reprisal, Parliament tried him for murder and piracy himself.”

Errol Flynn’s White Rajah

“In 1936, Errol Flynn decided that he was going to try his hand at screenwriting, co-writing The White Rajah so that he himself could star in the film. Warner Brothers enthusiastically bought the rights to the film, and it should have been a relatively simple endeavor from there. It probably would have been if not for the participation of Lady Sylvia Brooke, the Ranee (Queen) of Sarawak.”

“It was destined to be one of the few big-budget Hollywood extravaganzas of its time. Instead, you’ve probably never heard of it. By the time that Warner Brothers gave up on making the film, they had already spent thirty years and a ridiculous amount of money trying to make it happen, all without seeing a single day of filming.…

Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Josie Ho

— Tim


Making of The Sea Hawk!

19 Sep

Features our late friend Professor Lincoln D Hurst, a film historian …

Special Thanks to Mirta Gonzalez!

— David DeWitt


Hurrah and Whoopie

19 Sep

As war is again being discussed in Washington, it may be wise to listen again to the lyrics of ‘Stand by Your Glasses’ from Dawn Patrol and ‘I-Think-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag’ from Woodstock (possibly inspired by Dawn Patrol)…

Hurrah for the Next Man That Dies… (from the chorus of’Stand by Your Glasses’)

Whoopie! We’re all gonna die…(from the chorus of ‘I-Think-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag’)…

“When I was the membership chairman of the old Great War Society, we asked our new enlistees what got them interested in the First World War.  I was surprised at how many mentioned the 1938 film Dawn Patrol with Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, and David Niven.”

“The “show stopper” scene in that movie is not any of the combat sequences, but in the mess when the pilots drink a musical toast to the next man who dies. The lyrics used in the movie are an adaptation of a 19th-century poem out of India titled ‘The Revel’ by Bartholomew Dowling.”…

Hoorah for the next man that dies…

It’s been said that the show stopper performance by Country Joe and the Fish at Woodstock was reminiscent of ‘Stand to Your Glasses’ in Dawn Patrol (but “Louder”)…

Whoopie! We’re all gonna die…

— Tim


Prince and the Pauper, Errol Flynn!

11 Sep

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn’s Ghost Returns

09 Sep

An Immersive Glimpse at Old Havana…

El documental ‘Errol Flynn’s Ghost: Hollywood in Havana’

Los cubanos siempre estuvieron enamorados de Hollywood. ¿Fueron correspondidos?…


— Tim


Welcome to Sherwood Lake

24 Aug

August 25, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

… Who comes closest to being the movie hero in real life? probably Errol Flynn. He was a good enough boxer to represent Ireland in the Olympics, his tennis is brilliant, and he is a fine swimmer. When Green Light was on location at Sherwood the other day, the troupe shot morning scenes on one side of the lake and afternoon scenes on the other. The rest of the troupe drove around in cars, but to Flynn, a straight line was the shortest distance between two points, so he swam the lake.

(Quoting Multiple Sources)

For many centuries, Lake Sherwood and the vast majority of Conejo Valley as a whole was inhabited by communities of Chumash Indians. This remained the case until the arrival of Spanish expeditions to much of California in the late years of the 18th century. At this point, Lake Sherwood and a substantial portion of the surrounding area was named Potrero Valley until California became the 31st state in 1850. Once this occurred, the land of Potrero Valley was sold and would eventually switch hands several times over the next 75 years, mainly to ranch owners and agricultural businesses. It wasn’t until the early 1920’s that the area now known as Lake Sherwood began to rise in popularity among residents of California, due mostly to the land being transformed into Sherwood Forest for the creation of the popular “Robin Hood” film that was helmed by legendary director Douglas Fairbanks. The 1938 film, The Adventures of Robin Hood, starring Errol Flynn, also had a scene shot on location at “Sherwood Forest. (The attack on the treasure caravan scene.)

“These days everyone knows that Lake Sherwood homes are some of the most gorgeous in the Ventura County region. This small, upscale neighborhood is home to just over 1,000 of some of the wealthiest individuals in the country including David Murdock, owner of the Dole company. His estate spawns over 2,000 acres of land on a hill top. Prime Lake Sherwood real estate isn’t just for the typical rising stars in business either. This wealthy town has been home to countless celebrities and to this date attracts Hollywood stars like actor Jamie Foxx who follows fellow actors Sylvester Stallone, Sophia Loren, Tom Selleck and a caravan of other tinsel town elite in owning Lake Sherwood real estate. With such a rich history in wealth it might be hard to picture a Lake Sherwood without pomp and circumstance. But according to former locals of the area, there actually was a time when Lake Sherwood was just a really nice lake.

The story is that Lake Sherwood’s history goes back further than the 1922 Robin Hood movie accredited for giving it fame. It seems the neighborhood had rather tough beginnings in trying to solidify itself as a place where the rich call home. According to historian Miriam Sprinkling, the lake was formed when a rancher known as S.W. Matthiesson, who owned much of what is now Lake Sherwood and Hidden Valley, built a dam across four streams. Matthiesson had hoped the land would become a summer getaway for the wealthy to hunt and fish. However, this idea never caught on. It was Matthiesson’s son who eventually gave the okay for filming the Robin Hood movie years later in Lake Sherwood. The cabin in which Douglas Fairbanks was housed during filming is now a registered Ventura County historical landmark and the crest of The Sherwood Country Club proudly depicts Robin Hood.

Unfortunately, after the film was produced Matthieson’s son lost ownership of the lake to his wife during a divorce settlement (that doesn’t sound too gentry at all) and Mrs. Matthieson and her new husband Mr. Canterbury, decided to change the lake’s name to “Lake Canterbury”. Luckily, the name just never stuck. The two decided to begin a housing development project in the area and the real estate firm hired again changed the name to “Los Touras” by combining Los Angeles + Ventura. At this time, Potrero Valley was renamed Hidden Valley. So, what is exactly in a name, you ask? Millions. Until there’s a stock market crash. And in 1929 that’s exactly what ruined the Canterbury’s plans as they were forced to sell their property to none other than tycoon William Randolph Hearst. After the filming of Robin Hood by Fairbanks it was renamed Lake Sherwood.

— Tim


Lord’s Office, Flynn Calling

12 Aug

August 11, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Best rib of the week was pulled off by producer Robert Lord on Warner Casting director Steve trilling. The day Errol Flynn was supposed to report for Dawn Patrol, Lord called Trilling and said the Irish star was on the phone from New York saying he had flown there and was taking an added week’s vacation. Then they pretended to transfer Flynn’s call to Trilling.

It was the perfect gag because Hollywood believes that Flynn would do anything.

Trilling’s blood pressure soared 20 points before the ribbers finally revealed that Flynn was sitting in Lord’s office.

— Tim


Master of Ballantrae at the Paramount Theatre NYC!

03 Aug

One of my favorites!

And in 2019 …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Films


Sun Also Rises ….

15 Jul

Errol Flynn, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, Tyrone Power, and Eddie Albert in “The Sun Also Rises” (1957)

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Short?

12 Jul

In the immortal words of very recently deceased Arte Johnson (inspired by Errol’s “Desperate Journey”)……. “Verrry Intrrresting”……

— Tim