Archive for the ‘Flynn and…’ Category

Mail Bag! Errol Reichow for Gentleman Tim!

07 Jun

Something I have been wanting to post for one of your most devoted bloggers, Gentleman Tim. I am sure it will take a millisecond to identify the role and the picture but what fun that it is an autographed picture from one actor to another but more likely a friend to a friend.

There are two autographed pictures from Flynn to my father and they now bookend my bar on the top shelf as they once adorned the walls of my father’s house. You don’t need a spirit to watch over in so much as you need the spirit within to live with passion, with poise, and with an appetite that this may be the only chance you get so why not make the most of it, sound vaguely familiar? So, whatever lights that flame keep it burning bright as long as you can but if you ever feel the clouds are moving in look back as a reminder to those who have weathered the storms before you, set your compass, and chose a path that you believe in.

Unfortunately, it is not always wine. women, and song but what a wonderful world it would be if it was. Keep your eyes clear and ready for a fight but better a lover not a fighter yet if you do it right you can do both, and maybe even at the same time.
All the best me boy, ( I know I took that from someone else but come on it’s worth taking)

Errol Reichow


Thanks, Errol!

— David DeWitt


A Day in the Life – June 7, 1937

07 Jun


Co-Starring Frances Farmer

Presented by Cecil B. DeMille


— Tim


The Flynnomenal Professorship of Theodore Thomson Flynn*

30 May…

*With “Awe-In-Spiring” Quiz Answer Included


— Tim


Making In the Wake

28 May

A Superb Site on “In the Wake of the Bounty”:…



— Tim


Mail Bag! Early Australian Film History: Marelle Flynn!

25 May

Dear David DeWitt

I am working on some early Australian film history and wondered if you or your blog associates might have some information particularly concerning Lily Mary (Marelle) Flynn.

According to another source she was an extra in a 1925 silent film, filmed at the Savage River in Tasmania and in Melbourne, entitled “Jewelled Nights” produced by Louise Lovely and based on  a novel by Tasmanian writer Marie Bjelke Petersen. I have only found one mention of Marelle Flynn as an extra  and would really like to know if there is more substantive evidence and whether she was filmed in the Tasmanian setting or in the Melbourne society setting.

Given that it was 1925, Errol Flynn would still have been in school at the Hobart High School. Further given that his father, Professor Theo Flynn was a great hiker, also wonder whether he and Errol might have ventured to Waratah, Savage River in NW Tasmania for the filming.

I’ve ordered up the books on Flynn to see if there is any mention, however, thought that you and your associates might have information.

Kind regards
Anne Sanders
Braidwood NSW Australia


Jewelled Nights starring Louise Lovely

— David DeWitt


The Face of ….

24 May

Who was this fellow and how was he connected to Errol?

The Face~2~4

— Tim


Cocoanut Grove

21 May

Errol & Olivia on their first date, at the Coronation Ball. The Coronation Ball was in celebration of King George’s ascension to the British throne on May 12, 1937, after his brother Edward’s scandalous affair with Wallis Simpson compelled his abdication.


“Electrifying Homage to thr Cocoanut Grove”…

History of the Coconut Grove:

Fiction at The Grove, with Flynn, Hepburn & Hughes:

— Tim


Whose Hand is Errol Kissing?

19 May

And What’s the Occasion?

Errol and

Photo below added Thursday, 6:33 EST:

Errol and a

Posted at 8:44 PM EST, Thursday:

Gent Jim Date

— Tim


Letters from Livvie

10 May

A Wonderful Story…


— Tim


Lily Mary

08 May

Happy Mothers Day



— Tim