Archive for the ‘Flynn as…’ Category

No. 1

15 Jun…

No.1. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

“Almost 80 years after he first leaped across screens, Errol Flynn is still the definitive Robin Hood, despite countless new retellings. All later adaptations seem to rip off Michael Curtiz and William Keighley’s iconic Golden Age swashbuckler in one way or another — and rightly so. The dialogue is sharp and clever, Olivia de Havilland is lovely, the sets and costumes are brilliant in glorious Technicolor — but it’s Errol Flynn, with his effortless, irresistible charm, who brings a special magic to the classic. There was never any question which Robin Hood would take the top spot: The Adventures was always in like…well, Flynn.”


— Tim


Errol at Harvard

28 May

On the Radio – At the Science Center




— Tim


In should`ve been Flynn 7

29 Dec

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here is another one that got away- a Flynntastic project anyway:…
It took almost twenty years after Errol`s untimely death to see the screen lights.
A full review about this all star cast potential Flynn vehicle resides here:…
If your computer is a trooper you can watch the movie here for free:… or Die (1977)
Unfortunately mine deserted me.


— shangheinz


Super Flynn Fan Stan Lee

12 Dec


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

it is well documented, because Marvel-ous Stan Lee never made no fuss about it, that Errol Flynn was his childhood hero. The pic above shows that our Hollywood hero also was his inspiration for another of his comic book heroes. Add Asiatic facial features, Klingon ears as well as wings on heels to it and voilà “Namor” appears. That name has the same number of letters as Errol plus contains or should we say implicates some portion of “Amor”. A little bit of Amor is in every man, but since…


By the way, a further reference to Flynn, but no relation to its main character can be found in this year`s Marvel movie “Ant Man”.


— shangheinz


Some quotes out of Adventures of Don Juan

15 Nov

Adventures of Don Juan Title

My favorite one is:

Duke the Lorca:

Next time I cut more deeply.

Don Juan:

Next time I wear my old clothes. (I love that change of expression for looking worried to that great smile and deliver that great unforgettable line)

Don Juan:

My dear friend, there’s a little bit of Don Juan in every man, and since I am Don Juan, there must be more of it in me!

Don Juan:
The sword is not for a traitor. You’ll die by the knife!

Don Juan:
Catherine, an artist may paint a thousand canvases before achieving one work of art. Would you deny a lover the same practice?

Don Juan:
Beloved, no power on Earth could’ve kept me from you. In all the world there’s been but one image in my heart, one vision before my eyes…

Yes, yes, go on…

Don Juan:
I have loved you since the beginning of time.

But you only met me yesterday…

Don Juan:
Why, that was when time began!

But how long will you love me?

Don Juan:
Sweet lady, love is not measured in terms of time, only in ecstasy!

Duke de Lorca:
May I remind you, my dear fellow, that in a conflict one must choose a side. The middle ground is frequently the most dangerous.

Don Juan:
I’ve been in the middle so many times, your grace… it doesn’t disturb me.

Don Juan:
A man gives up everything: a rich full life and the first time he tries to be utterly sincere, what happens?

That’s exactly what I’m trying to find out.

Don Juan:
Well, mind your own business!

King Phillip III:
We consider Don Lorca the greatest living duelist in Spain.

Don Juan:
That’s certainly the mark of a good duelist, you majesty – to be living.

— Don Jan


Our Man Flynn

07 Sep

Our Man Flint 0001

In the 1960’s there was no one more exciting than James Bond, Agent 007. Inspired by his success at the box-office, other studios tried to come up with their own version of a playboy spy.(Matt Helm, anyone?) This spy would be different. This spy would be American. This spy would be “ours”. But what man could possibly be more exciting than James Bond? The answer is obvious: Errol Flynn. Naturally, the studio couldn’t name their spy “Errol Flynn”. So they simply, ingeniously, altered Errol’s name ever-so-slightly and christened their American super-spy “Derek Flint”. At one point, Flint even beats up a Sean Connery-look-alike playing “Agent 0008”. In other words, only Errol Flynn could beat up Agent 007.


The first film in the series was named “Our Man Flint” and its poster made it clear that “our man” was better than Bond. ” ‘Our Man Flint’ makes love in 47 languages! He’s a Karate Champion, Brain Surgeon, Swordsman and Nuclear Physicist… He’s the top Master Spy of all time, with his Cigarette Lighter containing 82 Death-Dealing Devices, his 2 Man-Eating Dogs, his 4 Luscious Playmates and his Love Nest-Built-For-5……”
If the name “Derek Flint” wasn’t clear enough, the sequel left no doubt. It was titled “In Like Flint”, a not-so-subtle reference to “In like Flynn”.
The film spawned only the one sequel but they are both highly entertaining, thanks immeasurably to the wonderfully tongue-in-cheek performance of leading man James Coburn. But their legend lives on because we all know that only one man is better than Bond.


— zacal