Archive for the ‘Flynn-related’ Category

The transformation – how was it done?

20 Jan

I always wondered what do movie studios do to transform their new contract players into stars? Has anybody any ideas?

Errol arriving in Hollywood:
From this:

To this:

— Tina


Who Wrote This?

17 Jan

Today and tomorrow will be the Flynn place to be, Flynncluding at the Coronado Library, which is hosting some of the many great events at the Coronado Island Film Festival.

As did Errol himself, numerous Flynn Crowd celebrities used to visit Coronado. One notable Flynnsider who lived on the island wrote the following tribute to the Coronado Library. Who was she or he?


Here are some displays now in the library:






— Tim


Marilyn Monroe Music Videos

16 Jan

This being the inaugural weekend of the Coronado Island Film Festival, here a couple of timely music video tributes to Errol’s friend, Marilyn:

Now and Then from the Hotel Del Coronado, Errol’s old stomping grounds:


— Tim


Dennis Mullen has a few words to say …

13 Jan

As you know, our chum and fellow Flynn aficionado Dennis Mullen is fighting cancer and has a GoFundMe Campaign sponsored by this blog. He today gave us an update and a few words of thanks for all those who care about his condition and are helping him to fight and win:

“Feels strange being a ghostwriter and copy editor while simultaneously being at a loss for words. I can’t thank all of you enough–or to my satisfaction at least–for not only your generosity, but also for your genuine empathy and compassion.

One of my goals is to properly correspond with you all once I am firmly in the recovery lane and we can chat about…..Caribbean adventure and/or Old Hollywood perhaps. Until then I’m not typing or reading so good due to severe rolling stomach pain, nausea, and blurry vision.

I’ve been day-dreaming about a “fair day in the tropics” these last few weeks. A simple line, yet full of promise and intrigue–two Errol Flynn attributes! I hope I can feel good again as this journey has been day-to-day hell for me and I am having a hard time coping both physically and psychologically. Thank-you everyone for thinking of me and helping me. I won’t ever forget it.”

Dennis Mullen, January 12th 2016

If you would like to help in your own area you can do so by downloading the poster below as a pdf, printing it and putting it up in your local community centers, library, or church. A little effort by a lot of people can make a hell of a difference.


— David DeWitt


Video Tributes to Friends of Errol – Numero Uno: Lupe Velez

11 Jan

Muy sensacional Maria Guadalupe Villalobos Velez: 1908-1944…

And here’s the very talented Lupe’s own very humorous “tributes” to Dolores Del Rio, Simone Simon, Shirley Temple & Marlene Dietrich:…

— Tim


Dennis Mullen’s Beat Cancer Friends!

09 Jan


Please take a moment to go read my campaign to help Dennis Mullen fight his recent diagnosis of cancer and donate something if you can to help him get through to a hopeful recovery. He has been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer and I’d like to call on all of our Flynn family to help him. He has been a tireless Flynn supporter and researcher. He’s walked literally in Flynn’s footsteps in Jamaica on Navy Island, was allowed to enter the closed military base where the Titchfield Hotel stood not once but three times (something only someone with the charm of Flynn himself could accomplish) and has traveled to Havana 12 times to give his famous Havana Writer’s Retreat to lucky writers from around the world. He knows every footstep Flynn made in Havana. He lives in Canada so his major medical expenses are going to be covered but we all know that it is worry about the daily expenses, bills not paid because employer benefits are thin and run out and we know that being able to afford the right foods and vitamins to help him fight cancer can make all the difference in a positive attitude and a good fight against cancer.

I don’t want our dear friend to stress over not having the funds to make a good fight of this, or worry about things that he can’t afford while undergoing chemo that is going to start almost immediately. If there are generous hearts among you, I know you will find a way to donate something toward making our Flynn friend comfortable and ease his mind about being safe and able to fight as hard as he can to save his life. Those who know him have experienced his generosity and kindness over and over again and his great sense of humor, his abilities as an editor and creative. I think if anybody deserves a bit of support it is Dennis Mullen …

I thank you all personally for reading this and for anything you may be able to do to help. Please share the following link in your social medias and send it to people who you think would like to help, too.…

These campaigns succeed or fail based on how many people share these links. It’s very important to spread them around and let people know about this. A ten dollar donation or more will make an incredible difference!


— David DeWitt


The Woman Who Sparked Errol’s Interest in the Arts

05 Jan


Russian Prima Ballerina Anna Pavlova, who Errol saw during her legendary J. C. Williamson tour of Australia in the 1920s.

Was she also the first woman Errol “fell desperately in love with”?……

The man behind the theatrical company that brought her to Australia – J. C. Williamson.…

— Tim


Confidentially Speaking

02 Jan

Bruce Cabot’s X Screws Hollywood…

Errol patrice francesca bruce

Errol & Mo fight back………

Flynn big confidential…

Maureen O'hara testifying against Confiedentail

And don’t forget the Musical!…

— Tim


Dive Bomber Quiz

21 Dec

For all devoted Dive Bomber students and scholars:

Dive Bomber student gif

Anyone know the manufacturer and nomenclature of the planes in this photo with Lt. Lee?

Errol on a Scooter during Dive Bomber

— Tim


Warbirds of “Dive Bomber” – The Sara’s Air Group 3 – Navy Ace Butch O’Hare

19 Dec

The USS Saratoga was at Bremerton Shipyard during filming of Dive Bomber. While it was there, however, it’s Air Group 3 was detached to the USS Enterprise in San Diego and nearby North Island Air Base on Coronado, thereby making it possible for it’s aircraft to be included it the film. Most famously, Navy pilot Butch O’Hare was part of Air Group 3 at that time, took part in the movie, and, less than a year later, won the Medal of Honor. The busiest airport in the world is now named after him , O’Hare International. Watch the fascinating on video below on Butch O’Hare. Legend has it Al Capone killed his Dad.

The Saratoga was on it’s way to San Diego from Bremerton when Pearl Harbor was attacked.


uss_saratoga plaque


— Tim