Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

No. 1 for Apple Records

31 Mar

What was the first record pressed by Apple Records ?

It wasn’t “Those were the Days”

Na, it wasn’t “Hey Jude”

It wasn’t performed by The Beatles, but, rather, by a very famous singer who knew Flynn.

For many years few ever heard the recording, but a beautiful Flynn Mother Should’ve Known:

— Tim


Now Playing On Google Play

15 Feb

“In the age of tent pole cinema and big-budget blockbusters, it’s not as easy to access mid-tier action movies as it used to be. Thankfully that’s an abandoned market that home entertainment and digital platforms have been able to exploit with services like Google Play bridging the gap.”


“An action movie only in the sense that the subject of this biopic’s life was full of action, but those elements make In Like Flynn much more than your standard ‘here’s a retrospective on a Hollywood icon’. If you happened to see this in Australian theatres, you might be a wizard because it unfortunately barely breathed for a moment before hitting home entertainment. It follows the wild early days of Hollywood star Errol Flynn before he blew up on the international stage.”…

— Tim


“Errol Flynn with Breasts”

02 Dec

A First Lady of the Vegas Strip*…

“Her time with Grant was recalled by Deirdre Flynn, Errol Flynn’s daughter, whom Medford had met in Los Angeles.

“I used to see Cary when he came to pick her up,” said Flynn, who now lives in Las Vegas. “She mentioned that he did want her to have his child, but that wasn’t for Lisa. Even to this day, she’s still full of the devil, still feisty.”

* “Medford , 74, shows a real $100 chip from the Riviera Hotel on the Las Vegas strip paying tribute to Kim Krantz (from left), the first dancer signed to a contract at the Riviera; Ruth Gillis, the first showgirl ever signed at the Riviera; and herself, the first semi-nude showgirl ever signed at the Riviera.”

— Tim


Jack Marino shares a Special Photo …

29 Nov


Signed, and dedicated to Rory! Thanks for sharing, Jack!

— David DeWitt



25 Sep

Was Albert Einstein one of Errol’s amazing universe of friends? Absolutely, relates this relatively unknown account. Is this just Hollywood spin? An unproven theory?…

Periodically, Einstein did circulate with a cluster of mega-stars from LA LA Land. But, in the orbit of Errol? For the reasons postulated? Improbable perhaps, but, as with all things Flynn, not astronomically impossible. Here’s A.E. with J.W., four years before Errol arrived from another world:…

And he was a high-flying star in a film at Warner Brothers …

— Tim


“First Time as an Adult”

14 Sep

And as a goat, I presume (a non-horny goat, no less)

Featuring Sean Flynn/Directed by Steve Latshaw

Very funny stuff! Great job Sean & Steve.…

— Tim



18 Aug

In the Mail Bag we receive this nice inquiry from French film director Raphael Millet. Unfortunately, I do not have any hi res scans or photos of this poster and am wondering if any of you can help him out?  He writes:


I found your contact on the Errol Flynn blog.

I am a French film director, producer and critic.

I love Errol Flynn’s movies.

I also have a passion for Sean Flynn, and great interest in the later part of his life (from 1965 onwards).

I am currently writing a long article about the movie FIVE ASHORE IN SINGAPORE for a magazine published in Singapore.

I have many images of it, including French lobby cards, posters in various languages. But I have no poster of the film in English, and I think this would be most relevant for a publication in English.

I noticed that you have a very nice poster in your collection (see image here attached).

Would it be possible to ask you for a very good high res copy or photo of it, if you have any, in order to have it reproduced in the magazine, together with my article?

It would be a nice way to celebrate Sean Flynn and to pay tribute to his Singaporean adventure.

In exchange, I’d be very happy to have a copy of the magazine being mailed to you, upon publication (around October).

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Raphael Millet

— David DeWitt


The Flynns Were In

20 Jul

In Southern California from Northern Ireland, sailing on the Sirocco, 79 years ago, ~ July 20, 1939.

Rosemary, Errol, Lili, Professor Flynn, and Marelle. The Professor was on summer break as Dean of Sciences Faculty at Queens University in Belfast.

— Tim


In Like Flynn Will Soon Be Out

08 Jul

“In Like Flynn will be released later this year through Umbrella (Films)”

“[It] will be in cinemas by October 2018 in Australia.”

“It’s a different film and kinda unlike anything that’s come out of Australia.”

— Tim


Tina’s Love of a Father

17 Jun

Beautiful, Tina. Thank You and God Bless.

— Tim