“Spotlight on Errol Flynn”, Movie-Radio Guide, June 1940
“Unfortunate for Flynn fans, Proud Papa Errol has set his foot down on having photos taken of the infant.”
— Tim
“Spotlight on Errol Flynn”, Movie-Radio Guide, June 1940
“Unfortunate for Flynn fans, Proud Papa Errol has set his foot down on having photos taken of the infant.”
— Tim
Dressin’ Like Flynn, Sean Flynn
Nigel Cabourn spring/summer 2018 collection presentation | LFWM
— Tim
Harrison Carroll – Los Angeles Evening Herald Express
June 8, 1939
For the first time since Hollywood gave stardom and world-wide fame to Errol Flynn, the Irish actor and his family are to have a reunion.
It will take place here, revealed Flynn today, with the arrival of his mother and his sister, Rosemary, in about two weeks. The star’s father, Theodore Thompson Flynn, who is dean of the faculty of science at Queen’s University in Belfast, alsi is expected on the coast after a brief stay in New York.
According to the actor, it has been more than three years since he has seen his parents.
Asked if his 19-year-old sister might also seek a film career, Flynn laughed and shook his head.
“She’s the clever one in the family”, he explained, “she’s studying medicine.”
But what if some studio offer’s her a test? The star was then asked.
“In that case”, said Flynn, “I’ll probably handle the deal.”
This visit will be the first time any of the star’s family has been inside a motion picture studio. They’ll have an opportunity to watch Flynn work before the camera with Bette Davis in Elizabeth and Essex.
— Tim
Hanging out with Helen Mirren, Rod Stewart, and a host of Hollywood and Rock ‘n’ Roll others …
See the show in Beverly Grove …
— Tim
With hurricane season rapidly approaching in Florida, here is a rarely seen photo of Errol and Nora arriving in Miami in the wake of “Hurricane George”, “one of the most powerful and largest storms ever to hit SE Florida.” www.wunderground.com…
1947 was the first year the U.S. Air Force officially assigned names to hurricanes. The worst hurricane that year was Hurricane George, aka “the Fort Lauderdale Hurricane”, because of the Category 4 havoc it caused in Fort Liquordale. It caused extensive damage in Louisiana and Mississippi, also.
“Errol Flynn and his wife, Nora, are pictured on their arrival here by plane from Jamaica. Their flight course closely paralleled the course of the hurricane. ‘Shocking and sad, ‘ Flynn said of storm-wrecked Miami.” Flynn and wife are shown on the stairs of an airplane.” September 20, 1947.
In October, the long-delayed filming of The Adventures of Don Juan began in California.
Orange represents Category 4 winds:
Man on Miami Beach, where there was major flooding and damage, including to 334 hotels:
— Tim
1000th Night of Don Juan (January 2, 1958) (On the Road from Venice to Padua)
Declasse (April 5, 1957)
Girl in Blue Jeans (February 22, 1956)(1950’s England)
Fortunes of War (October 11, 1956) (Revolutionary France)
Rescued (April 13, 1957)
The Duel (June 6, 1956)
The Kinsman (June 12, 1956)
The Sealed Room (January 12, 1956)
Strange Auction (Ireland) (May 17, 1957)
Wife of the Czar (Russia) (September 16, 1956)
— Tim
Soccer, Football, Tennis (& Motorbiking)
Yesterday while at the Palm Beach History Museum, I had the great fortune and pleasure of meeting a Palm Beach contemporary of Sean’s and of George Hamilton, who funded and hosted the film and exhibit we were viewing. Out of our conversation spun some spontaneous research leading to the following confirmation that Sean played both flag football and soccer for his school, the Palm Beach Private Day School.
From the Palm Beach Post:
Soccer Begins
February 1957
“The Palm Beach Private School varsity teams and Ransom School of Miami played to a 1-1 tie in the local school’s first home soccer game of the season here Thursday. The one goal for Palm Beach was scored by Sean Flynn.”
October, 1956
“Palm Beach Private Day School opens its touch football season today at 2 p.m. against Webster-Tufts School at Lake Worth. Line-up for the Private School: Bob Kolb, RE, Dale McNulty, C, Sean Flynn, LE, Nick Smith, QB, John Logsdon. RH, and ….”
Summer, 1956
And here’s Sean with Errol only a few months earlier, in the summer of ’56. He looks very happy and proud to be with his Dad, an occasion that surely helped inspire and enhance Sean’s athletic success that ’56/’57 school year.
Gigi Phillips, a schoolmate of Sean’s, recalls:
“I went to school with Sean at Palm Beach Private back in the 50’s. He was older than I was, but was always so kind to me. Once he left Palm Beach, he would return to the school on his vacation. I have fond memories of him helping me with my math homework.
“Sean was a fine teenager when I knew him. Friendly to everyone, even the younger students. Gave anyone who asked rides on his motorcycle. His mother doted on him. I’m sure she was devastated when he disappeared.”
And from the gorgeous Gita Hall, who was dating Errol during this time, in fact she and Errol were out on the town in the Big Apple quite a bit the very week of Sean’s soccer success in early February of ’57:
“I knew Sean through his father who was so proud of him. I watched him play tennis, got to spend some quality time with him on several occasions. What a rare outstanding young man and what a tragedy that he lost his life at such a young age.”
— Tim
A Compelling Urgency
‘Clung to the side of a hovercraft’: Mike Herr and Sean Flynn at Dong Tam Lagoon, 1968. Photo: Tim Page
— Tim