Thanks, Rory!
— David DeWitt
Thanks, Rory!
— David DeWitt
Posted in Candids, Flynn and..., Friends & Family, Mail Bag, Rory Flynn, Ships & the Sea
Our great friend and tireless researcher Karl Holmberg sends us this fascinating Mike Wallace interview with John Barrymore’s daughter Diana and it’s fascinating …
Thanks, Karl!
— David DeWitt
Posted in Flynn and..., Flynn-related, Friends & Family, Mail Bag
Rory Flynn tells me she just signed a contract to allow a new board game to be produced based on movie adventures of her father Errol Flynn! She sends us a copy of the proposal ad … No idea when the game would be available as yet but how exciting is this?
Thanks, Rory!
— David DeWitt
Posted in Collectibles, Flynn and..., Flynn-related, Friends & Family, Mail Bag, News Flash, Promo, Rory Flynn
Our brother-in-Arms Jack Marino sends these photos of Pat Wymore’s grave marker next to Flynn’s!
Jack, we tip our hat to you …
— David DeWitt
Posted in Flynn and..., Flynn-related, Friends & Family, Mail Bag
Dear fellow Flynn fans,
I came acoss a curious statement in the obituary (…) of nazitorious biographer Charles Higham.
“Higham had a delight in the macabre and the absurd, exemplified by his invitation to the English widow of Hermann Erben for dinner in Los Angeles with a Flynn double, Chuck Pilleau. Higham coaxed from her a bizarre revelation: SS agent Erben was circumcised.”
Now more interesting than Dr. Erben`s anatomy is that another little known stuntman, stand- in or stooge of Errol is brought into play, a certain Charles Pilleau.
I found an entry on this virtually unrecorde go- to gent, posted by a friend of his, a one time actor and passionate golfer:
“All I know is that I found a picture on the web of a suppossedly Errol swinging a golf club. And it was a lefty swing? I wish I knew how to post it here. I was given an old “Brassie, driver” by my old friend that I used to rent an apartment from in Hollywierd in the early 80’s ( N Franklin & Hollywood Blvd ). I was studying acting, rasing hell around town and just enjoying my youth (srtaight). His name was Chuck “Sir Charles Pilleau”. What a charachter and friend. He was long in the tooth with some great stories. He took a liking to me cause I’m a Texas boy. I as well enjoyed his company as I used to help him around town to get his tasks done since he only had one eye and a lung left. Don’t feel sorry. I saw some of the gals that old Chuck had over from time to time. He had the charm. Another of our friends eventually aided old Chuck in finding his way back to Australia where I heard he passed a few years later. I know that he was FLynns buddy cause he had all the pictures hangin on the walls and the stories were abundant and in line with everything that I had heard about Flynn. Except there were no gay stories from Chuck. The gay stories according to him were an attempt to ruin him. I believe my friend Chuck Pilleau………Still Puzzled About This Old Brassie Driver……….Was Errol right handed or not? I haven’t answered it yet. Pardon…..distracted with memmories of my pal Chuck. He seemed almost “life like” to Errols immage and mannerisims…..John Horton el************@ao*.com. ”
Unfortunately when I tried to contact Mr. Horton to putt him the photo pictured above as answer to his question, I came across another obituary:…
Enjoy while you can,
— shangheinz
Ada here,
I am sending along the first of two pix of, I assume, one of your favorites, Lily Damita.
This one, I am not positive about. I believe it was taken by Errol during a trip to Catalina Island approx July 7th, 1938, during the holiday week when Errol was off. I can identify no one except Lily. Do you have any info on this shot?
I’ll toss it out to the world, Ada! Very nice, rare candid …
— David DeWitt
Posted in Candids, Flynn and..., Flynn-related, Friends & Family, Mail Bag
Who’s the Mystery Lady Sean’s a’Kissin’ and Serenadin’??
Added September 1:
Have Faith Sean!
— Tim
Posted in Gentleman Tim, Main Page, QUIZ PAGE, Sean Flynn
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