Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

A Manly Young Errol — At Mrs. Robinson’s House

02 Jan

Decades ahead of Dustin:

Errol at Mrs. Robinson’s House (in Manly, Australia)…

Look how lovely Lily looks (on the far left).

errol  in manly

— Tim


CIFF – T Minus 2

02 Jan

The Coronado Island Film Festival, January 15-18

Featuring Errol, Rory & Sean Flynn

Hosted by Leonard Maltin



Errol at the Holtel del Pool

Errol playing tennis hotel del

Hotel Del withpool

— Tim


New Years with Errol — Ring in with Flynn

31 Dec

New Years with Nora And Ida:…

Errol and Nora

On the A++ Guest List at one or more of Jack & Mary Benny’s legendarily lavish New Years Eve Parties:
Lucy lived right next to the Benny’s, on Roxbury…


— Tim


Countdown to Coronado

26 Dec

Three Weekends Away…



Closeup on Flynn


— Tim


Celebration of Errol on Coronado

17 Dec

Only a Month Away!





Renowned movie critic, author and television personality Leonard Maltin joins the Coronado Island Film Festival (CIFF) in invting filmmakers everywhere, from aspiring student to respected pro, to experience Coronado’s legendary hospitality for one long holiday weekend in the historic seaside village of Coronado, California, where makers and lovers of film have gathered for more than a century.

Dive Bomber

Dive Bomber, the 1941 classic starring the dashing Errol Flynn as a young Naval aviator. Filmed in Coronado, with scenes of the Hotel Del and North Island, this film is a reminder of how exciting filmmaking was, even in the pre-digital age. The film will be introduced by Errol Flynn’s daughter, Rory Flynn, and his grandson, actor Sean Flynn, followed by a Q and A.

Plus, a Special Tribute to Errol’s Fascinating History on Coronado.


— Tim


Errol Flynn at Home — Ready to Swing

07 Dec

Errol with the Stars & Angels

Scroll down to the fifth clip, from the WPA Film Library, titled “Celebs at PCL Baseball Game”.

See Errol “playing baseball”, looking better at the plate than DiMaggio.*


Despite Errol’s best efforts and magnificent batting stance, this is just not cricket.…



* Joltin’ Joe’s wife once wowed the crowd at this very same venue, long gone Gilmore Field,along with one of EF’s best friends, the great Mickey Rooney.



** It’s a close call, but Chuck Connors may have been in the pre-game show and playing for the Angels at this event with Errol, before he himself became a Hollywood star of the cinematic type, though not nearly as incandescent as either Errol or Marilyn.

— Tim


Flynn and Stone

07 Dec

“Forever Enshrined, Young and Alive

From The Reel Banditos new album, “Indochina, Expanded”…

— Tim


Mail Bag! Wallace Berry Remembers …

25 Nov

The Mail Bag brings a reply from Wallace Berry to a post by Gentleman Tim. See the original post

David, Pat Paterson had been on Zaca during its war service. Pat and Babe Lamerdin, Jack Geary and Eric Johnson had all been down in the So Pacific during WW2. They were the original crew that moved Zaca to Newport, and put her in the great condition she was on departure. My tie in was two fold – a Boston Blue nose schooner we owned and sailed on and being part of location/purchase of Zaca with Errol. At the time I was one of the founders of Sausalito yacht club. I was not a professional. I was still in high school.

At the time Flynn, in Newport, suggested a guest crewman spot for me to France on the upcoming trip – that was in the framework of Pat, Babe, Jack all going. My dad approved my going at the time – because of them. At the Mulholland meeting – their salary request was disputed – the next morning on the ship Pat advised I had the ship. And so it stood until departure from Santa Monica.

As to the “cabin Boy” bit – that cropped up with Nora about the time of Acapulco and lasted for about a day. The Hollywood gang had scampered off to LA and that left Bob, Bill, Vince (Hubbs man) and myself – save two or three Mexican crew hired there. We had the 17 Higgins runabout a nice little design and the 26 double ender powered with a little Grey engine. I remained aboard for a time doing light chores and spending time with the Pullen and Shoundoly families. The magazine, newspaper stuff created some reaction in my family (my Dad was KMAG in Korea, at the time) resulting in strong advice to bailout. My injury was also a cause for concern – that’s when I headed for Fort Sam Houston and Brooks hospital.

I did not return to my senior year instead did the GED while in Letterman Presidio and from there was first mate on a large motor yacht owned by the man who ran Pacific Telephone – he fired me and sent me in a direction that put me in the stock market as the youngest trader (for awhile – soon overtaken) …

Time to go, wb

Wallace, thanks so much! We are honored that you take the time to reply …

— David DeWitt


Remembering Patrice Wymore

08 Aug

Thanks to Suzanne Issa for pointing bus towards this article remembering actress and Rancher Patrice Wymore.


— David DeWitt


The Style Of Lili Damita and Olivia leaves town

31 Mar

I had commented on another thread respect a Baby shower for Sean. This shower was given to Lili by several Hollywood notables.  No photo unfortunately!…

Of course there was a description of what she was wearing:  An Orange Angel Skin Swagger Jacket with Gold Buttons (of course!).   I managed to find a sample of a 1950’s Swagger Jacket:

1950's Swagger Coat  But not “Angel skin”  and no I don’t think she skinned an angel to get it!

What I missed was the little comment on the same page noting that Olivia De Havilland had gone east (to Boston) for 6 weeks (this would be 1941) to recuperate from her Appendectomy that January. My female intuition tells me – “I don’t want to be here when the child is born” . I wonder.

Thanks to Tim for the additional information and photos of the guests at the baby shower too! The original post is under “Lost Brothers- In Memory of Sean”.

— Maria