Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

Errol and Patrice

24 Sep

Errol Flynn Wedding

In searching for information on Anthony Quinn I came across a web-site for Edward Quinn with a photo of Errol and Patrice at their civil wedding ceremony in Monaco.  This photo looks familiar to me so if it has already been posted – sorry.  Also- there is a clear watermark across it but I felt that as long as I credit the photographer I should be Ok. If not I won’t be offended if the photo is removed.

Mr. Quinn’s portfolio recalls the Golden days!


— Maria


Errol and Anthony

23 Sep


Hi- I found an old post from the blog from 2009 regarding the HUGE joke that Errol played on Anthony Quinn so I am now re-reading Anthony’s book “One Man Tango”. This is a fantastic read as I knew nothing about Anthony Quinn’s life (well except that he seemed to have lots of children) and I did not know how much he cared about Errol. The photo is (apparently) from John Barrymore’s funeral.



— Maria


When the Baron met the baron

23 Sep

Sepy Dubronyi

My dear fellow Flynn fans,

I want to bring your attention to one more colorful personality our Hollywood hero was attracting so often.

Joseph Dobronyi, born in small town Bicske of Hungary on April 2oth of 1922, was carrying the hereditary title of a baron bestowed on his family for defending the homeland against the Turks way back. Nicknamed “Sepy” (which corrisponds to “Little Joe” in Austrian language) he was a fighter pilot in WWII, narrowly escaping death when shot down and suffering burns to his neck because his scarf caught fire. After a brief stint as POW of the Russian Army, he managed to turn his back on fighting walking from Budapest to Stockholm/Sweden, a mere 1000 miles, which took him 6 months and maybe just as many boots.

It was there that he picked up the craft of jewelery designer as well as speaking Swedish, which should serve him well later in life. He supposedly spoke 5 languages, most of them all at once.

A traveller by heart, one day he took a flight to Caracas which made a stop in Havana. He decided on the spot that he needn`t go any further and that he had reached his dream destination. He set up an Art Center exhibiting artworks of local artists. Music was a feature there too, with Sepy assisting on the bongos.

He is also credited for coming up with the idea of transforming a shop into a tavern, which to this day is known as “la Bodeguita”.

It was there that he met celebrities from all over the world and became an international fixture himself. Ernest Hemingway entrusted Sepy with guiding him home to his villa, when completely out of orderly conduct.

The first encounter with Errol stems from the filming of “The big Boodle” in Cuba. They must have hit it off immediately, mostly because Dobronyi`s résumé (war pilot, noble man, globetrotter, lady-art-wine lover…). Flynn even made him production manager of “Cuban Rebel Girls” his second time around.

Read more of their encounters in my “Cuba Libre”- piece here:…

When Castro took over from Batista, it was deja vu all over again for the Hungarian baron. His strong anti communist sentiment let him take the ferry to Florida and apply for the American citizenship.

It was there on a film set when he met newly arrived Swedish Export Anita Eckberg. While everyboy was vying for the attention of this blond bombshell, he simply took her in offering her to go and grab a sandwich in Swedish. They even contemplated marrying in Las Vegas. But it was not to be, since the galcier was a vulcano and Sepy no paper-, but a paprika tiger.

He rose to fame and fortune in the US fabricating golden statuettes of female stars and starletts in the nude, amongst them Anita Eckberg, Ava Gardner and…Beverly Aadland! Errol ordered one of those knee high gold and bronze (legend has it that the precious metals were melted gold coins from sunken Spanish ships off the Cuban coast) plated figurines of his young companion for his Jamaican home. He didn`t live to collect it.

Sepy settled in Coconut Grove, imported primitive wood works from Bali and befriended Hugh Hefner. His architecturally acclaimed house had the shape of his zodiac sign-  Taurus. The film “Lady in cement” with Frank Sinatra was filmed there as well as a (in)famous flic called “Deep throat”.

The Baron and the baron sure were two of a mind.




— shangheinz



15 Sep






I’ll start posting alphabetically, with hope and encouragement that all of you will join in by posting other names & photos of The Flynn Crowd!

— Tim


Luke Flynn’s Inn?

10 Sep



— Tim



31 May




Mystery Woman with Errol in Jamaica

10 Apr

Who is the lady?

— David DeWitt


Clearing the Air – Sean Flynn Mystery

27 Dec

May-21-2010 06:11

Clearing the Air for Missing Photojournalist Sean Flynn's Family

Read this comprehensive Report at…

— David DeWitt


Hugh “Bud” Ernst – Best Friend to Errol Flynn

02 Jul
7 June 35 loses her heart as well as her appendix when hospitalized recently. Hugh B.”Bud” Ernst, radio announcer and entertainer and former movie cameraman, is in the same hospital convalescing from injuries received in an auto accident. The two meet and have “dates” riding around the corridors together in wheelchairs.
12 June 35 columnist Robert Coons reports: “.and here's Lyda Roberti who just celebrated a birthday anniversary, not knowing how old she is because her parents each insisted on a different year as the one in which she was born.”
19 June 35 Bud Ernst pilots Lili Damita and Errol Flynn to Yuma, Arizona, for their wedding. He is best man and plans to take Lyda and make it a double ceremony, but she is unable to get off work.
25 June 35 marries Hugh “Bud” Ernst in Yuma, Arizona. Ernst, an expert flyer, takes his plane out of a hangar in the afternoon, grabs her away from the studio where she is making a movie, and flies the two in his plane. The ceremony is performed by Justice E. A. Freeman, the “Marrying Justice in Yuma.” There is no honeymoon; the two return to Hollywood a few hours later. Ernst has to land the plane in darkness and on an unfamiliar field. They intended to return before sundown, but it is 8:30 p.m. before he arrives over Mines Field. He shaves some trees and high tension wires and eventually drops the wheels, not on the field, but on rough ground nearby. She is shaken by the landing.
3 July 35 Jack Oakie, who worked with her in The Big Broadcast of 1935, says she has one of the fastest wits he's ever come across. “One reason that we got along so well was just that we both liked laughs.”
5 July 35 is sent to hospital by a recurrence of a recent illness just as she is preparing a honeymoon trip to Panama and on to New York with her husband of one week. She will be confined to bed for ten days.
10 July 35 columnist Dan Thomas reports: “Blond Lyda Roberti and her brand-new husband Bud Ernst are too interested in each other to pay any attention to menus or a waiting waitress.”
17 July 35 in her penthouse apartment, she talks about her recent marriage, with her handsome 6'-4″ husband sitting on the sofa: “I am happy for many reasons, but one of the principal ones is that my marriage will end my loneliness. It is such a change to come home to my apartment and find someone here, someone with whom I can talk over everything, and laugh a little at things that have occurred during the day. The world moves very fast in Hollywood. There is a constant parade of personalities. It is very confusing. One meets many persons, but gets to know very few.I suppose it is true in any large city. There is nothing like a family to anchor one and give a feeling of 'belonging' in the world that surrounds. In my case, that is particularly true. My mother and father are far off in the Orient. I have a brother and sister in this country, but they live thousands of miles away. But how can a movie actress be lonely in Hollywood? I have been asked many times. That is simple. It takes a long time to make good friends and without good friends, one is lonesome.”
19 August 35 columnist James Aswell reports that Josephine Dillion, who used to be Mrs. Clark Gable and who coached him in camera prancing, is giving Lyda daily workouts in Thespian trickery
6 September 35 an unnamed travel agent tells about the difficulties of selling airline tickets to the stars, many of whom still prefer to travel by train and ship: “I stalked Lyda Roberti for eleven days. When I finally found her, she was gracious enough, but I lost her eventually. She and her husband, Bud Ernst, went East by boat.”
36 lives in a white-walled apartment with a blond cocker spaniel named Herman, a black and white coach dog called Adolph, a gray-haired housekeeper who goes by the name of Coulter, and a black-haired personal made, Sonia. There used to be a husband named Bud Ernst, but he doesn't live with her any more, and she's getting a divorce. Coulter used to cook for Lili Damita and prepares fancy foreign food. Sonia speaks Polish almost exclusively and whips together all of the cosmetics used by Lyda, who doesn't care for the manufactured brands. Sonia also causes no end of trouble-unknowingly insults people with her poor English, frequently goes into temperamental rages, and gets telephone calls mixed up, but Lyda keeps her just the same.
when not working, she plays tennis or goes apartment hunting, with no intention at all of renting. Her brother is her chauffer. She once tried to learn to drive and cracked into a lamp post on her third lesson. She hasn't been behind a wheel since.
27 May 36 announces through her attorney, George Chasin, that she has parted from husband Ernst. Chasin says she expects to file suit for annulment shortly but refused to reveal on which grounds annulment would be sought.
29 August 36 is forced to withdraw from Wives Never Know at Paramount due to illness. She is replaced by Vivienne Osborne.
17 September 36 replaces the late Thelma Todd as Patsy Kelly's partner in the Hal Roach comedy series. With her thick Polish accent, she will portray a dizzy, word-juggling dame buffeted about by tough, wise-cracking Patsy, who has an accent herself, picked up on New York's East Side. She is happy about becoming the other half of a comedy team: “It eez vonderful. Seductive? I em not that. Comedy, that eez what I have wanted to play on the screen for three years. Instead, yes, they make me go around vamping. No, I didn't like that. Happy. I am that now. I weel show them I am funny. Patsy, she eez vonderful. She gives other people, what you say, the break. Mr. Roach, he eez vonderful. At last I can be funny instead of eye rolling at the men.” On losing her nationality she says: “Many times they tell me to learn English. But I don't vant to. I don't vant to. I think better it eez to stay as I am.”
November 36 moves into a new house and has fun decorating it. The more colors in the living room, the better she likes it. She says she and the interior decorators never agree. She spends the first night sleeping on a camp cot; the new furniture hasn't arrived.
15 November 36 is such a hit in her first scenes in a Hal Roach-MGM feature production, that her option is picked up by the Hal Roach Studios
19 November 36 Jimmie Fidler reports: “Lyda Roberti was the big gasp at the very hotsy-totsy Trocadero night club a few evenings ago. She arrived here clad in an evening gown with a long train. When she danced, the train got in her way, and Lyda has no patience with things that annoy her. She did exactly what I will wager many another woman has lacked nerve to do, strode into the ladies' powder room, borrowed a pair of scissors, calmly snipped off the irritating train.”
36 – 38 is forced to curtail her film career because of frequent heart attacks
31 January 37 is secretly reconciled with her husband. They are afraid to announce the event because they're not sure it will last.
31 January 38 she and her husband are sued over a $122 grocery bill. Grocer William F. Webb claims he delivered the food to their Hollywood home last year and has not been paid.
13 March 38 suffers a severe heart attack during the night. Dr. Myron Babcock is called to her apartment and gives her heart stimulants, but to no avail. She dies with her husband, Hugh (Bud) Ernst, radio announcer, at her bedside.
15 March 38 a thousand or more gardenias and lilies cover her casket in a Hollywood mortuary. Four hundred persons pack the room. Floral tributes arrive from Lili Damita and Errol Flynn, Al Jolson, Patsy Kelly, Ginger Rogers, Jack Oakie, Wendie Barrie, Joe E. Brown, Hal Roach and Stan Laurel. Funeral services are conducted by Reverend Holmes.
as Lyda Roberti Ernst, she is interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Graceland section, lot 1628. Her headstone bears a line from Song of Solomon 2:17: “…Until the day break and the shadows flee away.”
28 May 38 Jimmie Fidler reports: “I have often told you how superstitious these ladies and gentlemen of the grease paint are. Today I saw new evidence of it. I was talking on a Boulevard corner with Carole Lombard when Patsy Kelly drove by and Lombard said, 'I wouldn't be in her shoes for a million bucks. She used to co-star in comedies with Thelma Todd and Lyda Roberti, and they are both dead now.' And then in almost a whisper, she voiced one of the oldest superstitions of the theatre: 'Death always strikes three times.' I've been shuddering ever since.”
16 June 38 columnist Charles D. Sampas writes: “It's awfully hard to visualize Hollywood without Lyda Roberti-or don't you remember her in Roberta?
1 June 39 Ernst marries Gwynne Pickford, 24, daughter of Mary Pickford's sister Lottie. It is Pickford's first marriage. Their daughter Susan will be born on August 5, 1944, with their marriage on shaky ground. The couple will divorce and Ernst will marry three more times, twice to actress Betty Furness. He is producer of the '40s radio show Queen for a Day.
11 April 50 39-year-old ex-Army flyer Bud Ernst phones Neil Maguire, Journal-American assistant city editor, from his staid East Side Westbury Hotel, upset over the crumble of his marriage to actress Betty Furness. Maguire tries to soothe Ernst by telling him to think things over and to call Betty, all the while scribbling a note telling a reporter to rush to the hotel. “I'm at the end of my rope. Get a reporter here in 10 minutes. Send up and you'll get a story.” After hanging up, Ernst places the muzzle of a new 20-gauge shotgun into his mouth and pulls the trigger. A clipping of a newspaper Broadway column reporting that Ernst and Furness are to be divorced is found in the room. There are two notes, one still in the typewriter. One asks that Miss Furness be notified. The other is to “Jack,” “I am tired of everything and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.”
Betty Furness identifies the body of Bud Ernst, having been taken to his hotel by the police waiting for her on the set of “Studio One,” during which broadcast he killed himself. He had sent her a note, through the mail, which she received the day after his death, saying,”Sorry, Mommy.”

show business reaction is unanimous sympathy for Furness. Ernst was generally considered erratic. He had a luncheon reservation at the swanky Colony for the next noon.


The Ada Evening News, Centralia Daily Chronicle, Charleston Daily Mail, The Charleston Gazette, The Chronicle Telegram, The Coshocton Tribune, The, Daily Times-News, Delta Herald-Times, Dixon Evening Telegraph, The Edwardsville Intelligencer, The Evening Tribune, Fitchburg Sentinel, The Fresno Bee Republican, The Galveston Daily News, The Hammond Times, The Hayward Daily Review, The Lima News, The Lincoln Star, Long Beach Independent, The Lowell Sun, Mansfield News Journal, The Marion Star, The Monessen Daily Independent, Nevada State Journal, Oakland Tribune, The Ogden Standard-Examiner, Port Arthur News, The Portsmouth Times, The Post Standard, San Mateo Times, The Sheboygan Press, Syracuse Herald, The Times, Winnipeg Free Press, The Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune,…,…,…, Babbie Green

Errol Flynn:  He was my first and long-time friend in Hollywood, although it was this Benedict Arnold who practically forced me into my first marriage . . . .  We certainly had memorable times together in my early days behind the fog, smog, and grog curtain of Hollywood.  How many words would you like on the shock a man gets when his dear friend, a roistering, Falstaffian ruffian, suddenly goes out, buys himself a 16 double-guage shotgun, some cartridges, and blows the top of his head off.  From Inherited Risk, page 105

— Kathleen


Alan Hale

15 Mar
Date of Birth
February 10, 1892, Washington, District of Columbia
Date of Death
January 22, 1950, Hollywood, California, USA (liver ailment and viral infection)  Age 57

Birth Name  Rufus Alan MacKahan 
Alan Hale decided on a film career after his attempt at becoming an opera singer didn't pan out. He quickly became much in demand as a supporting actor, starred in several films for Cecil B. DeMille and directed others for him. With the advent of sound Hale played leads in a few films, but soon settled down into a career as one of the busiest character actors in the business. He was one of the featured members of what became known as the “Warner Brothers Stock Co.”, a corps of character actors and actresses who appeared in scores of Warner Bros. films of the 1930s and 1940s. Hale's best known role is probably in The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), one of several films he made with his friend Errol Flynn, in which he played Little John, a role he played in two other films – Robin Hood (1922) and Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950).

IMDb Mini Biography By: fr*******@ya***.com

Played either a supporting role or a cameo in 13 of his friend and fellow actor Errol Flynn's films. (Adventures of Robin Hood, Dawn Patrol, Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, Adventures of Don Juan, Prince and the Pauper, Dodge City, Santa Fe Trail, Virginia City, Footsteps in the Dark, Desperate Journey, Gentlemen Jim, Sea Hawk, The Sisters)

He holds the record for appearing as Little John in separate productions: he played the part in Robin Hood (1922), The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) and Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950), filmed just a year before he died.

— Kathleen