Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

What is Errol pointing out to Sean?

23 Jan

— Tina


Sean gets his first riding lesson from his Pro-Father!

23 Jan

— Tina


Errol and Sean ready for a trip – to show Sean the world?

23 Jan

— Tina


Errol and Sean!

23 Jan

— Tina


Father and Son having a good time – June 30, 1951

23 Jan

— Tina


Father is passing on one of his favorite sports!

23 Jan

— Tina


Errol and Paulette Goddard

02 Jan

Happy 2010 Everyone! I ran across this photo of Errol and Paulette Goddard while surfing the web this evening, thought I'd share it here~


— Bob


Happy Day at the Zoo with his girls…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt



20 Feb

Back in 2004, I met via the Internet a wonderful fellow by the name of David DeWitt. I’d purchased a CD on e-bay for a collection of radio shows from him. We began a correspondence afterward, about Errol Flynn; next thing I know, we become fast friends, separated by miles only, with a seemingly endless supply of things to talk about.
David introduced me to other Flynn fans, and also steered me towards several other interesting books, and I was able to obtain copies of each, one of which was written by Errol’s stunt double and friend, Buster Wiles. It was, and is, a great book to be sure. I became curious about Buster, and learned that he passed away two years after the book came out in 1988.
One of my hobbies is genealogy. Last fall I answered a request for a lady living in Beaverton, Oregon who was looking for ancestors that lived here. I was able to find the graves at the cemetery for her and send photos. She was very grateful and asked if she could do anything for me. On a lark, I asked her if she could check on Buster for obituary, and possibly locate his resting place. Before long, she wrote back, and sent me the newspaper notice for Buster, and also traveled to Skyline Memorial Gardens in Beaverton, and found Buster’s resting place for me, and sent some great photographs from the cemetery. I thought it rather fitting that we know where one of Errol’s best friends, and true supporters now reposes.

— Bob