Archive for the ‘Friends & Family’ Category

Family Photo

28 Aug

August 28, 1959 at the Airport

— Tim


In Like Luke – 45 Years Ago Today – August 21, 1975

21 Aug

Luke and Skye

Luke and Skye with Zyah

A Fan Sings for Luke…

— Tim


Island Cruise Quiz

16 Aug

Circa August 16, 1946, the Zaca was in the waters surrounding this island. What island is it?

Two new names came into the world and history of Errol because of Zaca’s trip to this island. What were those two names??

10PM EST – Clue No. 2 – A VERY BIG CLUE:

A Half Hour Past Midnight EST or so:

Monday, August 17, ~ 6PM EST:

Here’s a couple more Cruise Clues. Though physically very small, they are very big quiz clues – even bigger quiz-wise than the elephant seal and fur sea lion above:

Tuesday, August 18 – 10:30AM:

Wednesday – August 19 – ~ 3:10 AM:

The island is infamous for its huge and destructive goats. Here is an old photo of a couple:

— Tim



04 Aug

From Errol to Rory and Deirdre

August 4, 1959:


It hurts so much and I am so disappointed that we won’t be able to see each other this summer … I must go to Spain to try to make some money and besides the Jamaica house is not yet finished …

But whatever happens I am definitely going to pick you up and take you to Jamaica for the Christmas vacation. And you can help me get this new house fixed up and all feminine and stuff. All the things I don’t know anything about … and we’ll have horses and boats and maybe I can even fix you up with some dates, although I guess I’m going to be a little jealous when all those nice looking guys come around …

I love you so very, very much.

Your Baron

— Tim


Errol Deposed: Too Few Visits and Too Many Taxes

24 Jul

July 24, 1950
Los Angeles Herald Examiner

“Deposition filed by Screen Hero Errol Flynn (second from left) charged today he is permitted to few visits to his son by his ex-wife-actress Lili Damita, and that he is forced to pay ‘taxes on taxes’ on both income and money he gives his wife. He has petitioned for reduction in alimony payments. WIth him after court appearance are Attorney Sid Dorfman (left), for Miss Damita, and Flynn’s attorneys, Jerry Giesler (right) and Bob Ford.”

— Tim


Cruisin’ with Professor Flynn

21 Jul

July 21, 1946 – New York Times
“Errol Flynn’s Father Here For Expedition”

“Theodore Thomson Flynn, Professor of Zoology at Queens College, Belfast, Ireland, and the father of Errol Flynn, screen actor, arrived yesterday on the United States liner Washington, which docked at Pier 62, North River, from Le Havre, Southampton and Cobh.”

Cruisin’ on United States liner Washington

Pier 62 – Now the Northernmost of the Chelsea Piers

July 29, 1946 – Los Angeles Times.
“Errol Flynn’s Father Arrives to Join Cruise”

The Flynn Family to Research the Tuna Family

Cruise of the Zaca

— Tim


Father Flynn’s First Visit to Hollywood

16 Jul

July 15, 1939

— Tim


“An Unscrupulous Writer”

12 Jul

On July 11, 1981, UPI reported that Rory and Deirdre sued low-life Chuck Higham, correctly describing him as:

“An unscrupulous writer with gross imagination given to extravagant charges, deceit and defamation of deceased persons as his modus operandi of authorship.”

“A skilled and practiced character assassin who used the law preventing libel suits of relatives of a deceased person to defame the family without any threat of legal action.”

UPI News Report

Our Man Flynn by Tony Thomas
Tony Thomas cites another outrageously unscrupulous writer and notorious fraud in his “Our Man Flynn” article -Falseman Capote.

Brava Rory & Deirdre!!

— Tim


A Father’s Day Tribute to Errol from Bariebel

22 Jun

Here is a wonderful music video from Bariebel, aka preeminent EFB Author Tina Nyary. Thank you, Tina!

Btw, Tina toasted twice on Saturday to Errol’s 111th from Toronto (I think Toronto) with an 18-year-old Glennfiddich Malt Whiskey – once by her pool in the afternoon, and once in the evening!!

— Tim


Flynn Family Reunion — Happy 30th Errol

08 Jun

June 8, 1939

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

For the first time since Hollywood gave stardom and world-wide fame to Errol Flynn, the Irish actor and his family are to have a reunion.

It will take place here, revealed Flynn today, with the arrival of his mother and heis sister, Rosemary, in about two weeks. The star’s father, Theodore Thompson Flynn, who is the dean of science at Queen’s University in Belfast, also is expected on the coast after a brief stay in New York.

According to the actor, it is more than three years since he has seen his parents.

This family reunion coincided with Errol’s 30th Birthday on June 20, 1939.

Errol Greets His Dad

United with his sister Rosemary

On Catalina with His Mom and Dad

— Tim