Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

Traveling Time & World with the Errol Flynn Theatre

18 Mar

1000th Night of Don Juan (January 2, 1958) (On the Road from Venice to Padua)…

Declasse (April 5, 1957)…

Girl in Blue Jeans (February 22, 1956)(1950’s England)…

Fortunes of War (October 11, 1956) (Revolutionary France)…

Rescued (April 13, 1957)…

The Duel (June 6, 1956)…

The Kinsman (June 12, 1956)…

The Sealed Room (January 12, 1956)…

Strange Auction (Ireland) (May 17, 1957)…

Wife of the Czar (Russia) (September 16, 1956)…

— Tim


Eireann Errol?

17 Mar

How Irish was Flynn?

Still widely regarded as an Irishman, even more so in his Hollywood hey days, how Irish was Errol in reality? Genetically and culturally?

The name Flynn and his father’s apparent ancestral and professional connections to Ireland seem to indicate Errol had some significant percentage of Irish blood, but how much? He also seemed to treasure and/or at least play up his Irish. He may not have liked being portrayed as a American-Irish motorcycle cop, as he was initially by Warners, but he did seem to relish the roles of Peter Blood and Gentleman Jim. His fighting spirit appeared Irish in nature also. And he did go by Flynnie in his early days. How much of it was real, and how much was theater, perhaps designed to make big green off of the huge population of Irish-American movie fans?

What do you think, me fellow fans of Flynn?………

— Tim


Companion Piece

16 Mar


Adjunct to the “(Cooking) Out Like Flynn” post put up earlier today, I offer the following quiz:

With what poet did Errol once share a steak and very-specially-boiled potato on the beach?

Clue Numero Uno: A renowned travel and culinary writer raved about the potato.

Clue Numero Dos: It happened in F.L.A.

Clue Numero Tres: At least two of the three steak and potato eaters mentioned were authorities on cocktails.

— Tim


(Cooking) Out Like Flynn

16 Mar

March 16, 1937, in the Los Angeles Evening Herald Express


Green Light Hero Does His Cooking Best Outside

In the opinion of Errol Flynn, cooking is best in the great open spaces.

Flynn, the Irish actor, author, world-traveler and soldier-of-fortune now starring in the Cosmopolitan production of Green Light, which closes tonight at Warners’ Hollywood and Downtown, is a great admirer of culinary delicacies.

“You can’t do food real justice,” he contends “unless it’s cooked in the open. I’d trade the finest kitchen range anytime for a small plot under the trees by an open stream.”

Flynn learned the art of cookery beside roaring bonfires. His tutors were natives of New Guinea, Australia, and the uncharted islands in the South Seas.

He discovered that they know more about cooking and seasoning than most of the civilized races of the earth.


Here’s Errol shopping on Catalina for one of his famous pig-on-a-spit backyard roasts:

And here he is on a picnic with Livvie:

— Tim


Errol’s Barman at “London’s Most Famous Hotel”

15 Mar

Here’s the story on Joe Gilmore, former barman at the Savoy Hotel’s “American Bar” in London.…

Flynn, Neil Armstrong, Lady Di, he served them all.

For Errol, served rare Vodka with red pepper, as recounted in the article below.…

Errol at the Savoy in ’54, Joe’s first year at the “American Bar”…

Here’s Errol at the Savoy, Joe’s first year at the Savoy’s American Bar:…

— Tim


Flynn Lines & Flynnish Lines

14 Mar

What are Flynn’s most famous lines and alleged lines? What are your favorites?

Here are six to kick off the post.

— Tim


“Situation Dynamite”

14 Mar

— Tim


Speaking of Burma …

08 Mar

Errol starred in a movie which included an actor in key role who in real life served in America’s Burma campaigns. This actor even had a hand in bombing the equivalent of the fictional but fact-based “Bridge Over the River Kwai”?

Here’s some Jeopardy-like music for you to listen to while you contemplate who this actor was:

— Tim


A New Errol Flynn Movie?

07 Mar

Due Out Friday

“Hiddleston displays his inner Errol Flynn”…

Skull Island was “a no-brainer” says Samuel K. Jackson:

“I was trying to grow up and be Errol Flynn at one point. I wanted to jump from ship to ship, with a sword in my teeth.”…

— Tim


As You Wish

06 Mar
    Carl Elwes as Errol Flynn

    On tour discussing The Princess Bride, including this weekend in Florida…

    Merging multiple news sources …

    “Cary Elwes was chosen for the role of Westley in Princess Bride because he reminded Carl Reiner of the swashbuckling heroes of early cinema, specifically Errol Flynn and Douglas Fairbanks As depicted below, he later joined Flynn and Fairbanks in playing Robin Hood, of course.

    Elwes and Mandy Patinkin spent more months perfecting their famous swordfight — right- and left-handed. Reiner hired the best coaches in Hollywood: Peter Diamond and Bob Anderson. Not only did both men train the original swashbuckler, Errol Flynn, they both worked on Star Wars.”

    — Tim