Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

Actin’ Like Flynn >>> From Errol to Eternity >>> >>> Virtual Errol/Digital Flynn

06 Mar

Is this the Future of Flynn? Syn-Flynn?

Rotoscoping, Computer Cloning, Silicentric Vactoring, Synthespianism, Schwartzneggerism, Avataring?

It’s on its way. And what about DNA recreation?…

Here’s a notable early prototype, one of The Baron’s Bundy Drive Buddies. Other A-Listers in the Flynn Crowd, including Dietrich and Bogie have been done, too.

And Marilyn, but “not yet ready for her close up”.…

More on related history and technology, featuring Tom Cruz, Brad Pitt, Oliver Reed, Paul Walker, et al:

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 17 – The Son Also Rises

03 Mar

Sean FlynnThe Son of Captain Blood Himself…

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 16 – A Near Future Flynn from the Distant Past?

02 Mar

Michael Fassbender in the major 2016 science-fiction, game-world epic “Assassin’s Creed”?

A Future/Futuristic Flynn from the Days of Knights Templar?

With highly-regarded Aussie director Justin Kurzel at the helm.

“Errol Flynn in a world of digital avatars.”

Looks promising. We shall see.……

— Tim


Trailer for The Sea Hawk Rated One of the Greatest

01 Mar

Recently assessed to be one of the rare great film trailers that actually lived up to its promotional superlatives:…

— Tim


Flynn Poster Added to World-Renowned Collection

01 Mar

“They Died with Their Boots On” poster added to Pamplim International Art & History Collection.……

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 14 – Hope Springs Eternal

26 Feb

Another Parody of Flynn, Tailor Made for Hope.

Released in Early 1954, In the Wake of Errol’s Modern Adventures of Casanova, 1952.

Even has a Girl Swimming Out to His Boat!

The Whole Casanova, with Basil Adding Spice – Co-Starring Joan Dehavilland:

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 13 – Surely He Jests

26 Feb

The Kid from Brooklyn in a Spectacular Spoof of Errol Hood.

With Vessel Loads of Snappy Humor:

And a Duel Role Opposing Basil Rathbone:………

— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 11 – Never Fear, Errol’s Here

23 Feb

“Don’t you worry, never fear, Robin Hood will soon be here!

Stay tuned for the Hollywood ending.


— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 9 – As You Wish, A Strong Flynnish

21 Feb

As Elwes, An Actin’ Like Flynn Finish by Cary.

Magnificent Duel Choreography by Flynnman Bob Anderson

And Wonderful Rotational Ambigrammic Title Typography, As Well!


— Tim


Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 8 – “The Legend Had It Coming”

20 Feb

More Fun with Mel and Errol

Carying On with Some Very Merry Men


Very Glamorous, But Perhaps Too Overamorous (For Mature Immature Audiences Only)

— Tim