Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

Did He Tie the Knot or Not?

04 Feb

February 4, 1945
Sunday Times, Perth, WA

— Tim


Errol Does The Big Apple

03 Feb

February 3, 1938

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

The commotion on the Gold Diggers in Paris set at Warner’s yesterday was caused by the chorines teaching Errol Flynn The Big Apple.*

This film’s “chorines” can be seen, beginning at 2:00 in the film’s ‘Latin Quarter’ video below. But first The Big Apple!

History of The Big Apple

La Gran Manzana…

Mickey Does The Big Apple…

The Latin Quarter – See the film’s chorines at 2:00 >

— Tim


Elvis’s Mom (Not)

02 Feb

Did Joan Fontaine despise Olivia?

— Tim


An Inside Quiz

02 Feb

February 1

He was a close friend of Franklin and Eleanor.

His name is sometimes brought up in connection with Errol’s.

— Tim


Sea-Sick Over Sirocco

01 Feb

January 31,1939

Jimmy Fidler
San Francisco Chronicle

Errol Flynn’s not subject to sea-sickness, but when you mention that yacht of his, he shows some of the same symptoms.

December 28, 1938

To Libel Errol Flynn’s Yacht

New York Times

Errol Flynn, Irish motion picture actor, faces the loss of his $25,000 yacht Sirocco because it exceeds tonnage and length limitations imposed by the Federal government on alien-owned craft…

Sirocco, off Cape San Lucas, Baja California, during one of Errol’s fishing trips.

The Federal Grinch Who Stole Sirocco — (Almost)

— Tim


Robin Hood (The Movie, Not the Not-So-Free Fee-Free Stock Trading App)

31 Jan

January 31, 1936

I Cover Hollywood

Lloyd Pantages
Los Angeles Examiner

Errol Flynn will do Robin Hood for Warners before he begins The Charge of the Light Brigade, which should be good news for the public. Overnight, after his one picture, Captain Blood, he’s become a worldwide sensation.

Errol in Charge: Out of the Woods and Into the Desert

— Tim


Lili and Bruce (and Not Errol) at the World Premier of The Good Earth

30 Jan

January 30, 1937

Premire of The Good Earth

Joan Crawford with Franchot Tone..

Surprise arrrival of the evening was this.. Lili Damita with Bruce Cabot!

Miss Data has been reported reconciled with Errol Flynn, and Cabot reconciled with Adienne Ames.

Bruce Cabot and Tiger Lil’ circa the World Premier of The Good Earth

Bruce Cabot and his wife, Adrienne Ames, apparently having a not-so-happy day at the track

“The film’s premiere took place in Los Angeles at the Carthay Circle Theatre on 29 Jan 1937, followed by a New York premiere at the Astor Theatre on 2 Feb. News items reported extensive preparations for both premieres, especially in Los Angeles where art director associate Harry Oliver supervised the decoration of San Vicente Blvd. (the street on which the Carthay Circle Theatre was located) in a Chinese style. A fifty-foot replica of the novel was also constructed on a corner of the intersection of Wilshire and San Vicente Blvd. near the theater. Prominent writers P. G. Wodehouse, Rupert Hughes and Jim Tully were present at the premiere to write impromptu reviews and immediately send them across the nation via wire service. The premiere was broadcast over radio via the Mutual System and, according to a 29 Jan 1937 HR news item, was the first premiere to be covered on a national network.”

So it might have been broadcast nationwide that Lili attended with Cabot?

Photos including Bruce Cabot above are from the approximate timeframe of The Good Earth World Premiere, but not from the premiere

— Tim


Happy Birthday, Mr. Presidents — Featuring FDR, Errol Flynn, and Baby Joe Biden

29 Jan

January 29, 1939

Dinner and a Play with FDR and Errol Flynn

7:45pm – 8:50pm: Dinner at the White House with ER, Household, Errol Flynn, Miss Malvina Thompson, Mrs. Helm

8:50pm – 11:10pm – “Outward Bound” at the National Theater with ER, James Roosevelt, Jr., Errol Flynn, Marguerite A. LeHand , Miss Malvina Thompson, Mrs. Helm, Miss Connochie, Miss Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik van Loon

“Tonight all of us are going to see: “Outward Bound.” I have no fear about the evening, for I know that the play, as well as the cast, is among the finest in the theatre today. We are deeply appreciative of the generosity of the cast. They have come down from New York City to give this performance at their own expense for the benefit of the Infantile Paralysis Fund.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“All of our guests last night sang “Happy Birthday” to the President just as the clock struck midnight, which was a nice beginning for his birthday. All the young movie stars are here today to help him celebrate his birthday by making the birthday balls a success throughout this city.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This is a play program for President Roosevelt’s birthday celebration in association with The Playhouse Company and the National Theatre Directors. A command performance of “Outward Bound” by Sutton Vane. Directed by Otto Preminger and staring some of the greats like Laurette Taylor, Florence Reed , Helen Chandler and Vincent Price. Preformed at the National Theatre, Washington, D.C. on Sunday evening, January 29, 1939. — with Errol Flynn as a special guest of the President.


Birthday Boy Biden Born When FDR was President and Errol Flynn Ruled in Hollywood

When Joe Biden was born, World War II raged. Franklin D. Roosevelt was in his third term as president, Errol Flynn was a Hollywood heartthrob, and Glenn Miller was the top recording artist in the country.

— Tim


Once Upon a Time…

28 Jan

ONCE upon a time, long before Errol Flynn ever heard of Hollywood or thought of being an actor, he bought a little sailing ship…

January 28, 1937

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s book, Beam Ends, must be expected to do all right because the publishers haved already ordered a second edition published.

— Tim


“The Party is On”

27 Jan

January 27, 1949

Louella O. Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

I couldn’t have been more surprised when a message was left at my house “to hold February 12 for a dinner-dance at the home of Errol Flynn, please.”

Ever since his rift with Nora, Errol g]has been serving few of his old friends and has been giving no parties at all, even though he is one of our finest hosts. But sure enough, the party is on.

I think this is because Errol is really happy making Forsythe Saga and is to be gay and forget his domestic troubles. If he and Greer Garson ever had any disagreements that’s all in the past. He says she is one of the most intelligent, talent and swell girls he has ever worked with.

— Tim