Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category


22 Jun


Cheers to All Who Toasted Errol on his 111th!!!


I am not able to name all those who deserve praise for their participation, but here are some key Flynnmates we can thank here, alphabetically by first name



Andy Hill from Chico, “Home of Sherwood Forest”
– Whiskey

A.R. – Cognac

‘B’ from Chicago

Bob Searles from Boston
Toasted from Cape Cod with a Cape Codder

Cathleen Schutz and Husband
G&T’s from North Haledon, New Jersey

Claudia from Germany
Champagne in Bavaria

Debby Phielix from Dordrect, Netherlands
Vodka and Cola

Jack ‘Mulholland Man’ Marino
From just north of Mulholland

Jose Garcia from Albecete, Spain
Toasted with La Mancha wine, a la Errol in ’37

King David from Myrtle Beach
CEO of the EFB

King Karl Holmberg
A Jack Rose from Upstate New York

Linda from New York
From Manhattan with a Jack Rose

Mitchell K. Green from Atlantla
Will “lift a libation”

Paul Harrison from Manchester, UK
formerly from Laguna Beach, USA
A G&T from Manchester

Ralph Schiller from outside Chicago

Selene Hutchison-Zuffi
From Kentucky – White Zinfandel

shangheinz – Flynn’s Main Man in Europe
A Will Tell from Vienna.

Steven Springer from Silver Spring, Maryland
Steve and his wife met online because of their
shared love of Errol and his films! He proposed on June 20, 1996

Steve & Genene (tassie devil)
From Hobart, Tasmania
Toasted with a G&T and Cascade beer

Tina Nyary
18-year-old Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey
Once poolside in the afternoon, once in the evening!!

Tita Lopez
Tequila in Tijuana

— Tim


A Father’s Day Tribute to Errol from Bariebel

22 Jun

Here is a wonderful music video from Bariebel, aka preeminent EFB Author Tina Nyary. Thank you, Tina!

Btw, Tina toasted twice on Saturday to Errol’s 111th from Toronto (I think Toronto) with an 18-year-old Glennfiddich Malt Whiskey – once by her pool in the afternoon, and once in the evening!!

— Tim


Toasting Errol’s 111th Birthday at the Very Wooden Bar He Drank at in the 1930s

22 Jun

June 20, 2020, at the Old Arcade Tap Room in Delray Beach, Florida

Conveniently if not coincidentally, the Happy Birthday lights were there when we arrived to toast!…

The Baron in Boca

— Tim


Arno and Errol at Ta-Boo

21 Jun

At Ta-boo, an historic haunt of Errol’s on Palm Beach, I had the opportunity to memorialize our 111th Global Toast on one of their famous monkey images. Amazingly, autographing the image before me was “Arno”! …I have no idea who this Arno is, but I know it’s a name I’ve rarely ever known, maybe never other than for the Arno River in Florence and for Errol’s wonderful schnauzer. So, I’ll take this sign and signing as a sign Errol and Arno are still monkeying around together, and in all the best places.

From Ta-boo, it was off to 346 Seabreeze Avenue, the Palm Beach home Errol payed for, where Sean lived for much of his childhood with Lili. Toasted Sean there with a Coca-Cola – age-appropriate for young Sean’s time in PB.

— Tim


International Swashbucklers Day? — June 20 — Sounds Good to Me

21 Jun…

— Tim


Spain is in the House

18 Jun

José Luis García from Albacete, Spain, joins in the tribute of the 111th anniversary of the birth of Errol Flynn, providing the inside history and two sensational drawings below. Like Errol in ’37, he will be toasting with La Mancha wine, stating:

“El día 1 de abril de 1937, cuando visitó nuestra ciudad de Albacete Errol Flynn bebió vino de La Mancha junto a los brigadistas británicos de la XV durante la Guerra Civil española.”

“On April 1, 1937, when Errol Flynn visited our city of Albacete, he drank La Mancha wine together with the British brigade members of the 15th century during the Spanish Civil War.”

Flynntástico Jose! Muchas gracias y salud!

— Tim


How do you say no in Mexico?

18 Jun

June 17, 1938

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express

Not so many months ago Booker McClay was Errol Flynn’s stand-in. Then one day word came that Booker had inherited more than three million dollars.* He quit his job, went into picture producing in Mexico. Yesterday he offered his former boss a fabulous salary to star in one production. Errol’s taking up the deal with Jack Warner, who will probably say “nix.”

* His inheritance included Texas and Oklahoma oil properties from his grandfather.

— Tim


T Minus 3 Days — Global Birthday Toast to Errol Flynn — June 20, 2020

17 Jun

Errol was born at 2:25 in the morning, on June 20, 1909, at Queen Alexandria Hospital, Battery Point, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. This being a world-wide celebration, all should feel free to raise their glasses at anytime on June 20 in their time zone. Hopefully, the first toast can be made in Hobart at exactly 2:25 a.m.*

* Thank you to Tina Nyary for the precise time of Errol’s birth!

— Tim


A Day in the Life of Arno and Errol — June 16, 1938

16 Jun

June 16, 1938

Harrison Carroll

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s dog, Arno, is barred off The Sisters set. Flynn has been training him as a protector and, when Bette Davis had to make a pass at Errol in a scene, the dog lunged at her, bit her leg and chased Bette up on a chair.

June 16, 1938

Jimmy Starr

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn’s getting rid of part of his private navy. Once the proud possessor of a fleet of five boats, Errol now has but three. Poor boy!

— Tim


An A through Z List of Possible Libations for the Global Toast to Errol on June 20, 2020

15 Jun

Based on drinks and beverages Errol is known to have drank, believed to have drank, likely Drank, rumored to have drank, and has had created and named in tribute to him, here is an A through Z list of possible libations for the Global Toast to Errol Flynn on June 20, 2020:

Absinthe – in Europe and New Orleans

Bacardi – in Cuba and elsewhere

Bavarian Beer – in Germany

Bloody Mary – the drink he introduced at the Smokehouse in LA

Bourbon – during Desperate Journey (the movie, not the marriage to Lili)

Brandy and Soda – a favored drink in New Guinea during his days there

British Beers from his days in Britain and at the Cock’n Bull in LA

Bundaberg Beer – in Australia and New Guinea

Bundy (Bundaberg Rum) – in Australia and New Guinea

Captain’s Blood – a daiquiri created in tribute to Errol

Cascade Brewery Beer – from Tasmania, per tassiedevil (Steve & Genene)

Champagne – throughout his celebrity years, and a la Olivia’s annual birthday toast to Errol

Chianti – drank at various locations and occasions


Coffee – throughout adulthood

Courvoisier cognac – during years of celebrity

Cuba Libre – from his first visits to Cuba in the mid-Thirties

Cuba Story – a drink created for Errol by Dennis Mullen

Daiquiri – during his visits to Havana, a la El Floridita

Dry Martini – throughout years of celebrity

Errol Flynn’s Pick-Me-Up – a drink named after him

Fine French Wines – brought with him to locations without, per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Gin, bathtub-style – a la Errol at the Roosevelt Hotel

Gin – in many drinks, with mixes from tonic to O.J., sometimes with a splash of Squirt

Guinness Stout – in Britain and Ireland and elsewhere

Hennessy Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Herradura – the tequila owned by his friend Bing Crosby

Italian Wines – during his days in Italy and filming of William Tell (with sardines), et al

Irish Beers – from his days in Ireland and Britain

Irish whiskeys

Jack Rose – at the 21 Club (and maybe the Mocombo)

Jamaican Reef – created for Errol Dennis Mullen

Johnnie Walker – per Difford’s Guide for Discriminating Drinkers

Kentucky whiskey – straight, in a Mint Julep, or in a Kentucky Coffee

Louis XIII Cognac – a possible Flynn cognac

Maid Marian – created and bottled by Chesterfield Whisky

Mai Tai – see the “Q.B. Cooler” below

Mojito – a la Bodeguita del Medio

Moselle – a la 21 Club

Moscow Mule – a la the Cock ‘n Bull in LA

Napolean Cognac – a likely Flynn cognac

Navy Grog – in tribute to Errol’s In the Wake of the Bounty

Old Fashioned – a likely cocktail for Errol throughout adulthood

Pi Yi – a la Don the Beachcomber, LA

Q.B. Cooler – predecessor of the Mai Tai, created by tiki-drink pioneer, Donn Beach

Queen Elizabeth

Queen’s Pineapple Punch – a la Don the Beachcomber’s, LA

Remy Martin

Robin Hood cocktail

Rum and Coca-Cola – a la Caribbean, California and Courmayeur, et al

Sangria – a la Errol’s days in Spain

Sangro de Cristo

Sazerac – a la New Orleans


Tasmanian Devil

Tea – throughout his life

Tequilas – during his days in Mexico

The Errol Flynn – created by Errol, resurrected a la Petronella Wyatt

The Martini Special – a la Fabio Delgado Fuentes

The Tasmanian – a la Dennis Mullen

The Vancouver – a la Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver

U.S. Bar Beers – a la Boardner’s in LA and many other locations in. U.S.

Various Vodkas – straight, with tonic, with O.J., inter alia

Vicious Virgin – a la Don the Beachcomber

Veuve Clicquot

Vodka with Red Pepper – a la The Hotel Savoy’s American Bar in London

Water – both sparkling and natural

Whiskey Sour – a likely for Errol throughout adulthood

XXXX Gold beer- from Queensland and Tasmania

York Gin – Old Tom and Outlaw

Your favorite or choice for saluting Errol

Zombie – a la Don the Beachcomber

Zubrowka Polish Vodka

— Tim