Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

The Collector

03 Oct

In 1961, Morris Everett Jr. wandered into a New York store filled with vintage movie stock. As Everett flipped through the glossy stills and painted lithographs, his mind reverted back to the excitement of watching Errol Flynn on the big screen, and he thought, Ahhh, this is for me.

That day, he bought a lobby card from Flynn’s 1936 movie Charge of the Light Brigade.

He put it in a desk drawer in his fraternity house, unable to shake the feeling of his first purchase and the impact movies had on him.

For Everett, movie photos and posters are portals to the past, able to transport a viewer to the exact place and state of mind they were in when they first saw a film. Whenever he walks past a poster of Charge of the Light Brigade, he still “feels an inner glow,” he says.…

Morris has collected more than 3 million movie photos and 200,000 posters capturing the splashy and storied history of American filmmaking. He is widely regarded the most significant collector of movie stills and posters in the world.

And after decades spent working with films both famous and those quickly forgotten, which does Everett claim to be his favorite?

“Robin Hood, the one with Errol Flynn.”…

It is unclear which Charge of the Light Brigade lobby card first gave Morris such a charge, however, the following are likely candidates. Below the Charge lobby cards is a collage of a few dozen items from Everett’s actual collection.

— Tim


Rudy, Rudy, Rudy

01 Oct

Three videos featuring Rudy Behlmer’s remarkable knowledge of and role in the history of music in Hollywood:

— Tim


Errol Flynn’s Watch

01 Oct

La Montre d’Errol Flynn: A new book by François Cérésa:

[O]ne day, in Juan-les-Pins [on the French Riviera, between Nice and Cannes], the then six-year-old writer saw Errol Flynn jump from a boat. For him, this man was Robin Hood, who he loved so much in the cinema. In impeccable French, the Errol Flynn offered the writer’s mother his watch to thank her for a modest bouquet.

This watch became the boy’s passport to a wonderful lifelong trip to the land of Flynn.

This book is a tender homage to this elusive man, a hymn to friendship and girls, to myths that never quite die. A jewel.……

— Tim


Cary In For Flynn

30 Sep

September 27, 1938

Evening Herald Express


Still seriously ill, Errol Flynn, motion picture actor,  rallied sufficiently today to permit his being transferred from his Beverly Hills home to the Good Samaritan Hospital.

The change was made under the direction of his physician, Dr. T. M. Hearn. Dr. Hearn said the actor needed care and attention more readily available at the hospital.

Flynn is suffering from influenza, complicated by an infection of the throat and respiratory organs and a recurrence of malarial fever, which he contracted five years ago in New Guinea.

Studio reports attributed Flynn’s illness to the fact that he refused to use a double in flying scenes in the picture Dawn Patrol on which he was working.

September 28, 1938

Evening Herald Express


An uncomfortable night, and a crisis expected within 24 hours.

This was the report today on Errol Flynn, film actor, who was confined to Good Samaritan Hospital with influenza and a streptococci infection of the throat.

Flynn was removed to the hospital on the orders of Dr. T. M. Hearn.

Dr. Doyle James, throat specialist, was called in consultation by Dr. Hearn, in an attempt to solve the mystery of the streptococci and the continued high fever which is now 102 degrees.

September 29, 1938

Hollywood Citizen News

Cary Grant is reading the script for the leading role of Dodge City now that Ronald Colman and Errol Flynn have been eliminated.

Sets for the film will be built on the Warners lot and shipped to a location near Brownsville, Tex.

— Tim


Cafe La Maze: Red Meat for Fans of the Golden Age

28 Sep

“Star stopover for Clark Gable, Marlene Dietrich, Errol Flynn”

“You can’t help pick up on the glam when you’re sitting right where Marlene Dietrich, Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, all actually sat, when it was a way-station to the fun of Agua Caliente in TJ.”

[To a diner fearing the spicy hot horseradish]
Errol Flynn looks down, “Wimp!” he says.……

— Tim



28 Sep

September 27, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

It’s now wonder, doctors say, that Errol Flynn was knocked glst on his back by the flu. Though ill on his boat in Catalina, the star insisted on going fishing kn a dinghy with David Niven and Donald Crisp. Then, on top of this, he fell overboard.  Niven, trying to pull Flynn back, capsized the dinghy and three actors were floundering in the water for 15 minutes. When they finally got back to the yacht, Flynn was so sick they had to fly him to the mainland.

Colman to the Rescue?

September 27, 1938

Hollywood Citizen News

The Warners are reported dickering for Ronald Colman to take the leading role of the Englishman in Dodge City, now that Errol Flynn is out of the running.

— Tim


Robin de los Bosques

27 Sep

Errol Flynn in the Spanish Civil War


— Tim


A Curt Tease by Curtiz

26 Sep

Third Week of September, 1943

Sidney Skolsky
Hollywood Citizen News

Mike Curtiz was teasing Errol Flynn, and said: “I don’t need you, I’ll make a picture with Dennis Morgan – and I’ll make him a thousand times braver than you ever were.”

— Tim


The Evolution/Errolution of Bucco Bruce

25 Sep

For Fans of Flynn and Football…

— Tim


Rajah Rides Again! — Doomed No More?

21 Sep

“An epic tale of Sir James Brooke, the British adventurer who became King of Sarawak in the 1840’s and embarked on a lifelong crusade to end piracy and head-hunting – only to face charges of murder and piracy himself.”…

Over the course of his life “The White Rajah” fought “pirates and the Sultan’s enemies to win a crown as Rajah of Sarawak, where he ruled a jungle kingdom larger than England.” He led a crusade against piracy, slavery and headhunting and was eventually knighted by Queen Victoria for his bravery.

He later “defied England when the British Empire tried to colonize Sarawak” and “in reprisal, Parliament tried him for murder and piracy himself.”

Errol Flynn’s White Rajah

“In 1936, Errol Flynn decided that he was going to try his hand at screenwriting, co-writing The White Rajah so that he himself could star in the film. Warner Brothers enthusiastically bought the rights to the film, and it should have been a relatively simple endeavor from there. It probably would have been if not for the participation of Lady Sylvia Brooke, the Ranee (Queen) of Sarawak.”

“It was destined to be one of the few big-budget Hollywood extravaganzas of its time. Instead, you’ve probably never heard of it. By the time that Warner Brothers gave up on making the film, they had already spent thirty years and a ridiculous amount of money trying to make it happen, all without seeing a single day of filming.…

Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Josie Ho

— Tim