Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

Hurrah and Whoopie

19 Sep

As war is again being discussed in Washington, it may be wise to listen again to the lyrics of ‘Stand by Your Glasses’ from Dawn Patrol and ‘I-Think-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag’ from Woodstock (possibly inspired by Dawn Patrol)…

Hurrah for the Next Man That Dies… (from the chorus of’Stand by Your Glasses’)

Whoopie! We’re all gonna die…(from the chorus of ‘I-Think-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag’)…

“When I was the membership chairman of the old Great War Society, we asked our new enlistees what got them interested in the First World War.  I was surprised at how many mentioned the 1938 film Dawn Patrol with Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, and David Niven.”

“The “show stopper” scene in that movie is not any of the combat sequences, but in the mess when the pilots drink a musical toast to the next man who dies. The lyrics used in the movie are an adaptation of a 19th-century poem out of India titled ‘The Revel’ by Bartholomew Dowling.”…

Hoorah for the next man that dies…

It’s been said that the show stopper performance by Country Joe and the Fish at Woodstock was reminiscent of ‘Stand to Your Glasses’ in Dawn Patrol (but “Louder”)…

Whoopie! We’re all gonna die…

— Tim


In Search of Estrella

15 Sep

Los Hijos de Errol Flynn

“During the Spanish Civil War, Errol Flynn decided to travel to Spain as an adventure, in his memoirs he tells that he met Estrella, his love. This documentary is the search for Estrella and all the broken love stories with the end of the war.”

Los Hijos de Errol Flynn will travel to the United States for the Hispanic Culture Film Festival in Saint Augustine, Florida. The festival will be held from October 4 to 6.

— Tim


The Flynnspiration of Raul

14 Sep

Being that it’s Friday the 13th, here’s a post featuring the Addams Family’s Big-Screen, Flynn-inspired Gomez, Raul Julia.

“After witnessing Errol Flynn’s performance in The Adventures of Robin Hood, he decided to pursue an acting career.”

“A quarter-century after his death, Julia is probably best remembered as Gomez Addams, from the zippy “Addams Family” film from 1991 and its even funnier sequel, “Addams Family Values.” As Gomez, Julia is a human exclamation point: swashbuckling like Errol Flynn…”…

Quipping, grinning, and Flynning like Flynn

Flynn could have been so great a Gomez

Kissing and Making Up/Out with Errol’s Ex-Sparring Partner’s (John Huston’s) Daughter, Angelica

— Tim



11 Sep


Not to be confused with previous EFB posts The Adventures of Star Wars, or The Adventures of Superman.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
Earth date: April 22, 1991

Considered to be one of the most bizarre episodes of Star Trek ever.

“The story was given to producer and scriptwriter Ira Behr to develop, because he was “a huge fan of Robin Hood and, in particular, the Errol Flynn film The Adventures of Robin Hood.”…

* aka Stupid Qpid?

— Tim


Doctor, Slave, Pirate

11 Sep

Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude

Lessons in Morality From Peter Blood, the Pirate…

— Tim


Sean on the Island of the Coconut Monk

10 Sep

Per’The World According to Roger Steffens’:

Where is the most interesting place you’ve visited?

“The Island of the Coconut Monk. I went there for the first time in January of 1969 with John Steinbeck IV and Sean Flynn, Errol Flynn’s son. It was basically a mile-long sand bar in the middle of the Mekong River inhabited by thousands of drop outs from the war, led by a 4 and a half-foot hunchback monk who hadn’t lain down in the previous 20 years. Anyone who came to his island without a weapon was welcomed, no questions asked. They had deserters from the North Vietnamese communist forces, the South Vietnamese army, and daoists. They prayed to Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Lao Tze, Confucius, Sun Yat-sen, Victor Hugo and Winston Churchill. The North bank of the river was controlled by the Americans and the South bank by the communists, and they’d fire rockets and mortars over the island, but never touch the island. It’s the only place in Vietnam that I saw happy people. It was there that I met my first wife.”

Per “The Coconut Monk” by John Steinbeck IV:

“I was happy here. Perhaps happier than I had ever been in my life. The island became my refuge for the next five years.”

——————– Roger Steffens, John Steinbeck IV, Crystal Eastin and Sean Flynn

— Tim


Errol Flynn’s Ghost Returns

09 Sep

An Immersive Glimpse at Old Havana…

El documental ‘Errol Flynn’s Ghost: Hollywood in Havana’

Los cubanos siempre estuvieron enamorados de Hollywood. ¿Fueron correspondidos?…


— Tim


Have the Stars Lost Their Magic?

08 Sep

Even less luminosity since this was written in 2007? I’d say so.…

— Tim


An Actor’s Dream Come True

07 Sep

September 7, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Understand Errol Flynn’s new contract is an actor’s dream come true. Forty-five hundred dollars a week for 52 weeks a year. An then three months a year vacation out of every 12. All at one time.

The Irish star is red hot at the box office these days and everybody on the lot says that Dawn Patrol will be his best picture.

— Tim


Love Birds

06 Sep

September 7, 1938

Louelle O. Parsons
Los Angeles Times

Errol Flynn and Lili Damita, a couple of love birds all alone on their yacht at Catalina over the holiday, stopped a lot of “talk” by their devotion.

Their boat was a beautiful sight racing another yacht under full sail.

— Tim