Archive for the ‘Gentleman Tim’ Category

Happy Birthday Flynn!

20 Jun

— Tim


Tina’s Love of a Father

17 Jun

Beautiful, Tina. Thank You and God Bless.

— Tim


Speaking of Chico …

15 Jun

Here’s the story of “The House That Flynn Built” (Not)

The plot in Chico thickens ……

If you’ve ever tasted kiwis from Costco, or sneaked a peak of gorgeous Barbi Benton, this article and video may have extra appeal for you.…

— Tim


Father’s Day for Flynn Fans

13 Jun

At the Northern California Pirate Festival

This weekend in Vallejo

Ahoy, ye salty sea dogs! Keep a weather eye on the horizon – especially toward the Carquinez Strait. Pirates are coming to invade the Vallejo Waterfront Park Father’s Day weekend, June 16 and 17.

And those sea rogues and privateers have been doing just that for a dozen years, giving fathers and families the chance to run away from home and be pirates for two days.

The event has plenty of swashbuckling for the most ardent of Errol Flynn fans, from theater groups such as the Court of the Pirate Lords and Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries – B.O.O.M. for short.

And boom they’ll go as they fire up the cannons and take aim on a new invading ship, The Sea Eagle. The ship will be returning fire during daily ship to shore battles. B.O.O.M keeps bringing more cannons and fire power with every appearance, but also have educational displays with cast members available to explain the various historic items.

The Sea Eagle is a privateer-model sailing vessel with boldly colored sails, one of which bears a grinning skull and crossed swords. Its shallower draft means it will be able to come closer to shore for more dramatic views and sounds, said Anna Benincasa-Morales, one of festival’s organizers and performers. “You can hear the crowd gasp when the ship comes in close.”

Other sounds at the festival will be pleasant, such as Skip Henderson and the Starboard Watch, singing traditional maritime songs, the Seadogs and their sea shanties, the Penny Opry duo and their blend of maritime and Tin Pan Alley music, the Brass Farthing and their British and American folk and tavern songs, and the pirate, Celtic and rock band, O’Craven.

The “ladies” of the House of the Rising Sun also provide entertaining songs, but they’re also likely to introduce festival goers to games of chance or entertain them with improvisation presentations or tell them stories about historical New Orleans.

Pirates descending on Vallejo for Father’s Day weekend

— Tim


Meanwhile, Back in Korea

12 Jun…

Korean War Project
Salute Of Entertainers

Jack Benny and Company

(w/ 5th RCT, 24th Div.)

It was around the middle of July, 1951. The peace talks began earlier and there was peace in the Kumhwa valley.
Instead of combat, everyone was talking about rotating home. There was also a rumor about a USO troupe coming to this forward camp. During combat, we would see entertainers of two or three hitching rides to the rest areas, rain or snow, to give their little shows. I gave them a lot of credit for their courage. Bob Hope was also here for the troops but he was 50 miles behind us somewhere.

On this July day, the entertainers in trucks and jeeps, came driving into this little clearing. A makeshift stage was built for the occasion. To our surprise, It was none other than Jack Benny and with him, in the group was Errol Flynn and Marjorie Reynolds.

This is the first time I’d ever seen movie stars in the flesh. For this country boy, I was fascinated and they looked so human and of course, they were. On the stage, Jack did his comedy of jokes and Errol and Marjorie acted their series of mostly funny skits, a lot of laughs for all of us.

Everyone was standing around intermingling after the show. I was standing close to Jack. He somehow looked smaller than in the movies. I slowly sneaked up behind him and sure
enough, I really was taller than he was!

Errol Flynn was walking by and I got this sudden impulse. I stuck out my hand and Mr. Flynn, can I shake your hand sir? He stopped, looked at me for a couple of seconds, smiled and said, My pleasure, lad, my pleasure. I think when he stopped and saw this oriental face, I can feel his uncertainty, but I think what won him over was this pure American slang coming from this face. He must have thought this guy has got to a real Yankee.

RICHARD ISERI wrote on January 29, 2018
Garden Grove California

— Tim


Good Samaritan-Like Flynn

10 Jun

Only Errol Flynn could pick up, I mean rescue, seven swimming nymphs in the middle of a desert.

Here’s a photo of the 1940 “Aquacade Motorcade” after they arrived at Treasure Island for the Golden Gate International Exposition (aka World’s Fair). Not sure if any of these swimming nymphs were the exact ones “rescued” by Errol, but the timing appears to fit, and, as happy as they look, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

Billy Rose Aquacade Motorcade Nymphs
San Francisco, 1940

A  good, brief account in a Michael Curtiz biography:…

A GREAT, more detailed account from Tom McNulty:…

One or more of these seven damsels in distress were likely in this Wirkd’s Fair film before they traveled west through the Painted Desert of Arizona, where they were detoured by Virginia City Flynn:

— Tim


Flynnosophy 101

05 Jun

Flynnie reveals his real-life philosophy of life to “Sister” Bette.

— Tim


“The Experts have Spoken”

04 Jun

“It’s officious”, I mean “official”! According to experts of Rottingham, (probably descendants of their shire’s infamous Sheriff of Rottingham), Errol Flynn was NOT the Best Robin Hood. Connery was, Sean Connery.

Yes, you read correctly. Next, we may also learn that Errol was also not the best Captain Blood, George Armstrong Custer, Geoffrey Thorpe, or Gentleman Jim. The Experts have Spoken.…

“The Best Robin Hood”:

Also-Ran Errol Flynn:…

— Tim


Three More Sisters, Plus Grandma, Plus Errol

03 Jun

While we’re on the topic of The Sisters, here is an Errol Flynn song invoving four sisters.

— Tim


“Restored to its Past Glory”

03 Jun

“On October 15th, 1938, Warner Brothers opened The State Theatre as a test market for new films. The state-of-the-art cinema was built in record-time — just four months — for a whopping $70,000. “The Sisters” starring Errol Flynn and Bette Davis was the film on opening day. Adult admission was 30 cents for matinees, 35 cents after 5 p.m. Children’s tickets cost just 15 pennies.”

“As it approaches the 80th anniversary of its opening, the State Theatre has been recognized as a State College historic site.”…

— Tim