Archive for the ‘Mail Bag’ Category

The Errol Flynn Mailbag …

04 Apr

Got an email from one of our members who kindly sent an article link to me that he felt shouldn’t be posted to the blog, and I agree with him. The subject was the autopsy of Errol Flynn. I think the subject is worthy of discussion but if images are involved I certainly don’t want to see them. I was sent an image of Errol laying dead in the morgue that was embedded in an email – no idea it was going to be there, no warning, and I never, ever wanted to see a photo like this, nor would I care to see autopsy photos. I didn’t click the article link in case there were images. I have read his autopsy report, and there is nothing wrong with discussing it, if you really want to. But I prefer to think of Errol as he lived his amazing life, and not the nitty gritty of his death. Rory Flynn is a member of this blog, and I am sure she wouldn’t care to see anybody post something with those sorts of images. So far, nobody has done anything like this – but my friend’s email leads me to make a formal statement about this. Just sayin’ …

— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

23 Mar

Received this nice note in our Mailbag:

Charlie Farrell & Tennis Great Alice Marble (and I don’t know who on Errol’s left!)

I found the image posted on Facebook by a Palm Springs tourist site. Since I am a silent historian and living in Palm Springs, anything from Charlie Farrell’s Racquet Club always peeks my interest. It took only a few minutes to find out the name of the person on the right.

As you will note by your earlier posts, the photo has (L to R) Charlie Farrell, Tennis Player Alice Marble and of course Errol Flynn. The man on the far right is Mr. Donald Budge.

Many kind regards,

Kay Shackleton…

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Mailbag …

14 Mar

We received an email from “Katharine Lazarski” containing only a link and her name under it. Without thinking, I clicked the link, and an “Update” was downloaded onto my computer instantly. My virus software immediately quarantined the update as a virus. I then deleted it. Somewhere along the line Katharine or someone else with our email address has downloaded this malicious update, and sent it out to everyone in their contact list. If you get this email, please delete it immediately!

— David DeWitt


EF Mailbag: Jack Marino Show Moving!

02 Jan

Arriving in the mailbag, this announcement from Jack Marino who hosts a radio show in LA Angeles with a worldwide audience. You all know Jack as a long time Flynn fan that with his wife Louise hosted the now famous 100th Errol Flynn Centennial birthday bash in Burbank in 2009.

Hello all,

I am moving my show from Friday to SUNDAY JAN 5, 2014 at 7PM from now on.   My Friday show is now ended and I wanted to move to a better night when more people are at home.

I want to thank you all for being a fan of the show and some of you have been guests, which is always a lot of fun. I will see you all on Sunday night at 7PM PST and 10PM EST.

Lets all have a great NEW YEAR in 2014!

Thank you all,



— David DeWitt


Mailbag! The EF Brand on the EF Ranch!

17 Dec

From our mail bagbag comes a couple of pictures taken recently at the Errol Flynn Ranch in Port Antonio, Jamaica.Thanks to Robb Callahan for sending them along to us … He also let’s us know it is Pat Wymore’s birthday, today!



— David DeWitt


Mailbag! New Errol Flynn Movie in the Works!

13 Dec

We just received this note from the Errol Flynn Estate about a forthcoming new film featuring Errol in his prime years.

Hi David, the Errol Flynn Estate has entered into a deal this past June with a Major Production company to produce a film about Errol’s best years 1935-1939.  We can’t give too much info because we are waiting for the script to be finnished before we go to the press. But I think it would be ok to let your readers know that Jack Huston is the front runner for the role as Errol.

Regards, Robb Callahan

— David DeWitt


The EF Mailbag! Travilla & Errol Flynn!

05 Dec

I just thought you might be interested in this article if you haven’t seen it already.


Costume Designer William “Billy” Travilla & Errol Flynn

— David DeWitt


The EFB Mailbag! The Errol Flynn Theatre!

03 Dec

Andrew Abrahams writes to us:

I wonder whether I can draw your attention to a sale of autographs to be held at Fraser’s Autographs, the leading autograph and memorabilia in the UK, on December 12th, commencing at 5pm London time.

Lot 61 (shown on page 9 of the catalogue) is a collection of 28 10”x8” stills, portraits and crew photographs from the classic 1950s TV series, “The Errol Flynn Theatre”, which was filmed at Bray Studios in England (the home of Hammer Horror).

The collection includes a signed and inscribed photograph (an illustration shown in the catalogue), which I believe shows Errol Flynn with his co-star in that particular episodes, his former wife Patrice Wymore Flynn. Another still shows his son, Sean Flynn, who appeared in another episode.

The Errol Flynn Theatre lot 61

I would be grateful if you would make this information available to anyone you know who may have an interest in this rare package.

Many thanks,

Andrew Abrahams


— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

27 Nov

Our Author Jan Vandervliet passes on to us a mailbag item:


Errol Flynn Memorabilia?

This is the story that was told to me by an old friend of mine Bill Johnston now deceased.

I was given this Bronze deck capstan winch drum by Bill Johnston back in about 1972 he served in the Royal Australian Navy for 35 years and his position of rank was chief engineer, he told me while he was in the Navy his ship attended a sinking yacht which ran aground off the coast of Tasmania, he was allowed to go onto the vessel and retrieve anything he would like, so he was able to salvage this capstan winch drum.

As in the pic’s ….Casting marks AEFA90 …….. 9 ¾” dia at the base 6 ½” high top rim 7”

Bill told me the name of the Yacht was  ”Norab” (Baron spelt backwards)  He also told me this yacht was once owned by Errol Flynn, at the time I just took his word for it, but after doing some research on Google on the name “Norab” I find the vessel was built by Campbell Industries, San Diego CA in 1928, also I find it was also owned by the Millionaire “Baron Long” President of the Agua Caliente in Tijuana and lesser gambling establishments along the California-Mexico border in the 1920’s-30’s, sounds like a place Errol would visit!,  also the Baron would entertain many Movie Stars from that era on this Yacht, and
During World War II, he leased the yacht to the Army for $1.00, and General Douglas MacArthur used it as a floating headquarters.

Other info……. Norab. Motor vessel, 187/65 tons. # 196406. Built San Diego, USA, 1928; reg. Sydney 20/1954. Lbd 103.6 x 22.3 x 10.2ft.  Originally a motor yacht served in New Guinea waters during the Second World War as a hospital ship, then a privately owned fisheries research vessel when lost. Captain Thomas Warren. Caught in the strong tidal current and hit rocks when entering Macquarie Harbour to shelter, 3 December 1954. The master was forced to beach the vessel on a sand-bank inside the Heads behind Entrance Island. Salvage preparations were made however on 6 December she rolled onto her side; abandoned as a total wreck. So the yacht itself had a chequered career and no doubt this piece would have some historical significance.

I would be interested to hear any comments or any facts to disprove its authenticity, and as I see if the jury is still out as to how many yachts Errol owned?.



Thanks, Jan!


— David DeWitt


The EFB Mailbag!

02 Oct
Just found this in looking for information on John Wayne on the ZACA since it was in a documentary on the Blu Ray Disc of Hondo, (one photo only) but it was black  painted in the photo and it only showed the last three letters of ACA and it was showing San Fransisco underneath so it had to be it.
Maybe you have seen this already but it may be worthing posting on your site.

Richard Schultz

Thanks, Richard!

— David DeWitt