Archive for the ‘Mail Bag’ Category

From the Errol Flynn Blog Mailbag!

02 Sep

I received a very pleasant email from Marisa Harris today:

Hi, there,

I was recently doing a search for a specific bit of info on Errol Flynn
for my father who is a big fan. I couldn't find what I wanted online,
but I did come across your blog, which I've put my father on to. It's
great! As an employee of the National Library of Australia, I feel I
have to recommend Trove to you, in case you haven't stumbled across it

Reading through the newspaper articles is fun, and please feel free to
go on a correction frenzy as the OCR doesn't always do a great job!

All the best,


I thought this was so nice I should share it with everybody!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Mailbag!

12 Jul

I got a couple of nice emails from Theresa who says:

Hi. I love your blog & pick up some of your Jamaica-related Flynn
articles for my blog. I received a comment for you & wanted to get
it to you, so I'm trying to join your blog. Here's the comment
anyway, in case you want to post it or reply!
Great articles!!

Hi John. Loved your Port Antonio history. It’s well-written, too.
Your Part III was extremely entertaining!

Was wondering if you witnessed any ’sign’ of any of the numerous
pathways that were made there by Errol. I’m sure a half century later
they have been overgrown, however I’m curious as to whether there are
any remaining ‘clues’.
Did you ever learn what part of the hotel Errol and Beverly stayed in
when they weren’t at the house on Navy Island?

Dennis Mullen
Havana Writers’ Retreat


I wrote and told Theresa I'd love to put the comment on the blog and a link to her website, as well…

She wrote back:

Thanks David. I love, love, LOVE your blog! My site is….
Here's a link to Part 3 of the Titchfield Hotel post; links to Parts
1 & 2 are in the post. I also used Folly Great House and Navy Island! Keep up the fabulous posts! My love is
Portland and Port Antonio, and I love the charming history, so I was
thrilled to find your site. And thanks for including the link!


— David DeWitt


From the Mail Bag, Young Blood – The Making of Errol Flynn

02 May

Heard from David Phillips yesterday who contacted us about the following book!

“This is not a book about Errol Flynn. This is an account of those who came before him, documenting the lives of those who had a hand in the making of Errol Flynn.”…

Ordering Information, and more details!

— David DeWitt