Archive for the ‘Mail Bag’ Category

Mail Bag! Juliet Greco Gravesite Visit!

08 Dec

Another Mail Bag item from Debby Phielix From her recent visit to Paris. Debby found the grave of Juliet Greco and sends us a couple of pictures! Debby writes:

Here are my photo’s of the grave of Juliette Gréco. You can post them on the mainblog if you want.

Juliette Gréco was and still is well loved in France. With the help of a friendly gardner I was able to find her grave at the Montparnasse cemetery. The rose you see in one of the photos is mine. A way to pay my respect to Errol’s co-star in his last two good movies, The Sun Also Rises and The Roots of Heaven. She is buried with her last husband Gérard Jouannest who died 2 years before Juliette.

Thanks, Debby!

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Sean Flynn Apartment Building!

07 Dec

The Mail Bag brings us contemporary views of the apartment building Errol Flynn’s son Sean Flynn lived in in Paris. Debby Phielix sends them with this message:

One of the first things I do when I visit Paris is rush to the Champs Elysees. It is one of my favorite places in Paris. This time I had another goal. To find Sean’s appartment. After leaving the GeorgeV metro station it was easy to find. Next to the Longchamps store was what I was looking for. Sean Flynn’s Paris house. Ofcourse now long gone, but when I looked up I couldn’t help but wonder where in the building he lived.
I doubt there are still appartments in the building as I noticed names of offices next to the door. And it is one of the most expencive streets. I took some pictures and raised my bottle of water as a toast to father and son who are together again in heaven.
I hope the photos are good enough to post. The last one is made across the street, so you can see the whole building.

Thanks, Debby!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Dana Stone Memorial!

19 Oct

The Mail Bag brings the great news from David
Rocco that he has added after 2+ years work a memorial marker for Dana Stone next to that of Sean Flynn’s under Sean’s tree on Westchester New York’s Trail of Honor. He sends some photos! David thank you for all of your hard work on this project …

For more background read our previous posting:

Mail Bag! David Rocco & Sean Flynn Memorial Stone at Westchester, New York!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Paval Decker Errol Flynn Painting Copy!

04 Sep

The mail bag brings us a story about a copy of John Decker’s painting that has been in someone’s family for 50 years. Dave Curtin writes us:


I was looking to connect with Rory Flynn or someone connected to the Errol Flynn estate.  I saw a blog post –…

And it inspired me to reach out.  I’m not sure if the family or estate or collectors would be interested, but I have an original Paval portrait of Errol Flynn.  It’s pretty amazing.

It’s been in my family for 50 years as it originally belonged to my father who owned a nightclub in West Hollyood in the 1970s.

Then it went to Newport Beach with him and my stepmom, then came back to me to studio city.   Now it’s back in Newport Beach.

We’ve thought about selling it from time to time but it would need to go to the right person at the right price.  A friend of mine recently purchased a house in West Hollywood behind the comedy store that once belonged to Errol.  I might see if he’d like it in that place since it ties back to the story.

Let me know your thoughts on any of this.  Here’s an attachment of the photo.

Best,  Dave

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Colorized Digital Copy of Captain Blood!

19 Aug

The Mail Bag brings a question from our new member Morris who asks if anyone has a colorized digital copy of Captain Blood?

Any ideas?

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! 28 Mistakes in Robin Hood Errol Flynn!

21 Jul

Our Brother in Arms, Jan van der Vliet sends us this and says “This will keep you busy!”

Thanks, Jan!

— David DeWitt

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Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Lounging on a Deck Chair?

16 Jul

In the mail bag we get this question from Linda Costa …

Hello there, Linda in Queensland here.

I am chasing a very specific image of our friend Errol. I have seen it on the web somewhere but cant for the life of me find it again.

It shows Errol lounging on a deck chair/ bed on a ship (not his boat), cigarette clamped in his teeth, possibly sunglasses on, with one of his wives also, on what I assume is on a liner crossing the Atlantic. He looks pretty dishy ….

If you can help I would be very grateful. I want to use this image for a presentation I will be making in Denmark next month.

Many thanks,

Linda Costa

ps it may have also been used in an article in The Australian Weekend magazine at about the time of the Centenary …..

— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn and The Royal Palms Carlsbad

11 Jul

Rusty Loftin sends this … for Rory Flynn!

Hi Rory. I just saw your Dad’s name mentioned in Carlsbad’s local tourist magazine. They were showing photos of old Carlsbad Beach resorts back in the day. The Royal Palms Carlsbad which later became Fidels Mexican restaurant  which is now called El Norte, used to be frequented by such Hollywood illuminate as John Wayne and Errol Flynn during the Del Mar horse racing season. I thought you would appreciate the fact that your Dad is still fondly remembered down here …

Thanks, Rusty!

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Shirley Evans Hassau 1943 Press Photo!

02 Jul

The mail bag brings us a photo purchased on eBay from our friend Tony Mostrom! The available image isn’t perfect but is rare …

Thanks, Tony!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn & Rory Flynn Son Composite Photo!

18 May

Rory Flynn who is a professional photographer and Author decided to have some fun and created a new composite photo of her father Errol Flynn and her son Sean (Rio) Flynn when he was a boy. Result is so sweet she shares it with all of us …

Thanks, Rory!

— David DeWitt