Archive for the ‘Mail Bag’ Category

Mail Bag! Olivia deHavilland PRINCESS O’ROURKE!

25 Jul

From Karl Holmberg:

“Generally considered the film that caused Olivia de Havilland to sue Warner Brothers over contract rights. She won the lawsuit, resulting in California Labor Code Section 2855, informally known as the “De Havilland Law”.”

Gotta wonder if “Chas” (an Oscar winner for that year!) didn’t also help that along a little…

(According to Piper Laurie in her memoirs (Learning To Love Out Loud), Charles Coburn loved pinching women’s bottoms. It was for him like a tic. Every female under one hundred and five had to move fast around.)

PRINCESS O’ROURKE, Olivia de Havilland, 1943

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Errol & Dorothy Malone!

23 May

Thanks to Karl Holmberg!

Too Much, Too Soon …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Jack Marino interviews Richard Erdman!

20 Mar

Here is the wonderful Richard Erdman interview from Jack Marino’s Warrior Filmmaker Show on LA Talk Raidio: Thanks, Jack for letting us post it!

Richard Erdman appeared in Objective Burma!

Forgotten Heroes the Movie

— David DeWitt


Mailbag! Zaca Rotting Away in Villefranche circa 1979!

10 Mar

Tip o’ the hat to Karl Holmberg for pointing them out

— David DeWitt


Jim Turriello’s The Quest for the Oscar!

25 Feb

The mailbag rings news that Jim Turriello’s book The Quest for the Oscar is now out in Hardback. And, he notes, his idea for a museum dedicated to Oscar films and related material such as costumes and props is basically being built now dedicted to all films produced by Hollywood. His main concern was, is, and always will be their policy about awarding deceased actors Oscar recognition. The Academy said it would be immposdible to fund such a Museum. Jim’s idea was to award actor an honorary Oscar on the tv show and display it the next day in the Museum avoiding their concern that the family might sell off the Oscar to a collector. He was surprised to hear actress Laura Dern announce the construction of a big new movie museum!…

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Film Grosses in North America!

12 Dec

The Mail Bag brings this from our member RobJack …

Hi all,

I’ve been a big fan of EF for over 40 years and regularly check your site and make a few comments from time to time …

One thing that has interested me is the box office grosses of EF’s films in the North American market from the mid 1940s onwards.  Some of these figures in the attachment are from the references sources on Wikipedia (ie Variety and some Journal articles); others (Cross Swords & Big Boodle) are sourced from the greenbriar picture show website.

There are some that are missing – would any of the contributors to the blog have any information on the missing ones??


Thanks for your question …


— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! A kid named after Errol Flynn …

05 Dec

I got this message from Jack Marino today, as I was about to go to bed but I wanted to put this on the blog because it is important …

Jack writes:

Years ago, I did some work for Rider Mcdowell and Victoria Knight McDowell. They are the founders of Air-Borne and Pine Bros cough drops. Rider is also a filmmaker and a big Errol Flynn aficionado, so much so that he named his first born son ERROL McDowell.

“Today, I found out that their son Errol passed away last June at the age of 18 of cancer from a brain tumor. Before Errol left this earth he raised over a million dollars for cancer research and his parents are continuing to this very day. Their goal is to raise 325 million for a cure for cancer by raising one dollar per American or anything you feel like giving towards this goal.

“Go to… and read about this incredibly talented young man and what he went through. I asked all my friends on Facebook, to share this link, and those of you that have lost loved ones to cancer here is an opportunity to help out.

“You won’t find a more determined couple in Rider and Victoria McDowell that can pull this Herculean feat off to raise this money to end cancer once and for all. Let’s all get on an donate not only for Errol but all these young children and adults that have cancer …”

There is a video on the page that is all about how young Errol was (and is, even after his passing) helping others. At the time, he had been cured of his cancer and was full of promise. He wanted to spend a day with YoutTube star Casey Neistat and had that day. Watch the video!

You can help, too, to save others.

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Flynn, Mulholland Farm and Ghosts!

01 Dec

The morning Mail Bag brings this from Audie, who says this may not be new, but take a look!

Thanks, Audie …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Hotel Belmar: The Ghost Has the Key!

28 Nov
Thank you David:
I look forward to sharing your remembrances and tributes. I have finished my book Hotel Belmar: The Ghost Has the Key. … . After reading Errol’s book and Send in the Empty Horses by David Niven, while talking to locals who told of Errol’spresence here in the Belmar, the strange happenings in the area where his room was, and his colorful episodes on Ice Box Hill, I created a picture of him in front of the hotel with the shadow of Captain Blood, and retold his legend here in Mazatlan, Mexico. He was truly a remarkable man, in fact unforgettable. This is a work of fiction but all 11 ghosts that I tried to depict in “full bleed” black and white images have been reported here. Such a man as Errol is larger than life.
Thanks, Sue!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Register on this Blog!

17 Nov

We got an email today saying our Registration process is a bit muddy! I think this is the result of different browsers at work, but let’s go over it:

Basically, it is a two step process:

Click on Register on the far right-hand corner of the blog, under Meta.

You will be presented with a WordPress Security Popup that asks you to input the temp username: errolflynn, with temp password efb.

Click Submit to got to the WordPress login page and enter your details.

You will receive an email confirming your registration.

After this, the popup will also appear whenever you log back in, and are sent to your normal login page!

Note: registering for the RSS Feed is not where you register to become a member of the blog, a common error …

— David DeWitt