Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

February 3, 1943 – Would Flynn Have Flown?

03 Feb

“The case was drawing near to its close. I would either be sentenced to jail or not. Under the law there was no such thing as a suspended sentence or fine. None of those nice amenities. You either had it, or you hadn’t. I had no intention of going to jail. My two-engine plane was out at Burbank, waiting, so that if I got a bum rap, I’d get out there, hop in and leave America and my screen career forever.”

– My Wicked, Wicked Ways


~ Would Flynn Have Flown? ~

I believe Errol would have definitely exited, stage left –
making it one of the most sensational stories of the 20th Century.

What do you think?

— Tim


February 2, 1943 – Closing Arguments Begin

02 Feb

The Prosecution Begins Closing Argument:…

Photos from Miscellaneous Dates:……




— Tim


Unusual Pictures of Errol!

01 Feb

Has ever anybody seen this picture of Errol?

from the July1939 Modern Screen Magazine

— Tina


Another little quiz!

31 Jan

While we are exchanging knowledge about Errol’s idiosyncrasies here is another quiz:

In which movie did Errol mentioned a name, which existed for real in his private life?

— Tina


Errol Flynn: Celebrity Waterskiing Pioneer

31 Jan

While still in its infancy, long before it became nationally popular, and before even the first known water skiing club was formed (on Lake Washington in Seattle), Errol was expertly skiing off the coast of California.

On one occasion skiing off the beach of Coronado, it’s been said he was ordered to stop by local authorities, who didn’t know what to think about this rarely-seen activity. There are some other great accounts of Errol out waterskiing – such as off of Catalina with David Niven, onto a beach in Jamaica for a celebrity beach party, to work in the Med. But photos proving he skied appear to be very rare. Here’s one though, from what I would say is the late 30s or early 40s, very early for anyone to be waterskiing, nevermind Hollywood’s greatest star.

Errol Waterskiing

— Tim


Early Photos Of Flynn

29 Jan

I found some photos recently and thought I would share. I had never seen them before.





flynn costume check with burt longworth

— twinarchers


Vote Here

29 Jan

Ranking Errol’s Best and Worst:…






Annex - Flynn, Errol (Sea Hawk, The)_NRFPT_04~2

— Tim


January 29, 1943 – No Moonlight Through the Porthole

29 Jan

Flynn Says “No”.

“Actor Errol Flynn denies that he showed Peggy Satterlee the moon through the porthole pointed out on a diagram of his yacht Sirocco by Deputy District Attorney John Hopkins. Flynn’s answers to questions during his trial on charges of rape consisted mostly of one word — “No.”


— Tim


Mail Bag! Rory Flynn and Crossed Swords!

28 Jan

Here is a note sent to me from Rory who asks that we on the blog may be able to offer this writer some help with his book project:

Hello Rory,
I am writing a book about the movie “Crossed Swords” ( 1953) by Milton Krims shot in Cinecittà in Rome and Castle Lancellotti of Lauro (my hometown) with Errol Flynn and Gina Lollobrigida. I would like to know if you have information , documents and photos d’archive useful for reconstructing history .
Waiting for an answer, i send heartfelt greetings.

Vincenzo Castaldo (journalist)

If you have any info, sources, or other helpful information for this author please let me know via the blog’s email address, or publish it here in a reply and I will forward it to Vincenzo!

You may rate a mention in the book’s credits for your contribution …

— David DeWitt


A little Quiz!

28 Jan

In which of Errol’s movies is an important private date of him of significance?
Happy guessing!

— Tina