Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category


27 Mar

In 1950 a car pulls up to an historical marker in the desert on the California-Nevada border. The marker reads:

ROCKY MOUNTAIN, also known as Ghost Mountain

On March 26, 1865, a detachment of Confederate cavalry
crossed the state line into California under secret orders
from Gen. Robert E. Lee to rendezvous at Ghost Mountain
with one Cole Smith, with instructions to place the flag
atop the mountain, and though their mission failed, the
heroism displayed by these gallant men honored the cause
for which they fought so valiantly.

“In 1865, eight horsemen trek across the California desert, arriving at Ghost Mountain. Led by Captain Lafe Barstow (Errol Flynn) of the Mississippi Mountain Rifles. The eight soldiers encounter a man who calls himself California Beal (Howard Petrie). As a last desperate effort to turn the tide of the war, Barstow’s mission is to persuade Cole Smith and his 500 men to raid California on behalf of the Confederacy.”

— Tim



22 Mar

Dear Flynnmates,

always on the outlook for Flynn material, I bought me a(n old) man`s magazine. No, not for the interview. It features an article about Errol`s best man Freddie McEvoy`s untimely demise. The adress where I got it from struck me to some extent. Can it be it came from the estate of the man of River deep-mountain high fame and Second-degree murder infame?

Spector or spectator- who with a NY connection knows if we got the real Phil here?


— shangheinz


Love at first fight

20 Mar

Dear Flynnmates,

I want to share with you an (at least to me) unknown image of Laddie Errol and Lady Livvie.

Both visibly enjoy each others company, our Hollywood hero even gives it a two arrows up.

The pic must have been taken at the early stages of filming The Adventures of Robin Hood, since Flynn wears the knight outfit for the later on cancelled jousting tournament scene.

The idea originated from the grand opening in the original ROHO- movie: (163) Robin Hood (Klassiker von und mit Douglas Fairbanks [ABENTEUER 1922] Stummfilm, ganzer Film Deutsch) – YouTube


— shangheinz


A Giant St. Patty’s Day Quiz

17 Mar

Errol was once a guest at a giant St. Patrick’s Day Party. Where was it and who was the host?

– It may have been the largest St. Patrick’s Day celebration ever thrown by a private person.

– Many dozens of Hollywood celebrities attended.

– The millionaire host wore sunglasses the day of the party, reportedly because he had a black eye he earned in a fistfight while greeting or preparing to greet celebrities.

— Tim


Mail Bag! Philip Gostelow Photography!

14 Mar

From time to time we like to promo the works of members who support The Errol Flynn Blog over the years and today photographer Philip Gostelow reaches out to us about his new website gallery:

“As a photographer I had the great opportunity to photograph a number of celebrities while based in Tokyo in the 90s.
“I’ve just launched a new web gallery on my web site offering for the first time limited edition prints. The first of these are portraits of Quentin Tarantino … please refer Facebook posting as following:
Purchasing Instructions –
“Would EFB be interested to post this offer, together with attached sample?”


Philip Gostelow 
photography + film…

Thanks, Philip!


— David DeWitt



12 Mar

— Tim


The Whereabouts of Flynn

10 Mar

Long before the United States of Mexico Ports of Entry to the United states of America were making big news, as they are these days, Errol was crossing through many of them. Here is one of his notable ones, his attempt to travel incognito through the border gate at Brownsville to Mazatlan (with Senora Damita believe it or not!)

March 9, 1939

Evening Herald Express


Errol Flynn, dashing screen star who is supplying Warner Brothers publicists with a headache, was reported proceeding to Mazatlan, Mexico, today and running out on his film studio’s stunt for a picture.

Traveling incognito so far as it was possible – and it was pretty difficult after Warner’s offered a $500 reward for his capture. – Flynn and his wife Lili Damita, would only comment at the Brownsville airport today that they were “making a little trip.”

Then the couple took a plane to Mexico City. It waa understood Flynn’s plans included a hunting trip to Mazatlan. Warners wanted its playboy to go to Dodge City, KS, for the premiere of a picture by that name.

March 10, 1939

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Warners wished they hadn’t offered $500 reward for information on the whereabouts of Errol Flynn. Within a few hours after the story hit the wires, the studio had received 143 telegrams from all parts of the country. Some of them were gags, but a large number brought actual information…and now the studio is faced with the headache of trying to figure out who deserves the reward.

Did tightwad J.W. pay up??? Doubtful!

— Tim


Sean Fantome

09 Mar

Dear Flynnmates,

a 1990 PARIS MATCH article about Sean Flynn`s last months in Cambodia titled: “Le Fantome de Sean Flynn”, draws its conclusions about what ultimately happened to the son of Captain Blood.

The main source is Tim Page`s quest together with an English broadcasting team to locate the tomb of Sean. The other two are the books “Dispatches” of Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket inspirator Michael Herr and “Enquete sur un crucifié” of a certain Jean Lartéguy. The in depth coverage depicts a probable turn of events surrounding the disappearances of Sean Flynn and his correspondent companion Dana Stone on April 6th 1970.

While the Sixties were gearing up for a space conquering second halftime, Sean was looking for new ventures which could give his life meaning. All mundane things other youngsters are eternally longing for, had almost come way too easy for the charming and charismatic offspring of Ol`Errol and Tiger Lil`. He had six movies under an inherited swashbuckler`s belt, but with each outing on film his father`s shadow seemed only to grow larger. All of a sudden he was stuck with the sole role of playing Riviera heartthrob around the elusive beaches of tiny Saint Tropez. When his innate need for artistic expression urged venting, he set out to become a photographer. His first assignment was to cover the Vietnam War for Paris Match in 1966.

“The only true adventure in life is war and death, and I will live this adventure.” True to his word he participated in covert operations of the Green Berets, always in the middle of combat action. Young soldiers, who never had heard of Errol Flynn, kept questioning themselves, what had brought this good looking guy to this forlorn front line, while most of them had been drafted to go to war against their wills. Sean`s fierceness earned him the respect of military man, whose orders a free spirit like his could have never obeyed, had he become a soldier. Four fighting years on it seemed that he had completely forgotten his pledge to settle in Bali and the plan to built a house by the sea. He no longer felt the son of a Hollywood hero. He had found his true calling. Finally he had become the original instead of a remake of his old man.

The open door Mercedes with flat tires right in the middle of Highway RC No.1 has ambush written over it. Sean and Dana discuss how to proceed on their red Honda motorcycles. Dana argues the main road connecting Saigon with Phnom Penh, where the wife of Dana Stone was waiting, to be fairly safe. While Sean opts for a U- turn, Stone wants to press on to go get Louise. So they do. On the morning of April 6th the two daredevil reporters disappear five miles east of the village of Chi Phou. Around that time the 40th reconnaissance battalion of the North Vietnamese army was on retreat after an offense by the US army in that area . Officially Cambodia still is a neutral country. But by 1970 it had become a clandestine battleground between North Vietnam and the US. An extraterritorial, mountainous retreat for the North Vietnamese is another massive roadblock on the American way to victory. Hanoi would not, the USA could not admit a geographical extension of the war of the two Vietnams. Dana and Sean had stumbled upon a military secret not deemed ready to expose to the world.

Tim Page thinks the two are stripped off their shoes and made to walk barefoot on concrete for four miles to an adjacent temple. There they are interrogated, with Sean handling the procedure speaking French fluently. This will get you nowhere, when the North Vietnamese officer can still remember vividly the French as the last oppressor army from the Indochina war before. They then supposedly are turned over to the local Khmer Rouge chieftain of the village. After taking Sean`s Rolex watch the Khmer in chief sends them up north to a plantation in Songe Kaong. From there they are tossed from village to village like hot potatoes. First from Roko Khaor to Peu, later on to Kharach Chmar. A female political commissar called El Am Nas recalled Dana Stone having lost his glasses and being very sick. Their last stop comes at the village of Bei Met. Unsure what to do with two foreign non soldiers no side was claiming, Page speculates, they are executed at the banks of the Mekong River not later than June 12th of 1971.

Madame Nas said, despite an apparent undernourishment, Sean still handled himself gracefully under pressure. Not only his hair and height set him apart. His striking presence had not left him. He lived his dream and it showed.

Don`t look for his bones. Look for his soul on a solitary beach in Bali.


— shangheinz


Celebrated Personalities

07 Mar

March 6, 1938

Los Angeles Examiner

Filmdom’s Elite Will Attend Reception for Mrs. Payson

Each year the Santa Anita racing season augments the number of our celebrated personalities by bringing other celebrities of the cosmopolitan world to sojourn a while in our fair village. Salient among them is the engaging Mrs. Joan Whitney Payson. And when Kendall and Lewis Milestone entertain today at cocktail time at their Beverly Hills home , she will be the party’s honored guest.

Among the illustrious cocktail sippers they’ll be Jessica and Richard Barthelmess, Ronald Colman and Benita Hume, the Bert Allenbergs, Winifred and Warner Baxter, Carole Lombard and Clark Gable, te Phil Bergs, the John Hay Whitneys, Hope and Louis Lighton, te C.V. Whitneys, Miriam Hopkins and Anatol Litvak, Rouben Mamoulian, Joan Bennett, the Nigel Bruces, Pat Patterson and Charles Boyer, Dixie and Bing Crosby.

Jean Negulesco and Binnie Barnes, the William Goetzes, Kay and John Cromwell, Constance Bennett, Gilbert Roland, Eddie Sutherland, Tala Barell, Bruce Cabot, Whitney Bourne, Dorothy Parker and Alan Campbell, the Miriam Coopers, Mary Astor and Manuel Campo, Heather Thatcher, George Cukor, Ouid and Basil Rathbone, Tim Durant, Marlene Dietrich, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Lili Damita and Errol Flynn, Kay Francis, Whitney de Rham, Eddie Duchin, the Samuel Goldwyns, Janet Gaynor and Tyrone Power.

Also the Georg Fitzmauriees, Alfred Vanderbilt, Anita Loos and John Emerson, Christopher Dumphy, Dr. Harry Martin and Louella O. Parsons, Delmar Daves, the Lawrence Foxes, Cesar Romero, Ethel Merman, Harry Evans, Sally and Norman Foster, Winston Frost, Fransces Marion, Cary Grant, the Howard Hawks, Edmund Golden, theCourtland Hills, Alma and Frank Morgn, Vivian and Ernst Lubitsch, Andy Lawlor, Due de Verdura, Elizabeth Meyer, Ann and Jack Warner.

The Mervyn LeRoys, the Ainsworth Morgans, Sue and Chester Morris, the Bob Montgomerys, the Walter O’Keefe’s, Julie and George Murphy, David Niven, Florence Rice, Jean Arthur and Frank Rice, the Wells Roots, Wesley Ruggles, Virginia Bruce and J. Walter Rubent.

The David Selznicks, Loretta Young, Robert Riskin, the Grantland Rices, the Myron Selznicks, Fay Wray, Gregory Ratoff, Virginia and Daryl Zanuck, etc.

Ann Sheridan, Errol and Lewis Milestone on the Set of Edge of Darkness

The pioneering Joan Payson, the first woman to own a Major League baseball team (and win a Pennant and World Series.) Here with Tom Seaver, Bud Harrelson and Nancy Seaver.

— Tim


Robin de Los Bosques Arrives in London

06 Mar

March 5, 1937, Errol and Erben arrived in London:

“In 1935, Flynn married French-American actress Lili Damita (divorcing in 1942), with whom he had a very stormy relationship, with frequent physical fights. They were called the “Fighting Flynns,” and he called his wife “Tiger Lili.” When his friend Dr. Herman F. Erben (1897-1985) proposed that he and Errol travel to Spain in 1937, Flynn jumped at the opportunity. The friends had met three years earlier on April 14, 1933 in Salamaua, New Guinea. Born in Vienna, Erben was a physician and a world traveler, adventurer, and photographer, making a living primarily as a ship’s doctor. The two adventurers liked each other from the start and traveled together for a couple of months through the Far East. (Thomas McNulty, “Errol Flynn: The Life and Career.” Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004. pp. 23-24) So, in early 1937, Flynn decided to go to Spain as a war correspondent with a commission from Hearst Press, to get away from it all (some say to, literally, escape from his wife) or perhaps just for the adventure. “Arriving in Spain, I felt I was right back in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’” (Errol Flynn, “What Really Happened to Me in Spain” Photoplay, July 1937: 12-15). Flynn and his enigmatic traveling companion, Dr. Erben, left on the Queen Mary on February 24, 1937, arriving in Southhampton, England on March 1.”

“On March 5, 1937, they arrived in London.”

Quoting “Robin de Los Bosques in the Spanish War

— Tim