Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Garden Of Allah Flynn Letter, circa 1957…

27 Mar

Lucky Me! My daughter Erin bought me an original Errol Flynn letter for my upcoming birthday from eBay recently! Click the letter for a closer look…

The Garden Of Allah

Poolside at the Garden of Allah

Aerial View of the Garden of Allah

The Dining Room at the Garden of Allah




— David DeWitt


1950 Photo

25 Mar

Hello Flynn fans!

I hope you enjoy this interesting photo of Errol Flynn and the late Betty Hutton from a Friar's Club event in 1950.


— Shamrock


Welcome New Author, Tom…

19 Mar

The Errol Flynn Blog welcomes Tom as an Author on the Blog! We are happy to welcome you aboard, and look forward to your contributions!


— David DeWitt


Flynn and the Hollywood Cricket Club…

18 Mar

Errol traveled to Vancouver BC to play for the Hollywood Cricket Club. I walked over the Cricket Grounds there about two years ago looking for the spot that the following picture was taken. I found it behind the oval track in Stanley Park at Brockton Point where my parents took my brother and I on hot summer days…

Saturday 4 July 1936

 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Errol Flynn, Nigel Bruce, C. Aubrey Smith and other members of the Hollywood Cricket Club with the Vancouver Cricket Club at Brockton Point in Stanley Park.…

— David DeWitt


Nice Pic from Dive Bomber…

18 Mar

Here is a nice pic from Dive Bomber with Errol, Fred MacMurray, and Ralph Bellamy…

— David DeWitt


Zaca is hauled out of water at Villefranche…

18 Mar

Hull of Zaca is hauled out of the water in the French seaside town of Villefranche for restoration by Alberto Memmo…

— David DeWitt


Welcome New Authors…

16 Mar

The Errol Flynn Blog Welcomes New Authors Jan, Ralph, Jack, Steve and Genene, and Brian to the blog! Watch for new articles by these wonderful writers and Flynn-o-philes!

We are looking forward to more Authors joining in the near future… and reading the contributions of all our Authors, including Karl and Bob–who are already onboard!



— David DeWitt


How I Became a Flynn Fan

15 Mar

Many years ago, when I was a young lad of 20-ish, I was working at my first job at a local printing plant. A co-worker and I were talking about old movies and movie stars, when he mentioned Errol Flynn. I'd only heard of him in passing, probably because of Robin Hood. I'd never even seen an Errol Flynn movie. My friend lent me his copy of My Wicked Wicked Ways. Well, I read the book, and was instantly hooked. So I read it again. Before long, I found a copy for myself. I asked mom and my aunts about him. They remembered him of course, but didn't know too much about him.

I then began scouring the TV for any Errol Flynn movies. Back then we were blessed with three stations….not including PBS. The movie output of those three stations was, shall we say….few and far between. Then late one Friday night, I managed to get a very snowy Detroit station to come in, and they were showing Charge Of The Light Brigade! Finally, there was Errol Flynn!!….for about 30 minutes, till the station signal faded away. But that was a start. Not long after, the same station came in again, and this time I managed to see Cry Wolf.

Later, after moving to town, cable became available. Then I was able to see several other Flynn movies, and later Portrait Of A Swashbuckler on the Biography Channel. I purchased several more books about Errol over the years, by Tony Thomas, Buster Wiles, Earl Conrad, George Morris, Michael Freedland, and best of all, Thomas McNulty's fabulous book. There was one other, that won't be mentioned…

And thanks to David DeWitt, another chapter of Flynn information, photos, stories and articles once again remind me of that day, four score and ten years ago, when I first became aware of our Mr. Flynn!

— Bob


Rory Flynn's new book on Errol…

11 Mar

Rory Flynn's new book on her father Errol Flynn is out now on Amazon! Check it out here: The Baron of Mulholland: A Daughter Remembers Errol Flynn






— David DeWitt


Tales of Flynn

05 Mar

Here's a story I haven't shared much and it is my own and only near connection to the man …

Back in 1975, I knew and worked with a Spain-born fellow, who hung out with Sean Flynn (both being young teenagers) in Majorca in the 50's. He visited the Zaca, at one point, and related to me the following story:

The ship was at anchor, and people were generally relaxing about deck. Flynn did something kind of “unusual” in this young man's presence, that he still remembered MANY YEARS later. It seems that whenever a bathing suit clad young woman would walk by Errol, who was reclining in a deck chair, he would suddenly take his hand, palm up, and, moving the four lower fingers and thumb together and apart, together and apart, etc., follow the passing posterior while making chomping, pig grunting sounds … much to the amusement of himself and others. Part of the “appeal” of this action was that there was no indication it was about to happen, and that it was kind of startling and unexpected. And it “occurred” a number of times in my friend’s presence.

I have always found it to be such an amusing story to recall, not to mention UNIQUE – as it is something I have neither read nor heard of anywhere else,  and also somehow typical of the kind of spontaneous “fun” in which Errol might engage.

— Karl