Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Captain Blood on the Saddle

28 Mar

March 27, 1939

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn will bounce along in a $25,000 silver saddle for the rodeo at Dodge City. The history of the Santa Fe Trail is engraved on it.

Dodge City’s First Rodeo

“A mile long parade featured the actors and elected officials, including the governors of Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. This was followed by a rodeo” at McCarty Stadium. Though there was not enough time to stage a full-fledged rodeo, the event inspired Dodge City to have its first real rodeo, the Boot Hill Roundup, later that year. This event has evolved into today’s PRCA’s Dodge City Day’s Roundup Rodeo.

For Those Who Want to be Dressin’ Like Flynn in a Long-Haired Beaver, Frontier Fur Felt Cowboy Hat!

— Tim


Sword & Crosses??

27 Mar

March 26, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Interesting that when Errol Flynn leads The Charge of the Light Brigade in the Warner Brothers film he will be carrying a sword that is an actual relic of the charge. It was supplied by a Los Angeles man, George A. Bowman, whose brother got it from a survivor of the battle.

Did you know that the first Victoria crosses were struck from the metal of Russian cannons captured on this fateful day, and were given to all the survivors of the charge?

Was this the sword? Or was this a prop? Was such a battle “relic” really used in the movie?

The Victoria Cross Myth

“The Victoria Cross is the highest honour that can be awarded to members of the British and Commonwealth Armed Forces for gallantry in active service. This decoration consists of a Maltese cross formed from the cannon captured from the Russians. This bronze metal is cut from cannons captured from the Russians at Sebastopol during the Crimean War.”

Merely a Myth?

— Tim


Honeymoon, Yes — Marriage, No

27 Mar…

Honeymoon Over Miami Way

March 28, 1938

Jimmy Starr

Although maritime laws permit a captain to perform a perfectly legal marriage ceremony, it isn’t as easy as it might sound. There are certain official papers that a seaworthy captain must have.

Of course, Errol Flynn is the captain of his yacht, but that doesn’t alone give him the right to tie the holy bonds of matrimony, as he was informed by local maritime officials.

And that revelation somewhat changes the marital plans of Gertrude Hemmer and Ralph Cobley, Miami friends of Errol’s, who planned to have the Warner star perform the wedding ceremony for them aboard his new yacht, which stops over at the southern city en route to Hollywood. The couple will be married on shore and will spend a brief honeymoon aboard Flynn’s boat.

Miami Beach 1938

Miami 1938

— Tim


Spongerob Errolpants

26 Mar

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

in January of 1947 the National Geographic Magazine published an article called “The Errol Flynn of Sponge Divers”.

The Errol of this and the Flynn of that were honorary titles at the time. But in the case of one exceptionally dangerous profession we can well picture our Hollywood hero genuinely taking a liking to the complimentary comparison.

World traveller and life time adventurer that he was, I wonder if he read this article and got the idea for the movie “MARU MARU” then and there, or if the namesake hotel in Tanzania did the deed.

Take a deep breath and dive in here yourselves:…




— shangheinz


Sea Scout Scuttled

24 Mar

It’s overboard with the Sea Scout, but a wonderful day in the neighborhood for Fred Rogers and John Glover……

March 23, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

…The two young men who will accompany Errol Flynn on his cruise are John Glover and Fred Rogers, both of New York.

— Tim


Two Big Kisses

22 Mar

March 21, 1949

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn now talks of writing a part for Greer Garson in his screen story, The Last Buccaneer, I don’t know how much importance to attach to thecwarm new friendship of Errol and Greer, but I keep hearing that her romance with Buddy Fogelson is cooling, and she and Flynn certainly do have a good time together.

Greer has a lively sense if humor. On the last day of The Forsythe Saga, she and Flynn were doing a scene in a buggy. Greer had Errol’s side of the buggy wired. When she pressed a button, he went up in the air like he had been stuck with a pin.

The cast and crew had their “end of the picture” party a Chinese restaurant in Culver City.* Greer presented Errol with a gag-gift – red wig, beard and eyebrows to wear in England so the fans won’t recognize from him. Among other things, Errol presented Greer with two big kisses right in front of everybody.


Perhaps Errol used that re-beard. gag-gift on the set of Kim!

Mrs. Miniver had maximum talent…

* In days of old in the Golden State, pre-corona v., Californians could dine-in at Chinese restaurants in Culver City.

— Tim


The Fighting O’Flynn

18 Mar

While it’s still St. Patrick’s Day (in some parts of the world) …

Was The Fighting O’Flynn part satire of Errol Flynn?

Lobby Card:……

— Tim


Top of the Morning to the Flynns’ Gaelic First Names: St. Patrick’s Day 2020

17 Mar


The popularity of the name Errol soared after Captain Blood!

A variation of Earl, Errol is a Scottish name that means nobleman and wanderer.


Rare in the U.S. when Errol named Sean.

Sean (written “Seán” or “Séan” in Irish) is a Hibernization of the English name “John” (‘God has favoured’ in Hebrew); that is, it’s a transliteration of “John” into a form which can be pronounced in Irish and written with the Irish alphabet, which nowadays is simply a version of the Roman alphabet.


Deirdre was the name borne by a legendary Irish princess who was betrothed to the king of Ulster, Conchobar. She eloped, however, to Scotland with her lover Naoise, who was then treacherously murdered by the king. Deirdre supposedly died of a broken heart. The name might be derived from the Old Irish Derdriu (young girl) or from the Celtic Diédrè (fear).


Off the chart rarity when Rory was born!

An anglicisation of the Irish Ruairí, Rory is a buoyant, spirited name for a redhead with Celtic roots. …Rory may also be a nickname for Aurora.


Perhaps the most rare!

Not a Gaelic name, but being that St. Patrick was of Italian blood, Arnella fits right in as well as Patricio!

Arnella was first found in various parts of Southern Italy including early references in Sicily, and the city of Naples. The name eventually moved further north, and those members of the family that lived there adopted the northern tradition of ending their name in “i”, whereas those that stayed in the south kept the southern suffixes. The name Arnella means “sand” and was probably first given to someone who lived near a beach or sandy area.

— Tim


— Watch Out Buddy —> “Errol is Tops”

15 Mar

March 16, 1949

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

After saying he wanted to stay away from Hollywood for a long time, Errol Flynn now talks of returning from Europe in a month.

This is more or less a shot in the dark, Buddy Fogelson had better watch out.

People predicted that Errol and Greer wouldn’t get on in The Forthsyte Saga. Just the contrary happened. They got along famously and Greer thinks Errol is tops.

I know that she was up to his house for a small dinner party Sunday.

Now, wouldn’t that combination be something? And, don’t forget, Errol is partial to redheads.

Errol had a small window of time to romance gorgeous Greer Garson, who had just ended an odd marriage with the allegedly “morose” neysayer, Richard Ney (who was twelve years younger and looked a touch like Sean Flynn did in the early Sixties), followed by the very tame and wealthy Texas wildcatter, Buddy Fogelson.

So, here’s Greer, with Dick Neysayer, Errol Swashbuckler, and Buddy Wildcatter (sporting a Flynn-pencil-thin-like stache, but very thin on the Flynn panache):

— Tim


The Sea Scout

14 Mar

March 14, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

A Florida Sea Scout is tentatively selected as one of the boys to accompany Errol Flynn on his cruise.

— Tim