Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Back Fence Gossip

18 Aug

August 17, 1936

Jimmy Starr
LA Evening Herald Express

Hollywood is a funny town when it comes to rumors. A new-married couple can be doing fine, enjoying marital bliss and all of that – but along comes some back fence gossip, and the whole village is suddenly buzzing with separation reports. Such has been the experience, at least, of Lili Damita and Errol Flynn during the past few weeks.

Definitely putting an end to such absurd chatter, Lili and Errol have announced their plans for a lovely Irish-type home on Lookout Mountain. Together they designed it and even went in for a bit of landscaping, Irish flowers, all imported, will be featured in the grounds, while the backyard boasts of magnificent stables and a circular feeding bin. When completed, the entire place, no doubt, will be one of Hollywood’s show spots.

“Over the decades, many stars resided in this area, including Chester Conklin in his $70,000, 10-room mountain retreat, Jill Esmond and Laurence Olivier in a “rambling ranch house,” Bert Wheeler, Joan Blondell and George Barnes, John Carroll, Lew Ayres, Burl Ives, Edward G. Robinson, Cary Grant, Errol Flynn, Ida Lupino, and Harry Houdini. Its soaring views still attract high-end customers.”…

In the 60s and 70s, Laurel Canyon was second only to Haight-Ashbury as a Mecca for Hippies. This is “where Joni Mitchell was living when she wrote “Ladies Of The Canyons” and “Clouds”; and, Graham Nash wrote “Our House” when he was living here with her. Frank Zappa’s infamous home during the sixties was located on the NW corner of Lookout Mountain and Laurel Canyon, where now is a vacant lot. He eventually moved because every nut in town knew where he lived.” Other rock stars included Jim Morrison, John Mayall, Carole King, The Mamas and The Papas, Dusty Springfield, Brian Wilson, and many others. The 2001 film Laurel Canyon is an homage to this legacy, as is this year’s Echoes of the Canyon.

— Tim


Adventure is Calling

16 Aug

August 13, 1936

Harrison Carrol
LA Evening Herald Express

Adventure is calling again to Errol Flynn.

Instead of sailing to Europe in a de luxe suite as other movie stars do on vacation, the young Irish actor is headed for the wilds of Borneo, where he and a friend will photograph background shots of The White Rajah, Flynn’s own story, in which he will star for Warner Brothers.

The unusual holiday will begin as soon as he finishes one more picture declared the actor yesterday, and will take him away from Hollywood for a period of three months.

As the expedition will penetrate into uncivilized country, the star’s wife, Lili Damita, will not accompany him.

His partner in adventure will be Dr. Hermann Erben, with whom Flynn once sailed up a savage infested river in New Guinea. At that time the thought of Hollywood never enter the actor’s mind. He was the owner of a pearling schooner that Dr. Erben chartered for the expedition.

August 17, 1936

Harrison Carrol
LA Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn calls up to say he still has not given up hope of persuading Lili Damita to brave the wilds of Borneo with him.

— Tim


77 Years Ago Today

16 Aug

August 15, 1942

Errol becomes a U.S. Citizen.

From My Wicked, Wicked Ways:

“In August 1942, I received my naturalization papers. I was an American citizen.”

“The country had been good to me. It had given me wealth and an international reputation.”

— Tim


“The Louse That Roared”

15 Aug

August 14, 1935

Winchell’s Daily Tattle
LA Evening Herald Express

By Walter Winchell

The Lili Damita-Errol Flynn honeymoon is over. It’ll be denied, but Lili is planning a Paris divorce.


Winchell, aka “The Louse That Roared” – “not noted for accuracy”, nor concern for accuracy – wrote this winchell-worded letter to Lili in ’41, after Tiger Lil’ complained to him about an article he published falsely claiming Errol had been charged with statutory rape:

“Dear Mrs. Flynn, Thank you for your letter. The item was garbled by Western Union. I wired it to New York CIty from out of town. Best Wishes, Walter Winchell”

— Tim


The Maestro at The Bard

13 Aug

Robin Hood and Beyond at the Bard Music Festival

This Friday: August 16, 2019…

It was through Max Reinhardt that Korngold first started writing for Hollywood, where he and his family joined the growing exodus of émigrés from Europe. Korngold believed that “music is music, whether it is for the stage, rostrum, or cinema,” and his background in concert music, opera, operetta, and musical comedy proved invaluable in writing for film. His Academy Award-winning score for The Adventures of Robin Hood – an epic Technicolor swashbuckler starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland – integrated music from both his Sursum Corda and his original material for Rosen aus Florida into a taut, genre-defining masterpiece.…

— Tim


Tiger Lil’ Plenty Upset

13 Aug

August 14, 1938

Louella O. Parsons

Los Angeles Examiner

Lili Damita, plenty upset over the press mistaking Errol Flynn’s trip to Reno as a divorce move, was talking about throwing a cocktail party for the newspaper clan to prove she and Errol are still happy. But friends talked her out of it — because Errol isn’t as strong on denials. Many times in the past when these rumors have cropped up Lili has called us and made explanations, but it is hard to hide the fact any longer that things haven’t been going so well for them the last year.

And then there was this …

— Tim


Zaca Goes to War!

10 Aug…


— David DeWitt


Shelter from the Storms

08 Aug

[The storm at sea, and the storm on Lookout Mountain.]

August 10, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn flew into town yesterday from his jaunt to the Cal-Neva Lodge and Reno. His yacht, the Sirocco, docked a few hours earlier at San Pedro. It ran into a storm after leaving Cape San Lucas, losing its mainsail and had to seek shelter until the wind blew itself out. Then, 100 miles south of Ensenada, it ran out of fuel and had to make a long tack out to sea to make the Mexican port. The overhaul will cost the actor a pretty penny.…

— Tim


Change of Mind?

07 Aug

August 8, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Players change their minds so rapidly. Errol Flynn said he was sailing down the Mexican coast and that night he decided to go to Reno instead.


Was the honeymoon over for Mr & Mrs Fleen?…

— Tim


Ringside with Bette & Errol

06 Aug

August 6, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

They are staging a prize-fight, vintage of 1905, for Warner Bros Picture, The Sisters.

Two old time fighters are in the ring and Bette Davis and Errol Flynn are sitting in the front row. Flynn plays a sports writer in the story and Bette is his wife. This is supposed to be the first fight she has ever seen and one of the boxers gets knocked out of the ring and practically into her lap. She is sickened and leaves the stadium.

Bette Davis isn’t a fight fan off the screen, either.

— Tim