Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

July 4, 1936

04 Jul

July 4, 1936

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

“Errol joins Nigel Bruce, C. Aubrey Smith and other members of the Hollywood Cricket Club with the Vancouver Cricket Club at Brockton Point in Stanley Park.”

“The ground was packed with an enthusiastic but non-cricketing crowd consisting principally of teenage girls anxious to see and get close to Errol Flynn.”…

— Tim


The Star of Stars

01 Jul

Olivia is One Hundred and Three

— Tim


Was there to have been an Errol and Olivia reteaming and…

29 Jun

possible Oscar nod?

I assume Flynn would have been the Morris Townsend (Montgomery Clift) romantic interest role as opposed to the Dr Austin Sloper (and father to Catherine: Olivia) as played by Ralph Richardson.

Clift didn’t get an Oscar “nom” but Richardson DID…

(You may recall that the other lost opportunity being A Tree Grows in Brookyln and a DEFINITE Oscar there!)

Here’s a blurb from a recent  DVD release:

June 27, 2019

THE HEIRESS is surrounded by so much film history that it is hard to fix a point to start. What you will know is that it was directed by 3 time oscar winner, William Wyler (The Best Years of Our Lives). It was a winner of 4 oscars including one for Olivia De Havilland (her second) for best actress. You might not know it was based on a play by husband and wife team Ruth and Augustus Goetz, who in turn took the inspiration from the novel ‘Washington Square’ by America’s great chronicler of the affluent, Henry James. You will not know that Errol Flynn was to be the original lead but decided against it. Which meant no reteaming of Basil Rathbone (also up for a role) and De Havilland.”

— Karl


Posted in Main Page


Baby Talk

24 Jun

June 24, 1935

Film Flam with Sidney Skolsky
Hollywood Citizen News

Lily Damita has told intimates that the reason she got married is that she wants a baby (Flynn).


June 30, 1935

Louella Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

The real story behind the marriage of Lily Damita to handsome Errol Flynn is that the gay Damita has a yen to go domestic in a big way. She confided to a close friend months ago that she was tired of gadding about.

“The next time I meet a man I really like,” she said. “I am going to marry him, settle down and have babies. I believe I want a child more than anything else in the world.”

She lived a gay life in Europe and Hollywood before semi-settling down with Flynn …

She seems to be showing in this photo … just about everything but a baby bump!

Press speculation on how their baby would look …

It took guile and a while …

— Tim


Wedding Dinner Like Flynn

23 Jun

June 22, 1935

Louella Parsons
Los Angeles Examiner

Lily Damita and Errol Flynn entertaining twelve of their intimates at a wedding dinner.


June 24, 2019

Reine Davies
Hollywood Parade

Lily Damita and Errol Flynn’s honeymoon house atop Lookout Mountain was the “location” for high revelry last Thursday night, when the entertained at a formal dinner, not only to celebrate their marriage the previous day, but Errol’s birthday as well.

The vivacious Lili had the attractive home bounding with valley lilies, white roses and gardenias, and the party was high-spotted when the butler, with befitting fanfare, brought on a huge wedding cake, followed by another for Errol.

Those who wished the Frenchy Lili and her Irish husband great happiness were Dolores Del Rio and Cedric Gibbons, the Countess de Maigret, Peggy Fears, George Cukor, Al Kaufman, Lloyd Pantages, Rene Hubert, and those hospitable romancers, Lyda Roberti and Bud Ernst.

To carry on the celebrating, Al Kaufman later took the entire party to the Miramar Hotel, where they greeted “Colonel” Gus Arnheim, and danced to his very danceable music.


Up on Lookout Mountain with newlyweds Errol and Lookout Lili Flynn

8946 Appian Way on Lookout Mountain in the Hollywood Hills

To the Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica

“Where they greeted “Colonel” Gus Arnheim, and danced to his very danceable music.”
[Look at Lookout Lil’ being used to portray “Sweet Georgia Brown in this Gus Arheim music video! What a coincidence!]

— Tim


Who Tops Errol?

22 Jun

Born in Tasmania 110 years ago, Errol Flynn is still phenomenally famous and popular around the globe. Indeed, he may be the most internationally famous and popular Australian of all time.

If not, who tops him?

— Tim


Flynn Cottage at Sandy Bay

21 Jun

Welcome to Errol’s “circa 1915” childhood home at 60 Duke Street in Sandy Bay, Hobart, Tasmania,…

‘A beach, Sandy Bay, was not far away and I was often there, swimming from the age of three. The beach was of hard brown sand, the water freezing cold. Mother was a good swimmer, and she took me there very often.’

– My Wicked, Wicked Ways

Here is the park/preserve at Short Beach in Sandy Bay named in Errol’s honor:

— Tim


One After 109

20 Jun…

— Tim


Captain Cary

19 Jun

June 19, 1935

Lloyd Pantages
I Cover Hollywood
Los Angeles Examiner

Cary Grant is being tested for the lead in Captain Blood at Warners. If he gets it, it will be the second time he has been loaned from his home lot, Paramount, since his advent into the cinema. His only other loan was to Twentieth Century for Born to be Bad. Incidently, Captain Blood was originally slated for Robert Donat until the English courts decided that his contract with Warners was invalid and that he should remain in England with another company.

— Tim


Curtiz call

12 Jun

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

the definitive behind- the- scenes book has seen the light.

My dear friend Ilona Ryder, a former teacher at the Grant MacEwan Community College, has made her promise true and wrote an intimate portrait of her grandfather Michael Curtiz.

For the first time using never- before- seen documents she lifts the veil on  this famous director`s family ties, trials and tribulations. Let me tell you this: he was a busy man!

Besides directing up to 175 films on both ends of the pond and speaking several languages simultanously, he constantly kept falling in love all over again. These liasions resulted in various children, who finally have a say in (t)his biography.

He managed to keep in touch with his loved ones, helped where he could during those dire times of war and never forgot his Austro- Hungarian roots.

If you like me are into cinematic anecdotes from an up close and personal view, you are in for a treat.

Mrs. Ryder interviewed many people over the period of 20 years (Lady Livvie being the most prominent of the lot) to add an angle to the film maker and family man who brought us Casablanca, The Adventures of Robin Hood and Yankee Doodle Dandy.

There is some Flynn in, but as far as Lil` Damita is concerned… you have to see for yourself.

Get it here if you can:…


— shangheinz