June 9, 1936
Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express
Now, who may Olivia de Havilland mean by this?
In an interview yesterday the youthful Warners star that she ‘could fall in love’ with one of the leading men she has had in pictures.
She insisted it was all theoretical, but Hollywood immediately began to count the lads over the fingers.
They consist of 5. The first was Dick Powell in A Midsummer’s Night Dream. The rest have been James Cagney in The Irish in Us, Joe E. Brown in Alibi Ike, Errol Flynn in Captain Blood and The Charge of the Light Brigade, and Frederic March in Anthony Adverse.
Even if she is just theorizing, Hollywood would like to know which is Olivia’s ‘type.’
Lysanda & Hermia
Danny & Lucille
Frank & Dolly
Peter & Arabella
Geoffrey & Elsa
Anthony & Angela
— Tim