Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Silver River @ Warners Downtown LA, 1948

22 May

May 22, 1948

Silver River

Lowell E. Redelings

Hollywood Citizen News

There’s a scene in Silver River where Ann Sheridan, on a wagon trek West, sleeps out under the stars. Errol Flynn bunks beneath a wagon for the night, but Ann thinks he’s inside the wagon.

It rains before morning, Ann comes scampering to the wagon, dragging her blankets behind her, and starts to scramble under the wagon.

“Please, lady,” exclaims Errol in feigned indignation, “you might at least first knock on the wheel.”

Whereupon, with a black look of hate (Errol loves her, but she can’t stand HIM, you know) climbs into the wagon, and Errol on the ground below asks questions relating to her private life with her husband.

All this is meat and drink to Errol Flynn’s fans. You could almost hear them drooling in their emotions yesterday at the Warner Hollywood Theater, and there were probably similar demonstrations at the Downtown and Wiltern.

Silver River is a good “schmaltzy” movie entertainment.  it is tailored stuff for Errol – the bold, dashing hero of many another frontier epic. It gives Mr. Flynn a chance to wear those frontier clothes, in which he makes the wardrobe department so proud of itself, and too, he has plenty of elbow room in the wide-open spaces to woo Ann between walking over men in his climb to riches and fame.

Errol is a gambler this time out. The time is the Post-Civil War period, and the Westward movement is in full force. Errol acquires some gambling equipment and from this small beginning becomes a silver tycoon in the hub of the silver empire – Silver City.

Ann Sheridan is married to a mining expert – but so far as Errol is concerned he’s just in the way of his conquest of Ann. The Indians finally get her husband, and Errol moves in quickly to make her his wife.

Thereafter, the plot moves to a dramatic climax.

— Tim


Hats Off to Ronald Reagan

21 May

May 21, 1948

Sidney Skolsky
Hollywood Citizen News

Ronald Reagan: He is an actor who is interested in the welfare of actors and in their position in the industry. He has advanced from a supporting player to a leading man. He is always to know what pictures are being made at his studio, and when hears of any he likes, he makes a bid for it. He is very pleased that he is no longer told they wanted Errol Flynn for a certain picture, but that they are going to give it to him.

— Tim


Flynn On Ray De O’Fan

20 May

May 16, 1936

Ray De O’Fan
Los Angeles Examiner

Smith Ballew as master of ceremonies on “Chateau” will introduce as his guests Errol Flynn, one of Hollywood’s newer stars; comic George Jessel, singer June Knight and grappler Man Mountain Dean. This in addition to Smith’s warbling and Victor Young’s music (KFL 5:30 PM)


“Chateau” refers to the Shell Chateau radio show. Smith Ballew was a very talented musician, who sang and played with many of the greatest musicians of the 20s and 30s. Following Shell Chateau, he became a ‘B’ Western star.…

Jessel with Norma Jean

The Vivacious June Knight

Man Mountain Dean, Dizzy Dean, Daffy Dean

The Great Vincent Young…

— Tim


Happy 100th Birthday — to the Santa Fe Snow Queen!

19 May…

Elray was a Texas Tech University beauty, Cotton Queen, and even played The Snow Queen in Santa Fe, New Mexico for Warner Brother’s Santa Fe Trail, starring Errol Flynn in 1940.

Her picture was used to promote the famous premier of the movie in Santa Fe.…

— Tim


The Stars of Catalina

17 May

“John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Ronald Reagan and Errol Flynn, who often sailed his yacht to the island to hunt wild boar.” (Author’s note: Make that yachts … The Bachelor/Cheerio II, Sirocco, and Zaca.)

“With a tip of the cap to Copernicus, Aristotle, Galileo, and Ernie “Let’s Play Two” Banks, too!!”

Off-Season: Santa Catalina Island

— Tim


Posted in Main Page


Errol Flynn’s Leading Lady Legend Doris Day Dies!

13 May

Sorry to report but the great Doris Day has left us at age 97. In her own autobiography Miss Day wrote how much she enjoyed kissing the great swashbuckler Errol Flynn at the end of the hilarious comedy “It’s A Great Feeling” (1949). Doris Day was a hit singer who sold millions of recordings, had a hit TV series that ran for five years, and starred in 39 motion pictures including one for Alfred Hitchcock. We salute this great lady who save the lives of many animals.

— rswilltell


Posted in Main Page


Days in the Cays

07 May

The most highly coveted of ornamental plants, the delicate, exotic and graceful orchid represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility. There are numerous kinds of orchids but the black orchid is regarded the most intriguing and powerful of all. The Greek word “orchis” means “testicle” and is a symbol of virility. Ancient Greeks believed that they could control a baby’s gender by eating orchid roots. If they wished a son, the father would eat a large and new orchid tuber. If they wished a daughter, the mother would eat a small tuber. This belief, and other perceived magical sexual and spiritual powers of orchids, helped them remain popular into modern times.

Perfect for Virile Errol’s Hollywood Hot House, described below!

May 10, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

When Errol Flynn gets back from his Bahamas trip in about three weeks, Hollywood will get a floral novelty. He is bringing several hundred cuttings of a black orchid, found when he and Lili Damita were exploring the southern tip of Cat Cay Island.

His agent got an enthusiastic wire today ordering the ‘for sale’ sign off real estate the star owns on the tip of Laurel Canyon and instructing him to start building a modernistic hot house in which to grow the exotic blooms. Flynn plans to raise them for the Hollywood market.


Fascinating footage of Cat Cay Island circa when Errol first sailed there, shortly after he purchased Sirocco:

— Tim



03 May

Have you ever noticed how nice members of this blog are? I have noticed over the years that this is almost always the case. This may have something to do with us, but I think a huge part of it has to do with the man we honor. I think there is something about him which invokes certain feelings in those about him. He didn’t try to hit us over the head with this. He made sure that he was ‘ bad boy’ enough to cover this up. I think one reason we honor him was that he was a Very decent human being and quite brave in the world and struggles he faced. I think that is what draws us to him. We get to be brave through him – he inspires us to fight and persevere for what’s right even when we’re paralyzed with fear.

I couldn’t get over how generous and thoughtful Karl was when he acknowledged David DeWitt and Lincoln Hurst. David has been the best managing this site – it would be pitiful without him. I don’t think we can ever thank him enough. The fact that Lincoln Hurst is a fan of Errol’s shows how he must have been a wonderful guy (Flynn, with all his difficulties). If you watch the Lincoln Hurst Family Memorial, it is clear that he was a wonderful, wonderful man. It makes me feel good as a human being to know that I was on the same planet as Lincoln Hurst (actually, I remember disagreeing in writing with something he said!).

Thanks for putting up with long comments, but I think some of these things needed to be said. This is a wonderful blog, and I don’t think this is by accident.



— kevin kiernan


An Avalanche of Adventure

01 May


From this week’s Fayetteville Flyer:

“Northern Pursuit”

“Though he was Australian-born, Errol Flynn was one of the United States’ most popular commodities during World War II.

Flynn made a name for himself swashbuckling across the silver screen in such classics of the 1930a as 1935’s “Captain Blood” and 1938’s “Adventures of Robin Hood,” but during the early 1940s few Hollywood stars made more of a splash in war pictures than Flynn. Films like 1941’s “Dive Bomber” and 1942’s “Desperate Journey” cemented him as one of Hollywood’s greatest stay-at-home warriors.

One of Flynn’s most overlooked pictures “Northern Pursuit” comes from the same era and is set against a World War II backdrop as he stars as Steve Wagner, a former corporal in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that goes undercover to root out a covert Nazi scheme.

The film, which Turner Classic Movie channel is scheduled to play at 7 p.m. (CT) Tuesday was Flynn’s first movie after being acquitted of two statutory rape charges in 1942. Though Flynn’s was never as popular after the trial as he was before, he still knew how to carry adventure movies and romance pictures alike.

“Northern Pursuit” is a solid thriller, directed by the capable Raoul Walsh, who also directed Flynn in the Gen. George Armstrong Custer biopic “They Died With Their Boots On” in 1941.

Walsh amps up the tension and leaves the viewer questioning whether Flynn is a turncoat or not through much of the movie which co-stars Julie Bishop, Helmut Dantine, John Ridgely, and Gene Lockhart.…


— Tim


Notice: Allow Requests!

30 Apr

You must sign up to become a Subscriber before you can use this site, or be Invited to become an Author. The Allow Requests we receive from non-subscribers are generally bots and spammers and do not get approved. I am sorry if anybody who would like to join the blog and is not a bot or spammer and gets caught up in our security screens but we do our best to protect ourselves and our readers from these intrusions. The reason you may not be getting through the signup process is always because your email address or IP has been flagged before as a spammer. In any case, Subscribers must have 2 approved comments before they are allowed to post comments without moderation, and this eliminates a lot of spamming, as well … We appreciate you all but ere on the side of caution to protect our members and readers!



Admin/The Errol Flynn Blog

— David DeWitt