Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Wrestling with Lili

18 Apr

April 22, 1935
Lloyd Pantages
Cover Hollywood
Los Angeles Examiner

“Lili Damita has developed a sparkling interest in Man Mountain Dean – of all people.
Every time he gives forth in a local match, Lili can be found hanging over the canvas at ringside…”

Here is some Pathe film of perhaps such a match, a late 1934 contest between Jumpin’ Joe Savoldi and Man Mountain Dean at the Olympic Auditorium in LA. Anyone see Lili hanging over the canvas? Maybe she was studying some of Jumpin’ Joes’s famous flying kicks for her early dates and dalliances with Flynn.

— Tim


Deirdre Flynn and Jack Marino

16 Apr

Here are three photos of Deirdre Flynn working with me on my film Forgotten Heroes and the last picture is of my wife Louise, Deirdre and myself at our home in Burbank. Deirdre had come over for dinner and we took this picture in front of the poster of her Dad up on the mast of the Sirocco

Deirdre on location as wardrobe mistress 1988

Jack and Deirdre in my preduction office 1988

Louise, Deirdre and Jack in our home in Burbank 2005

— Jack Marino


Posted in Main Page



07 Apr



Posted in Main Page


500 likes Lock, Stock and Errol

01 Apr

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Errol lives. While all is quiet here on the Western blog, there are 500 more Flynnthusiasts out there on FB:…

Granted half of em are personal aquaintances quizzing themselves about my inflynntuation with this Hollywood hero and villain long gone but still not forgotten.

Well, that‘s what happens when you see “The Adventures of Robin Hood“ at age 8, are winning a carnival costume competition in high school soon thereafter, dressed up as RH with green hood, yellow thighs and a bow without arrows, because they were sacked by the teacher before they could be put to good use.

Young laddie sees all the pirate movies, watches as Flynney swopps dagger for swagger in Gentleman Jim and decides forever to root for the underdog, side with the outsider and bully the bullies.

Growing up though one outgrows talking trash’n’treason all the time, learns to reason and forgets about it all. You are not in Sherwood any more….

Come young adulthood by chance you stumble across that tell all tall tale of “My wicked, wicked ways“ and realize that Flynn also was a flawed human being with a vita vastly surpassing any script.

Before you know it the life of your childhood idol leads straight up to your doorstep. One aspect being Dr. Erben having lived just around the corner, the other being an unfinished film with a prominent Austrian actress, who‘s willing to share the anecdotes of William Tell with you.

You even discover that a crew member on the yacht of Errol Flynn‘s best man was a local and that while hunted by Interpol for murder, he inexplicitly escaped shipwreck and death of its captain one fateful night in a storm off the coast of Morocco. Can I get a witness!?

There you have it, you caught Flynn fever again. A merry man called Brian Twist sells you his copies of newspaper articles on  the internet, next thing you know you discover there‘s even a site where EF fans like you fence back and forth on a blog, each and everyone calling themselves Anonymous. Some secret society to your very liking.

So here we are today with many more stories to pen.

Join and enjoy,

— shangheinz


FORGOTTEN HEROES honors all Vietnam Vets and Errol Flynn

30 Mar


March 29 is the day we honor all Vietnam Vets, I’d thought I’d post this to let you know how I tried to honor them in 1990

When I was a kid Errol Flynn inspired me to be an actor and eventually come out to Hollywood and make the kind of films he made

It’s been a long journey since I made my last film FORGOTTEN HEROES in 1988 and I was able to finish it in 1990. I had over 250 screenings of my film and I wanted to “honor and welcome home’ all the Vietnam Vets. After that war, they were spat on and later Hollywood spat on them in films. The anti-war protestors all ran Hollywood and they ended up blackballing me and my film.

That was in 1992, I still have the film and I am selling the DVD on my website.

I wanted to post a review from a fellow filmmaker and Flynn aficionado Steve Latshaw!


I am watching FORGOTTEN HEROES tonight and am reminded of what a beautiful, heartfelt film it is. You’ve seen it so many times its impact may be lost on you. It’s truly a great film, beautifully shot. And I loved the nods to Errol, particularly the incredible scene where the surfer has been tortured and asks the Greek to kill him. It reminded me of the great scene in Objective Burma – but you took it further and the emotional impact was profound.

I have made over 35 movies in my career. I have always wanted to make a film that would affect people lives in a profound and positive way. I haven’t yet done so. I’ve often said I’d give up my career if I could make one film like that. You did it right out of the gate.

I am and continue to be in awe of your passion and envious of your talent.”

Bung Ho.
April 13, 2008

You can go to my website and purchase a copy and let me know if you want me to sign it for you. My film stars veteran character actor William Smith. He plays a Russian General who wants to defect to the USA.

I tell people that Forgotten Heroes is “Objective Burma meets Kelly’s Heroes in Vietnam”.…

— Jack Marino


Posted in Main Page


Speaking of Errol Flynn …

29 Mar

From King Karl Holmberg, comes a rare image of a young Mrs. Olsen percolating over Errol Flynn. Thank you, Karl!

Mrs. Olsen saves another marriage.…

— Tim


A Good read about Olivia.

22 Mar…

— tassie devil


The Stopwatch has Stopped for Richard Erdman

17 Mar

Fare thee well, Richard. You were a great Flynnmate.……

From another interview:

Erdman would go on to work with the best, including Errol Flynn in “Objective, Burma!”

“We drove out to the Warner Ranch in Calabasas for location shooting in the same car every day and he couldn’t have been nicer to me. In some scenes we were waist deep in mud simulating a swamp. It was a very hot summer and tiring, but Errol was great throughout. There were no actresses in the film, but women would just turn up on the set and follow him around. He literally had to fight them off. He was a man’s man, but also had a sensitive side to him. He was just a charming guy.”

— Tim


From Istanbul with love

17 Mar

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

today marks the 100th birthday of Nathaniel Adams Coles commonerly known as Nat King Cole. Born in Montgomery Alabama the son of a butcher turned  Baptist pastor had a professional band  at age 16. Having moved to the South Side of Chicago he engaged in a prolific musical battle with his piano idol Earl “Fatha” Hines. “Sweet Lorraine” was his first hit with many more to come like “Mona Lisa” and “Straighten up and fly right”, once he was signed by Capitol Records, then a young label.

The King of Jazz was nominated four times for a Grammy and finally received his first in 1959, playing at the Sands Casino of Las Vegas for many years. The broad smilin’ entertainer with the honey covered vocal cords found himself opposed to very similar obstacles in later life like our man Flynn, who he met in Istanbul on the backlot of Universal Studios. In order to pay back back taxes caused by incompetent management he was forced to constantly touring and n’erending TV appearances. That a a whole lotta chain smoking lead to his untimely death at 45.

27 years after he posthumely would receive seven more Grammys for the duet across time and space with his daughter Natalie.

Much obliged for any post of all you knowledgeable Flynnions here if King Nat commented on his working with Errol.


— shangheinz


Gone without the Flynn

16 Mar

Der fellow Flynn fans,

I share with you a rare document, which shows the Hollywood studio executives ways of thinking when it comes to casting and cashing in on a movie in the making. It further shines a light on why Flynn wasn’t in in GONE WITH THE WIND. While the frantic search for the leading lady is common knowledge, it was new to me, that Gary Cooper was also considered for the lead role. Either way the film would have turned out ok. Let’s post your favourite photo of an iconic scene of GWTW and let our imaginary eye insert Errol into the picture. But keep in mind that Gable brought a lot to the table…


— shangheinz