Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

Armistice Day 11/11

11 Nov

The horror of war is the reason of peace …

— Tim


“A Pretentious Film”

09 Nov

November 9, 1935



New Casting Experiment Puts Unknown Newcomers in Featured Lead Roles

At Warners, Capt. Blood, a pretentious film, is in work with an
‘unknown’cast. Errol Flynn has the lead. Ever hear of him?

— Tim


Movie (Star) Date

08 Nov

November 8, 1935



By Edward Martin

“Around the Village:

Lili Damita and Errol Flynn taking in the show at Warner Brothers Hollywood.”

Movie unknown, but, as depicted below, Case of the Curious Bride played there April of 1935, and John Barrymore’s Don Juan almost a decade earlier.

A once-grand movie palace. It’s glamor has only slightly faded.”…

— Tim


Vote Today!

06 Nov

Who is the greatest action-adventure movie star of all time?

What Hollywood superstar from the 1930s and 1940s who has never been honored by the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences, most deserves to be?

— Tim


Classic Film Blunders: Pulling Plugs & Slipping Disks

05 Nov


“RIP FilmStruck, one of classic cinema’s last refuges in the streaming era”

“The beloved destination for foreign films, art-house discoveries, and movies from Hollywood’s Golden Age is shutting down.”…

“On the news that FilmStruck has been struck down, fans — including Hollywood directors Barry Jenkins, Guillermo del Toro and Rian Johnson — vented their shock, sadness and anger on social media.”

“FilmStruck will cease operations on Nov. 29 after two years in operation, Turner and Warner Bros. Digital Networks announced Friday.”

“The service hosted hundreds of classic, arthouse, indie and foreign films.”…

“On Friday, the FilmStruck site posted this message: “We regret to inform you that FilmStruck will be shutting down. Our last day of service will be November 29, 2018, and we are currently no longer enrolling new subscribers. All current FilmStruck subscribers will receive an email with details about your account and the refund process as applicable.”…

“The question that now remains hovering in the air is where are the film connoisseurs and the film fans of the future going to encounter the classics of yester-year, the films which still routinely inspire today’s directors.”…

— Tim


Oceans Apart . . . – – – . . . 80 Years Ago This Week

03 Nov

November 3, 1938

Louella O. Parson
Los Angeles Examiner

“Errol Flynn has promised to be home November 11 from his Honolulu holiday.”

. . . – – – . . .

November 4, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Yesterday’s late editions carried a one-paragraph story from London that will lift eyebrows in Hollywood. It quoted Lili Damita as follows:

“I’ve retired from film work forever. I’m going to settle down and be a wife and a mother.”

Only one thing that would have tilted the eyebrows higher—if Errol Flynn had said: “I’m going to settle down and be a husband and father.”

— Tim


Time to Put Away the Costumes — 80 Years Ago

02 Nov

Halloween was yesterday. Time to put away the costumes.
And time for a “Time to Put Away the Costumes” story from the days of Robin Hood.

November 1, 1938

“Behind the Makeup”

“Attendants in the Warner Brothers Studio wardrobe department are storing away
the armor worn by soldiers in the movie Robin Hood. Between each suit
of mail goes a generous number of moth balls. The moth balls are necessary
because movietown armor is made of wool, painted to look like armor.”

– Erskine Johnson, Los Angeles Examiner

This film will never go in moth balls, but its woolen armor did, as reported eighty years ago today.

— Tim


Snappy Errolween

31 Oct

Young Errol Hood

“It’s the Errol Flynn Robin Hood version complete with mustache. We used brown fleece, a long sleeved green shirt and green pants, fleece tunic, leather belt cut to fit, complete with bow and arrow, leather boots with brown fleece sewn at the tops, and to top that off, a feather in his cap!”…

Lovely Lady Robin


The Enchanting Maid Marian

— Tim


(Not So) Confidential

28 Oct…


“We all read it,” Marlene Dietrich said, “not because it was any good . . . but to find out if we were in it.”

Errol Flynn came to Los Angeles in hopes of testifying against the magazine. Many stars fled the town and country.


— Tim


Flyin’ Flynn – October 1937

24 Oct

“Warners have fired Errol a red-hot telegram, ordering him to discontinue
flying lessons on the Robin Hood location. Studio nearly had a fit
when it learned Flynn and Patric Knowles have been renting a plane at a Chico
airport and making night flights. Knowles, a licensed but comparatively
inexperienced pilot, was in the role of teacher. Flynn, of pupil.”

– October 26, Harrison Carroll


“Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig-one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.”

– October 16, Hollywood’s Gabby Corners


Here is Flight Instructor Knowles with His Illustrious Student Pilot ..

— Tim