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In Like Flynn review: Errol Flynn biopic a tepid tribute to swashbuckling legend

14 Oct

A review of IN LIKE FLYNN…

I have always said there isn’t any film director or actor that can capture the charm, spirit and lust for living that was Errol Flynn.

I tried to put together a project written by Tony Thomas, we were talking to Vince Sherman as director and I told them all that a younger Kevin Kline could pull it off.  At the time Kline didn’t want anything to do with Flynn. My idea and Vince loved it was to copy Amadeus where you had the older Flynn in Jamaica talking with Conrad as Salieri talking to the priest.  Then we cut to a young Flynn/Kline at differnent parts of his life but not in order.  The idea was to show Flynn as one of the coolest guys to walk the earth.  It would be an acting challange for Kline and I felt that was the only way to get him to play this part. I wanted to end the film with Tony’s narration from the CD Requiem for a Cavalier where Tony talks about remembering Errol Flynn and we show the clip of the end of Robin Hood. So the kids in the theater would see the real Errol Flynn at the end of the film.

I could never get the funds, then Vince passed away and two years later Tony passed away.  Kline didn’t work in film for ten years and he jumped at the role of Flynn in the LAST ROBIN HOOD which he was the only real actor in the whole film. He somewhat captured Errol… I will probably see IN LIKE FLYNN but I’m not expecting too much.

Bung ho!



— Jack Marino


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For Fans of Flynn

14 Oct

From Eire for Errol…

— Tim


In Like Indiana Flynn?

10 Oct…




— Tim


Not In Like Flynn?

09 Oct

A Tepid Tribute? A Wishy-Washy Swashbuckler? A Faux-Flynn Flim Flam? A B-movie Bomb?……

— Tim


A Star is Born – Again

08 Oct

And Hollywood’s Gone Ga Ga.…

How good could Flynn have been as Norman Maine? Great. Better than all the rest, I believe.
(As long as they didn’t make him sing!)

Flynn’s Film? Errol’s Oscar?


Ga Ga Land (2018)

Not So Funny Girl (1976)

Judy Judy Judy (1954)

Hooray for Hollywood? (1937)

The First Star is Born? (1932)

Who do you think is best in the leading roles?

Constance Bennett, Janet Gaynor, Judy Garland, Barbara Streisand, or Lady Ga Ga?

Lowell Sherman, Fredric March, Janes Mason, Kris Kristofferson, Bradley Cooper?

Do you agree with this ranking?…

— Tim


Supreme Court Justice

07 Oct

No, not that Supreme Court Justice. The justice being sought from the Supreme Court in the just-filed ODH v. FX.…

P.S. I’m not sure all the justices will be able to keep up with our Lady O.…

— Tim


The Case of the Curious Pneumonia

07 Oct


Los Angeles Examiner – Louella Parsons, October 4, 1938

Errol Flynn heard yesterday for the first time that he had pneumonia when he was so critically ill last week. So remarkable was his recovery that he is expected to go home today, and Lili Damita will sail Thursday on the Queen Mary. Errol’s doctors have ordered him to rest for two weeks, after which he is to report to Warner studio for Dodge City.

Don’t say “That’s where we came in,” for Hal Wallis really tried to borrow Ronald Coleman and Cary Grant for the remittance man who goes western. But when neither English accent was available, he went back to the original idea of putting Flynn in the role, postponing The Sea Hawk until early next year. Michael Curtiz, the director, who always favored Flynn, was rejoicing yesterday, for both Flynn and Olivia de Havilland were in Robin Hood Curtiz’ biggest hit.

Dodge City could-have-been cowboys, Coleman and Cary:

— — —

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll
October 5, 1938

Errol Flynn went from the hospital to Edmund Goulding’s house at Palm Springs. He wanted to take a trip to Mexico City, but doctors vetoed it.…
— — —

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Jimmy Starr
October 10, 1938

Lili Damita shushed those Paris divorce rumors by nixing her trip to Gay Paree with the Jack Warners and flying back to hubby Errol Flynn in Palm Springs.

Here they are in Palm Springs:

— Tim


Silver telephoon fed

06 Oct

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Jack Warner for sure wasn`t born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Matter of fact he had to toughen himself up as a street kid. These street smarts helped tremendously later on when he made Warner Bros. Studios a major force in film. Once at top of Tinseltown, he never looked back. His stick was that of a penny pinching, horny- corney jokes telling and lavishly living movie mogul.
He had a silver telephone in his office and a hand written register to go with it. Many flynntimos are on the pages shown.
Both items are on display at the American History Museum in Washington, D.C.

“If these torn pages could talk…!”


— shangheinz


Emmy Lou lives Errol Flynn!

06 Oct

Marty Links who did the pipular series Emmy Lou in the 50’s was actually a woman named Martha B. Links. Belown from Wikipedia is a description of how she worked on the series.

When I first started with the syndicate, I drew only daily panels. After we sold to a few papers, they asked for a Sunday page. This was impossible to handle alone, so Jerry Bundsen and Ted Martine came into my life. Jerry, who works for The San Francisco Examiner with Herb Caen, the columnist, has been writing my daily gags for 11 years. Once a week, he sends me a large batch of gags from which I select what I want and like. If there aren’t enough to make up a week, I fill out with my own ideas—which drives Jerry mad! He claims if he sent me 60 gags I would be unable psychologically to select more than four out of the bunch. This isn’t so at all. After selecting the four best gags, I pencil in the whole week of dailies. These go to Ted Martine, the world’s best artist. (I should be working for him.) He inks in all the pencilled backgrounds. When they are returned I ink in the figures. I have pencilled them in rough enough so that I change as I go along. This keeps the action loose and fresh. In addition, I draw from models constantly, then use the sketches as reference. With the outlines of the furniture inked, for instance, I add details like prints and upholstery, flowers in bowls, fringe on curtains, etc. My husband claims I can’t stand a plain white space. But it’s this detail which gives a homey touch. As a matter of fact I draw all the furniture in our home. I often think I’d like to recover the worn upholstery in a Popsicle-colored background so the Popsicle stains will not show. As to the Sunday panels, these I dream up myself, and it is more work than everything else put together. I feel each idea is the last one I’ll ever be able to eke out. Also I meditate (or should I say brood?) on my own girlhood, which was a long time ago, believe me. But once the mind starts going back, it’s amazing how much it remembers.

The pilot for a proposed series based on Emmy Lou aired as a second-season episode of Mister Ed. The role of Emmy Lou was played by Noanna Dix. Her parents were played by George O’Hanlon and Jeff Donnell.

By the time her children became adults, Links felt the strip no longer represented teens, as she told columnist Caen, “Everything I know about teenagers today is unprintable.” Thus, she brought Emmy Lou to an end in December 1979.

— David DeWitt

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In Eirinn Like Flynn

03 Oct

“Many stories have circulated about Errol’s visits to Belfast, the most repeated (and uncorroborated!) tales are about the excitement he caused at local dances, packed with adoring girls who’d heard that Flynn was to grace their Saturday-night bop!”…

“Ian Rippey, Secretary of the Co Armagh Wildlife Society, reckons that Flynn definitely visited Belfast, and has information about a positive sighting. And Mr Rippey’s letter ended with an intriguing postscript: “Captain Thomas Blood…had Irish Presbyterian if not Ulster connections.” But first, Ian explained why he’s sure that Flynn came to Belfast.”

“A Miss Rene Liggett of Armagh informed me a good few years ago that she remembered seeing Errol Flynn at Queen’s University, Belfast, when she was a student. I assume that she studied biology under Errol Flynn’s father…I knew Miss Liggett from when I joined the Armagh Field Naturalists Society (now the Co Armagh Wildlife Society) in 1974 until her death. I don’t know whether “Miss Liggett saw Errol Flynn only once or on a number of occasions. All she said was that she had seen him…Miss Liggett died in a nursing home some years ago.”…

— Tim