This looks interesting.

Here is a new kick starter that has Errol as a hero fighting Hitler with Charlie Chaplin. They are looking for completion money for their hardcover comic book. The illistrations are top notch check out the film pitch and all the different covers.
About the Story
Charlie Chaplin – comic, filmmaker, and raconteur – didn’t become the world’s biggest star by courting controversy, but when he comes face-to-face with the horrors of Hitler, he feels compelled to get off the sidelines and get involved. And then Charlie is approached by FDR himself with a special assignment. His mission, if he chooses to accept it: create a propaganda film to drum up public support for joining the war in Europe.
And so Charlie goes from movie maker to provocateur, traveling the world and dodging danger to complete his film. With the help of undercover agent Hedy Lamarr, her handler Errol Flynn, and British patriot Alfred Hitchcock, Chaplin faces down American fascists, Nazi spies, and his own massive self-doubt to complete his masterpiece.
But just because the film is done doesn’t mean the mission is, and little tramp and great dictator go toe-to-toe, Charlie and Adolph, one-on-one, mano a mano in a rip-roaring climax that fully delivers on the promise of the premise.
The Führer and the Tramp graphic novel collects the entire 5 issue mini series. It is 184 pages of gorgeous black and white art by the phenomenal Dexter Wee. It has taken us THREE YEARS to research, write and complete the art for the book, and now we need your help to finish making it a reality.
Our goal is to raise enough capital to cover the printing of the book, and if we hit our stretch goals, we will upgrade everyone to a hardback collected edition.…
— Jack Marino