Archive for the ‘Main Page’ Category

In Like Flynn Will Soon Be Out

08 Jul

“In Like Flynn will be released later this year through Umbrella (Films)”

“[It] will be in cinemas by October 2018 in Australia.”

“It’s a different film and kinda unlike anything that’s come out of Australia.”

— Tim


San Fermin Like Flynn

07 Jul

There are more than 400 events scheduled for the San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain, including most famously the Running of the Bulls. This year’s festival began today (July 6), running to July 14.…

See Senor Fleen at the San Fermin Festival, including in the Running with the Bulls, from about 1:01 to 1:10:…

— Tim


The Fourth of July Cove

04 Jul

In, Over, Under, and Over, One of Flynn’s Favorite Hideaways: Fourth of July Cove

Fourth of July Fireworks over The Fourth of July Cove, to the music of John Philip Sousa, plus a musical tribute to the Armed Forces.

— Tim


Memories of Gillian Lynne

03 Jul



Dame Gillian travelled to Sicily in 1953 to film The Master Of Ballantrae. In the credits Gillian Lynne’s part is listed as “Marianne, a dancer favoured by Captain Mendoza” but it wasn’t long before it became clear that she was favoured by the Hollywood legend who had the leading role, one Errol Flynn.

Asked how their affair came about, she says: “It was very difficult for it not to come about! He was a gorgeous man and he was very witty, very funny and well educated actually. It wasn’t all about sex, it was all about fun. We liked each other.

“I would never have been chosen for the role if he hadn’t liked me because they were looking for a blonde woman with big boobs and then they saw me dancing at the Palladium. I was thin with tiny boobs and dark hair but I was sexy. I’m a sexy dancer. Most dancers are sexy. We had a lot of quite steamy scenes, nothing in the bedroom, thank God. All out in the sun.”

Their on-set fling lasted for two months, with the couple enjoying drinks in the bar of Palermo’s exclusive Villa Igiea and taking boat trips up and down the Sicilian coast. In the decades that followed, Dame Gillian went on to become one of the country’s most successful choreographers (Cats, Phantom Of The Opera) and has directed more than 50 shows in the West End and on Broadway as well as a number of TV productions…

— Tim


Anyone Know What This Is?

02 Jul

A Picture Quiz

… Below photo added after winning answer by Tassie Devil

— Tim


Long Live Olivia!

01 Jul

“After more than a century lived in and out of the spotlight, the Oscar-winning actress is still going strong,
serving as an inspiration to millions around the world.”


ARGENTINA: Cumpleaños Olivia de Havilland sopla hoy 102 velitas…

DEUTSCHLAND: Promi-Geburtstag vom 1. Juli 2018: Olivia de Havilland…


ESPANA: A punto de cumplir 102 años, Olivia de Havilland sigue conservando su espíritu combativo……

ITALIA: Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

Tanti auguri a Olivia de Havilland! 102 anni della diva di Via col vento I

Olivia de Havilland, l’ultima diva della golden age di Hollywood compie 102 anni

POLSKA: Olivia de Havilland, Melania z “Przeminęło z wiatrem”, kończy 102 lata…


— Tim


Sealed With(Out) a Kiss

29 Jun

Seal of the Archdiocese of Burgos, Spain

Archbishop of Burgos, Manuel de Castro Alonso

Generallisimo Francisco Franco

Forty Years of Censorship…

A new book recounts the alterations made to movies and their posters by censors during the Franco regime.

The censors’ scissors were never idle during the Franco dictatorship. The movie industry, with all its provocative and insinuating images, was a great source of headaches for the watchdogs of public morality – especially since going to the movies was the main form of entertainment for society in the wake of the Spanish Civil War.

And so censors were very careful to ensure that any film that was screened in Spain contained no negative influences on issues such as religion, politics, the army, prostitution, divorce or adultery.

Sex became a real obsession for the regime, and it was persecuted with all the weapons at the censors’ reach. Poster draftsmen and movie theater impresarios had to really stretch their imaginations to make their billboards reflect the American, English or French realities. This was not always achieved.

A new book, La Censura Franquista en el Cartel de Cine (“Franco’s censorship in movie posters”), by Bienvenido Llopis, analyzes 40 years’ worth of censorship in Spain through films. The conclusion is that cleavages were reduced, legs were covered up, and scenes with beds in them were avoided altogether.

Movies were banned and stills were cut out,” Llopis notes. “But it was just as important to control movie advertising. Major Hollywood stars who embraced the Republican cause – James Cagney, Joan Crawford or Robert Montgomery – had their names pulled from Spanish movie posters, while titles that might suggest a double meaning were changed.”

The idea for the book came to Llopis one Sunday morning at the Madrid flea market, the Rastro. There he was, sitting at his stand, selling movie memorabilia, when a man showed up saying he had a program for the movie Camino de Santa Fe, which had obtained the censors’ approval everywhere in Spain save for the city of Burgos. The archbishop there insisted that Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland’s kiss be hidden with a seal.

The man turned out to be the owner of a movie theater in Burgos, and he promised to return with the movie program. “I waited for him for many Sundays, until one day he showed up again, and when I saw [the program], I thought I have to make a book out of this.”

— Tim


Gallup In Like Flynn

28 Jun

Get your kicks on Route 66 … at El Rancho’s 49er Lounge

“The 49er Lounge holds the unique claim of serving both Errol Flynn and his horse, as the two rode right into the establishment one summer afternoon.”

El Rancho was built by “Griff” Griffith, D. W. Griffith’s brother. D.W. helped his brother promote this as a premier place to go for filmmakers of Hollywood westerns.

“Like Errol Flynn who rode his horse into the bar when he wanted a drink, friendly service in a truly Western location is what the 49er Lounge serves up.”

Here’s a video of El Rancho, with a Flynn account of its bar, and a look at his photo upstairs. There’s an Errol Flynn Room, too, though not shown in this video.…

— Tim


Lookin’ Like Flynn?

27 Jun

Speaking of Football … Some believe this fellow below looks a lot like Flynn. What do you think?

P.S. Note the Flynn-like logo on his blue French Football Federation uniform.

— Tim


More Swagger Than Flynn?

24 Jun

Being that it’s World Cup time, here’s the story of Kevin Keegan and his Newcastle United Football Club – the team that said to have “more swagger than Errol Flynn”.

“King Kev” Keegan and Newcastle.United

“Kevin Keegan and Newcastle United football club were a marriage made in heaven in the mid-1990s. Magpies fans and the club generally craved attacking football and in Keegan they had a man to give it to them. Indeed, Keegan’s Newcastle had more swagger than Errol Flynn crashing through a window on a rope, sliding down a banister and sword-fencing his way past half-a-dozen armed guards to rescue a damsel in distress.”

More on King Kevin Keegan:

Doin’ It in Deutchland:

Playin’ In the ‘Pool:

— Tim