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Errol Flynn: The Quest for an Oscar by James Turiello is now in Hardcover!

07 Jun

Over at Bear Media you can see the softcover reviews for James Turiello’s wonderful book Errol Flynn: The Quest for an Oscar. Jim tells me the book is now available in Hardcover! Run over to Amazon to get the hardcover version there, too! From the Amazon/Bear Media sites Jim writes:

“Take an incredible journey with Errol Flynn on his quest for an Oscar. Errol went from complete obscurity to become one of the most sought-after men in Hollywood. Men wanted to be him, and women wanted to be with him, yet Errol had little interested in acting. He was a cadet, an overseer at a copra plantation, he ran a charter schooner, and he mined gold, to name only a few of his ventures all before the age of twenty-one. He was a free spirit who played by his own rules, much to the chagrin of the Hollywood producers.

Throughout the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, moviegoers loved Errol as Robin Hood, The Seahawk, and as General Custer. To quote Jack Warner of the famous Warner Bros. Pictures, “He was all the heroes in one magnificent, sexy, animal package . . . he showered an audience with sparks, when he laughed, when he fought, or when he loved. I just wish we had someone around today half as good as Flynn. Includes 200 photographs of Errol Flynn in his many movie roles, candid never-before-published images, rare posters from around the world, and some unique Errol Flynn items. 266 pages. Complete filmography with synopsis and cast of each movie.” -James Turiello.

Jim, great work and thanks for letting us all know about the new edition!


— David DeWitt


In Flynn`s handstand

05 Jun

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

if you want to dispose of 10 grands without having to sell your granny I have a proposition for you.

After auctioning off the golden bad boy of Hollywood`s head (…) INVALUABLE has a new offer in store:

An absolutely one of a kind cinema treasure. Errol Flynn’s handprints, footprints and signature in concrete. Originally in the lobby floor of the Rhodes Theater in Chicago. This is one of 30 movie stars from the original 1937 theater opening and were salvaged prior to theater demolition. In overall fair condition. Has been cracked. One crack affects signature of Flynn. Concrete slab measures 18″x18″x2.5″. Rhodes Theater was located in Chicago at the corner of 79th and Rhodes on the south side. It opened Nov 19th, 1937 and was operated by Warner Bros. It was dubbed the “Theatre of the Stars”. One of it’s draws were 30 sets of hand and foot prints of Hollywood stars in the lobby floor ala Grauman’s Chinese Theater. The theater itself was done in Art Moderne Style. It was a single screen 1432 seat auditorium. It was demolished in the 1980’s. Prior to demolition, the foot and hand print sets were salvaged.

How I´d love to high five Errol through space, time and cement, if I could only foot the bill!


— shangheinz


Flynnosophy 101

05 Jun

Flynnie reveals his real-life philosophy of life to “Sister” Bette.

— Tim


“The Experts have Spoken”

04 Jun

“It’s officious”, I mean “official”! According to experts of Rottingham, (probably descendants of their shire’s infamous Sheriff of Rottingham), Errol Flynn was NOT the Best Robin Hood. Connery was, Sean Connery.

Yes, you read correctly. Next, we may also learn that Errol was also not the best Captain Blood, George Armstrong Custer, Geoffrey Thorpe, or Gentleman Jim. The Experts have Spoken.…

“The Best Robin Hood”:

Also-Ran Errol Flynn:…

— Tim


Three More Sisters, Plus Grandma, Plus Errol

03 Jun

While we’re on the topic of The Sisters, here is an Errol Flynn song invoving four sisters.

— Tim


“Restored to its Past Glory”

03 Jun

“On October 15th, 1938, Warner Brothers opened The State Theatre as a test market for new films. The state-of-the-art cinema was built in record-time — just four months — for a whopping $70,000. “The Sisters” starring Errol Flynn and Bette Davis was the film on opening day. Adult admission was 30 cents for matinees, 35 cents after 5 p.m. Children’s tickets cost just 15 pennies.”

“As it approaches the 80th anniversary of its opening, the State Theatre has been recognized as a State College historic site.”…

— Tim


Errol & The Blushing Bride

02 Jun

Oakland Tribune
Sunday, December 28, 1941

“Errol Flynn’s been tipping the waiter for Jackie Gately, the prize show girl.”

“American glamour girl Jackie Gately was a burlesque dancer who worked both in the US and Europe. At the age of 17, she was picked as the most attractive girl at the Paradise Restaurant on Broadway in 1938. After that she spent a season dancing in European night clubs, chaperoned by her mother. She appeared in a ‘soundie’ titled The Blushing Bride released in 1942, doing a sort of striptease as the bride gets ready for her nuptial bed, removing her wedding gown, but at the end she is still wearing her undergarments. In 1942, her short career as a glamour girl ended when she married.”…

She was “The Girl from Yell County”…

— Tim


67 Years Ago Today

30 May

May 30, 1951 – The Canberra Times


HOLLYWOOD – Tuesday.

Jack Benny and Errol Flynn
will head troupe to ‘entertain
soldiers in Japan and Korea,
the Hollywood Co-ordinating-
Committee of the United Services
Organisation announced yesterday’

— Tim


76 Years Ago Today

29 May




According to Raoul Walsh’s autobiography:

“(Raoul Walsh) snatched actor John Barrymore’s barely cold body from the (Pierce Brothers) funeral home and seated it on Errol Flynn’s sofa. ”Errol came in (from an intense session at the Cock and Bull), let out a piercing scream, and ran out of the house.” From behind an oleander bush, Flynn yelled at Walsh, ”Get him out of the house, you crazy Irish bastard, before I have a heart attack!””

Walsh repeated the story in the 1973 documentary “The Men Who Made the Movies”.

Errol has an essentially equivalent account in My Wicked, Wicked Ways.

The Pierce Brothers Mortuary
(Photo taken at the wake of Thelma Todd)

The (original) Cock and Bull on the Sunset Strip:

Is this story true? Or, is it just cock and bull? …. Plus, was it an inspiration for Weekend at Bernie’s?

— Tim


Shoe Story

29 May

A novel account of famous footwear.

“The Duke of Windsor got his shoes there. Errol Flynn and Charlie Chaplin got their shoes there. It was the very pinnacle of cobbling.”…

— Tim