Archive for the ‘New Articles’ Category

The Jury is Out

05 Feb

On February 5, 1943, the jury deliberated, whether to send Errol to San Quentin, or Mulholland Farm (or the State Farm)

The Jury Members were:

Ruby Anderson

Lorene Boehm

Charles Boyd

Loren Curtis

Elaine Forbes

Homer Jacobsmeyer

Jennie Larson

Mildred Leahy

Nellie Minear

Lena Morgan

Georgette Welch

Theresa Wood

Alice Chalfant (Alternate)

— —

Juror Selection and Dismissed Jurors:…………

— Tim


Sure He’s Married, And He Likes It

04 Feb

February 4, 1945…

Errol and NoraErrol and nora toasting

Errol and Nora Married

— Tim


The Flick That Made Flynn

06 Dec

In the Heart of the Greatest Sea Films Ever…



— Tim


Errol’s Elephants

06 Dec

Star Wars Took Charge of Errol’s Elephants



We all know the Star Wars movies are a feast for the eyeballs, but when you think about it, they are also a special treat for the ears, too. According to Mentalfloss, legendary sound designer Ben Burtt got his star on Star Wars fresh out of the University of Southern California’s film school and “was tasked with coming up with a completely new and organic soundscape for the movie.”

Burtt created Chewbacca’s iconic voice by blending the vocalizations of a bear, a lion, a walrus and a badger. The beloved pint-sized droid R2-D2’s endearing chirps were made using loops on a synthesizer matched with beeps and boops modelled after baby coos performed by Burtt. The infamous deep breathing of the evil Darth Vader was created by putting a microphone inside the regulator on a scuba tank.

But our favourite iconic sound, the swooshing shriek of the film’s TIE fighter engines, are — brace yourselves for a shock — the sound of an elephant call mixed with the sounds of a car driving on wet pavement. According to the blog Unidentified Sound Object, Lucas had seen a documentary about the Battle of Stalingrad and told Burtt the sound of the Nazi rockets would make a great laser-gun noise.

That’s when Burtt stumbled on recordings of some stampeding elephants from an old Errol Flynn movie, which he mixed with recordings of cars speeding through puddles in a rainstorm. He slipped the sound in for a screening at the last moment, and everyone went wild. “I’d really put it in because I had no other alternative, but it got great reviews, so naturally it became the sound of the TIE fighters,” the sound legend said.…

— Tim


A Kitty Packard Pictorial of Errol Flynn

16 Jun

Hello Flynn Fans!
I thought I post this link as it is a very nice write-up about Errol.…

— Tina


A warm hello to all Authors!

08 Mar

I was just wondering why the blog is so quiet?  Has anybody any answers for this phenomena?  Or is everybody on March Break (Canadian school holiday) with their children – grandchildren?  Do you have this vacation in the good old USA too?

David worked so hard on this move and what a great job he did!  The silence is somewhat eerie!  No stories about our beloved lad?  No comments, no difference of opinion – wow!

I for one, miss all of you and your great insights and fabulous tidbits!  I am really getting lonely nobody to talk to!  Not even a good old silly quiz – nothing – nothing at all!

Come on my dear fellow authors, please lets get active again!

I send you all my best wishes for good heath and happiness!

— Tina


The latest edtion of The Rock-itt Magazine!

04 Mar

Hi Rock-itt readers!

The March issue of The Rock-itt magazine is now online. Go to….au to see the latest issue.


— David DeWitt


A note from Chris Driscoll…

04 Mar

An email arrived from my good friend Chris Driscoll of Australia… in it, among many other things, Chris mentions the following:

“Just back from a wonderful roast Lamb dinner with my divine 87 yr old neighbor, Alice.  She loves Errol & told me she once visited the room that Ann Franks hid in during WW2 & where she wrote her famous diary.

“They were born in the same year and Alice remarked that in Ann’s attic room was a poster of Errol as Robin Hood. Errol probably never knew that he helped sustain a young woman whose life would be tragically cut short…”

I think this is worth mentioning  on the blog, too…


— David DeWitt


Nora Eddington Reacts to Charles Higham Allegations Interview

29 Feb

Special Thanks to Karl Holmberg!

Part one:…


Part two:…


— David DeWitt


Errol and Christopher Lee

29 Feb

Addendum to published Video

“The finger chopping blow”

Edward, Prince of Wales is the main role played by Errol Flynn in  “The Dark Avenger (1955).  The film was also known as The Warriors in the USA, and The Black Prince in the UK although the latter seems to have been a working title. In Greece it was aired on TV as The Black Knight.


— Tina