Archive for the ‘New Articles’ Category

Sir Christopher Lee Mentions Errol Flynn!

28 Feb

Thanks to Bob Peckinpaugh:

— David DeWitt


Errol is pulling for us!

26 Feb

Errol is pulling very hard to help David to get Errol’s new Home running smoothly!

— Tina


A Note about Posting on The Errol Flynn Blog!

25 Feb

The blog is set up by default to post articles published in categories on the front Page.  Any posting to our list of categories will show up on the Front Page as well as the category you selected for it. Please do publish articles in our categories if they fit within them! This will make them available to readers browsing our categories. Your posting to a category will show up as Recent Posts on the blog –

You do not need to select a category to be published on the Front Page. Main Page (Front Page) is ticked by default.

We are using a plugin that prevents articles published in certain categories on the blog  from appearing on the Front Page (that used to be separate folders) and if they were not excluded content in them would be thrown to the Front Page like any other posting!

To Publish your articles to the Front Page you need to select a category under the ALL CATEGORIES tab–it’s on the right hand side of the Add New Post panel — this publishes your post to the Front Page, and any other category you have also selected for it. If you do not select a category, the blog will tick off the top category in the list automatically!

TIP: Select MOST USED tab to bring the most used categories tick boxes to the top of the list.

— David DeWitt


Thank you David!

25 Feb

We are up and running again and things are looking extremely well!

There are still many things in the fine tuning stage and David is very able and willing on the job!

Thanks to David with his Speedy Gonzales work – we are able to communicate with each other, we can post, we can comment and it is easy to navigate.

In short – we are setting sails again for destinations unknown for our adventure to find our man’s ‘Footsteps in the Dark’ cyberspace!

David we owe you our deepest appreciation and gratitude for moving us with such an ease, swiftness and the fine provision of a good roof over our heads.

My best regards, Tina



— Tina


Need current email addresses for Most Authors!

23 Feb

Ahoy, before I can set your temporary password to log in to The Errol Flynn Blog, most authors will need to email me at Zacapublishing(at)… so that I will have their current email address and can then match their email address to a new temporary password! You can change your password once you have logged in …  thanks so much!

If you have a Reader Account you will need to sign up again at this new blog site, as well!



— David DeWitt


Earl Conrad

23 Feb

Hi to all EF blog members. My first post. WordPress is a neat and effective blog template … I’m looking forward to being a part of the blog. I’ve long been fascinated by Flynn, more so by the complexities of the man and his adventurous ways than singularly by his films.

I’m currently developing a screenplay based on Mr Flynn. Earl Conrad will feature prominently. I’m familiar with Conrad’s wonderful Errol Flynn: A Memoir – which I believe is the best personal account of being with Flynn. Its richness is in revealing Flynn in day-to-day life – insightful idiosyncrasies and his turns-of-phrase and habits. What I’m in search of are these similar elements of Conrad’s character. In A Memoir we see Flynn, and learn of Conrad’s reactions to Flynn’s actions, though we don’t get to learn of Conrad’s general behaviour and idiosyncrasies. I’ve read a number of other Flynn biography’s (incl Thomas McNulty’s excellent  Errol Flynn: The Life and Career) but none that expand on Conrad beyond the facts of him ghostwriting and staying in Port Antonio with Flynn during the writing/research process of My Wicked Wicked Ways.

Would anyone be able to assist with guidance as to where or how I may find additional reading and references that expand on Earl Conrad? I’d be very grateful for any help.

It’s my hope to create a story that portrays Flynn without the cliches, revealing the inner psyche and insecurities behind the facade. Capturing this remarkable multi-faceted character in film is my passion.

Cheers, Philip

— Philip


Welcome to the new home of The Errol Flynn Blog!

23 Feb

This is the new home of…! It will be awhile before I am able to say I know how to run this horse and buggy, due to a technical problem with my ability to work on it for a few day before it went “Live” so please bear with me as I set things up and learn how they run… there will be a learning curve for all of us!

In the moment, I see that all Authors have been migrated to the Users section which is something I did not expect. However, all previously registered Readers do not appear in any list.  I have added a Photo Gallery Plugin called NextGEN that I think will serve us well! This gallery has the ability to move photos between albums, for instance!

With any migration, things are not exactly as they used to be, or in the same place, necessarily. But much should look familiar!

There is an entirely new look, and a new posting window that includes a Visual tab and an HTML tab. I will be exploring what we can do here right along with you! We will undoubtedly be making some changes and trying to reset some things to reflect what they used to be, as well as moving in new directions. We have an anti-spam plugin that I need to become familiar with and for a time any post with more than 2 links in it may be moderated until I am able to set the plugin up the way it will work best for us. I have eliminated the need to give your name and email address every time you make a comment – which may or may not last if it welcomes a lot of spamming… I have new spam filters to play with, so it could get dicey up until I learn to set them up the right way. Please bear with me.

There is also the fact that most posts and comments pre-migration have “anonymous” attached to them! I may be able to fix this! For now, if you are a reader you will need to sign up again. Authors, I am adding email addresses to the login page for you. I am uncertain about passwords!  That is how fresh this place is… I have just this moment started kicking the tires, myself!

Note: your first comment will be moderated! After that, you will be able to comment just by logging in! This is a feature of the blog that allows me to see who might be spamming us before they can leave a comment.





— David DeWitt


Super Rare Item on ebay! Signed Copy of SHOWDOWN by Errol Flynn!

20 Feb

This is extremely rare because it is autographed to his parents and reveals how he felt about how it was handled by the publishers…

— David DeWitt


The Errol Flynn Blog will begin our move to WordPress Next week!

15 Feb

Hello, everybody! We should begin to move the blog to our WordPress install during the next calendar week! I will let you know what happens next. Our present location will remain accessible until March 31st for use as reference for any work we may do to preserve attachements which will be lost on every post ever made here. It is unfortunate but this is what would happen no matter where we moved the blog to.

There are some very valuable attachments on this blog and I hope that we can save them!

I will explain how to reach this blog after we are moved. But moving alone isn’t the end of the work that must be done. All of our galleries, as I understand it, will become posts in the new location. So these will have to be reorganized into galleries.

We will lose all names associated with comments and posts, too, I believe. Horrid. But unavoidable!

These can be added back in, a painstaking process.

And we will lose all memberships! Each of you will have to sign up again at the new location. That shouldn’t be much of a problem.

The migration takes a couple of days to finish. I will keep everybody posted about what is going on but if the blog seems to be down or missing this weekend it is likely because it is in this transition period. I do not yet know what domainmonger will tell me is the url of our current blog after the transfer – our domain name is also being transferred.

You may see a temporary site if you type in the name of our blog at some point next week!

I will have to redo all of our settings in the control panel. And take advantage of some new things we will be able to have running at our new location. There are a lot of plugins available to WordPress users!

We knew this was coming for a long time and finally, the day is fast approaching…

I know we will pull together and go on our merry way after this is transition is finished!

Hugs, d~

— David DeWitt


Happy Valentine’s Day! 2012

14 Feb

— David DeWitt