Archive for the ‘New Articles’ Category


14 Feb

While researching Errol in Cuba, I found this article with a short mention of Flynn further down. Could anybody help me and clear up the mystery if Errol and Beverly stayed in the Hotel Nacional or Commodore or both? Thank you!


— Inga


The February 2012 Issue of Docklines! Newsletter of The Errol Flynn Marina

30 Jan

Attached please find the February issue of the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”.

 Docklines February 2012

Dale B. Westin

General Manager

Errol Flynn Marina

Box 188 Ken Wright Drive

Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica


Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044

Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8

Cellular: 876-832-4765…

— David DeWitt


Errol never stops popping up!

06 Nov

Sydney Morning Herald, yesterday has article on “Mo-vember”  idea is men grow moustaches to raise money for charity.

Comparisons given of men with mos include Errol – and you can vote on the selection!…

kind regards Diana




— dmbaus


William Tell Script

30 Oct

Mr Fegerl wishes to share the attached pages from the William Tell script with you. They basically trace the tragic role of Maria, played by Austrian actress Waltraut Haas. Please note: Mr Fegerl is not in possession of the entire script. Hope you enjoy.

P.S. I scanned and corrected the pages, sorry if I overlooked any mistakes. There is one hand-written correction which I marked with a different writing.

— Inga


Errol Flynn The Big Suprise

14 Oct

Has anyone seen the video of Errol on you tube on a game show called “The Big Suprise” I thought it was brilliant his knowledge of ships and the sea was quite extensive. below is a link to it (I hope,) do take a look and tell me what you think

— daringthorpe


Incident between Errol and Johnny Weissmuller?

26 Sep

In addition to being a big Flynn fan, I'm also a fan of Johnny Weissmuller. Now I know Errol and Johnny were, at the very least, “friendly acquaintances”…they were sometimes in the same social circles in Hollywood. Also, I know Johnny participated in the press junket for “Santa Fe Trail” with Errol.

So, has anyone here read the book “Tarzan, My Father” by Johnny Weissmuller, Jr.? In the book, there's an incident mentioned of a yacht race between Errol and Johnny Sr. in which Errol lost, and in his drunken state almost blew a hole in Johnny's yacht with a cannon ball!

Now I have not come across any mention of this incident anywhere else except in Weissmuller Jr.'s book, so I'm curious to know if anyone else here has heard of or come across a mention of that incident elsewhere.

— Rachel


King Solomon's Mines

24 Sep

I just saw “King Solomon's Mines” on TCM and it is a great movie!
Throughout the movie I visualized Errol playing the part! He would have been great in it, as a matter of facts he would have been excellent!
How in heavens name could he have missed this great opportunity to a fabulous reenactment of himself? Who advised him? Exchanging “King Solomon's Mines” for “Kim” somebody sure was out for lunch! Was Errol that much his own enemy or fallacy? Where were his advisers – did he have any?
I read he didn't wanted to go to Africa. Errol always liked to go to new countries and at that time he never made a movie in Africa – so? He said he wanted to go to India, because he was never there, which is not quite true as he was in parts of India on his way from New Guinea to England. Was Errol that much his own enemy? I very often think of the old proverb “with friends like that who needs enemies” and I think Errol had a lot of friends like that. I always maintained that Errol was a most naive and gullible man, which brought him in a lot of hot waters because he trusted people who so often ill advised him, betrayed him or took him to the cleaners! Thinking of it one can only feel sorry and despair for him! I know it is past and gone, but nevertheless we are here to discuss him – the good and the not so good.
Anybody having any answers to that puzzle of Errol?  I hope the many of our members have something to say about this subject and voice their inside knowledge and opinions?

— Tina



08 Aug

Came across still another Errol reference on the British sitcom ARE YOU BEING SERVED–they are trying to drum up business at the department store and comment that a famous golfer was signing golf balls in the sports section.  They wonder who what famous person would be appropriate to autograph trousers and Captain Peacock mentions, “The only name that comes to mind is Errol Flynn!”

— meffjiller


are you being served flynn mentions

30 Jun

I love the old bawdy British sitcom ARE YOU BEING SERVED and I was watching some old episodes the other day.  They made 2 Flynn references in 2 different shows.  In one, Mrs. Slocombe refers to a gentleman as being as handsome as Errol Flynn.  In another, Mr. Lucas and Mr. Humphries are admonished by the head of the department for fooling around with the sign-in book.  He says something like “If the sign-in book is to be believed Errol Flynn signed in yesterday at 9:00 followed by Oscar Wilde at 9:02.”  Love catching those references!

— meffjiller


John Wayne

26 Jun

Does anyone know if Errol and John Wayne knew each other, and ,if so, how they regarded one another? kevin kiernan

— kevin kiernan