Archive for the ‘New Articles’ Category


30 May

I was watching the “Pocketful of Rye” episode from the recent MARPLE series and there's a great scene where Miss Marple charms the local inspector into letting her help with the case by commenting how handsome he is and telling him how much he resembles Errol Flynn.  The inspector happily strokes his Flynn-esque mustache and, of course, allows Miss Marple to help with the investigation.

— meffjiller



27 May

Producer/director Kent Hagen reports a major find– he has sighted Errol in the 1950 film noir HIGHWAY 301.  He is hanging out in the background of one of the scenes.  Since Errol was friends with the film's star Steve Cochran, we assume Errol decided to pop into the movie on a lark.  Has anyone else out there seen Errol in this film?

HIGHWAY 301 is currently available on DVD from Warner Archives.  Check it out!

— meffjiller


Errol Flynn as inspiration for Thor film character

09 May

This weekend I saw the new movie “Thor”, based on the Marvel Comics superhero and his adventures. I really enjoyed the film, and was surprised to find one of the characters in it (he's a character from the Thor comic books) resembles, in part, Errol. His name is Fandral and he's one of the Warriors Three and friend of Thor, the main hero. He looks like a combination of: Oliver Queen (aka Green Arrow from DC comics who's modeled after Errol and Robin Hood), Cary Elwes from “The Princess Bride” and “Robin Hood Men In Tights”, and a young Errol Flynn! Joshua Dallas is the young actor who plays Fandral.

I found the following on the Wikipedia page for the “Thor” film:

“[Fandral is] a member of the Warriors Three, characterized as an irrepressible swashbuckler and romantic…Joshua Dallas said he believed that Fandral 'would like to think of himself a philanderer. He’s a lover, not a fighter'. Dallas also mentioned that Errol Flynn was an inspiration for the character stating, 'He was a big inspiration for the character and for me. I watched a lot of his movies and kind of got that into my bones. I tried to bring out that little bit of Flynn-ness in it. Flynn had a lot of that boyish charm that Fandral’s got all in him'.”

So I thought that was pretty cool. :-) I've attached 2 images: one of Fandral from the Thor comics, and the other of Joshua Dallas as Fandral.

— Rachel



13 Apr

Errol stated in his turbulent life that he named his yacht “ZACA” after the Samoan word “Peace”, there seems to be some controversy regarding this as it is said that the Samoan language doesn't have the letter “Z”, probably another Flynn practical joke.

Is it perhaps possible that he chose the name after visitng Lake Zaca in California? We all know he travelled enormously, even the name “Errol” means wandering.

Comments please.

— Don Jan


Deirdre Flynn being interviewed!

30 Mar

Please visit this link…

and read about this interview, maybe not new to some of you, but maybe new to others.
I liked it!

— Tina


Book: Adventures of a “bon vivant”

25 Mar

When I registered myself on Facebook recently, immediately I got a message from a co-blogger, the very well known Ventura Sala, living in Mallorca. He mentioned the “must have” book, (which is only published in Spanish) called “Aventuras de un vividor”. It is only to mention the fact that this book actually exists. Although we haven't met yet (but we were d*mn close only a few weeks ago!), Ventura is probably the only  local authority on Errol on that beautiful island in the Med.

He sent me two CD's in Spanish with a wealth of information, which in their own way are an enormous contribution to the legion of EF fans / admirers. Once we do meet, I am certain that he will take me to Errol's old “water holes”. Can't wait!!


— Don Jan


Errol thinks he is a pretender!!!!!!!!!

25 Mar

Hi all,

As promised I would send the documents regarding Errol Flynn's extract from the register on his arrival at the Rock Hotel in Gibraltar. I send the files to David in order for him to process this delightful task, probably you will find them in the “Document” category. Please read it, his “one word” comment is so typical for him. Errol had that special GSOH apart from being a practical joker. Reminds me, anyone ready for the subject “The big snook”?

— Don Jan


Errol Flynn weekly Quiz

23 Mar

Dear fellow bloggers/authors,

I just got a marvelous idea to keep the right spirit going and give the site even more “zest. Probably a “first” among such quality websites. Why not take it in turn for each regular author to ask the others a quiz question on a weekly basis and get everybody (time permitting) going, searching and trying to give the correct answer. I think that keeps the juices and spirits (excluding alcohol) flowing I would say, what?

I don't mean questions like: “Who was the director of such and such film made in such and such year. Or “In which film did Errol have to grow a beard?”  Neither, “Who co-starred opposite Errol in “Hello God”? (although I must admit that would be a great trick question now I think about it (haha!). Hell no, I mean more “deep down” substantial questions. Now I am writing this I become quite serious about it actually. Is there such a thing as “I demand or I insist?”

Comments please…………………..!?


Personally, I think it is a must

— Don Jan


Errol and Me

21 Mar

Well, now we have read all the interesting comments on “The Life and Work of  Errol Flynn”, which unexpectedly for me sparked off great dialogue between our fellow bloggers and really got that great contrast emerging between people, could I perhaps ask you to take the bait and get the high standard articles going on this sublime website and  continue to comment honestly on “Errol and Me” by Nora. For myself, at the time when I bought this fabulous discovery, I found it of enormous value trying to find out more on the enigmatic Errol, I learned a lot from it. It was an “eye opener” for me years ago, so “open” and well put together. Occasionally, I read a bit from this excellent book which I think should be a “must” to have.


— Don Jan


Jim Fleming

20 Mar

I wonder if there is anybody “in the know” regarding Jim Fleming, (Errol's friend, stand-in, housekeeper/manager), I believe they met up around 1935 but they fell out in 1949. Tried to dig into this subject for quite a while without results. I wonder if there is anything on him. I am sure it would be great reading material and a great contribution to the site. I think Jim could tell a story or two what went on in Errol's hey-days. Maybe from Alexander, the valet/butler even more.

— Don Jan