Archive for the ‘New Articles’ Category


19 Apr

From Delvin Irwin's Blog, “The Lighter Side of Life” published online at the Clarion Ledger:

Directing duo are 'Sensational'
Glatzer, Westmoreland sign TV deal
By Michael Fleming

Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland (“Quinceanera”) have made a deal with HBO Films to write and direct “Sensational,” a drama that chronicles a scandalous affair Errol Flynn had with a 15-year-old girl. Glatzer and Westmoreland have also made a deal to turn “Quinceanera” into a TV series for the ABC Family Channel. They will direct, write and produce a series inspired by the film, a story of coming of age and culture clash in L.A.'s Echo Park.

“Sensational” tells the story of Flynn's dalliance with Beverly Aadland, a girl who was being pushed into a movie career by her mother, a wannabe actress whose aspirations were cut short after an accident. After Flynn collapsed and died at a party, the affair became a tabloid staple, and the girl's mother found herself on trial for child abuse.

Elysa Koplovitz is producing “Sensational.”

Look for Delvin Irwin in a small role in the film!

— David DeWitt


Thanks for the Invite David

05 Apr

Dear David and Fellow Olympiads

Many thanks for the invite, the blog looks great David. I'm going to have a look through my files and see if I can find a few things that may be new to you all.

Best wishes to all


— themainflynnman


Garden Of Allah Flynn Letter, circa 1957…

27 Mar

Lucky Me! My daughter Erin bought me an original Errol Flynn letter for my upcoming birthday from eBay recently! Click the letter for a closer look…

The Garden Of Allah

Poolside at the Garden of Allah

Aerial View of the Garden of Allah

The Dining Room at the Garden of Allah




— David DeWitt


1950 Photo

25 Mar

Hello Flynn fans!

I hope you enjoy this interesting photo of Errol Flynn and the late Betty Hutton from a Friar's Club event in 1950.


— Shamrock


How I Became a Flynn Fan

15 Mar

Many years ago, when I was a young lad of 20-ish, I was working at my first job at a local printing plant. A co-worker and I were talking about old movies and movie stars, when he mentioned Errol Flynn. I'd only heard of him in passing, probably because of Robin Hood. I'd never even seen an Errol Flynn movie. My friend lent me his copy of My Wicked Wicked Ways. Well, I read the book, and was instantly hooked. So I read it again. Before long, I found a copy for myself. I asked mom and my aunts about him. They remembered him of course, but didn't know too much about him.

I then began scouring the TV for any Errol Flynn movies. Back then we were blessed with three stations….not including PBS. The movie output of those three stations was, shall we say….few and far between. Then late one Friday night, I managed to get a very snowy Detroit station to come in, and they were showing Charge Of The Light Brigade! Finally, there was Errol Flynn!!….for about 30 minutes, till the station signal faded away. But that was a start. Not long after, the same station came in again, and this time I managed to see Cry Wolf.

Later, after moving to town, cable became available. Then I was able to see several other Flynn movies, and later Portrait Of A Swashbuckler on the Biography Channel. I purchased several more books about Errol over the years, by Tony Thomas, Buster Wiles, Earl Conrad, George Morris, Michael Freedland, and best of all, Thomas McNulty's fabulous book. There was one other, that won't be mentioned…

And thanks to David DeWitt, another chapter of Flynn information, photos, stories and articles once again remind me of that day, four score and ten years ago, when I first became aware of our Mr. Flynn!

— Bob


Shop@CoffeeWithDavid… for Flynn items!

13 Mar

Now you can shop for Errol Flynn items at my new Errol Flynn related store in association with…! My online store features Flynn movies, documentaries and books with more Flynn merchandise coming soon!

Other categories will be added to the store in the coming weeks, as well. I am adding an OTR (Old Time Radio) category, for example.

Many of the Golden Age Movies stars worked in radio as well as on the Silver Screen, and you can find Errol and his many co-stars and contemporaries in these productions which often were radio versions of their films–but not always starring the same actors. Original radio dramas were on every week and starred future stars, too. Dramas, Comedies, Sports, and Variety Shows filled the airwaves each night for many years before Television finally brought and end to this artful. The good news is that most of it still exists!

You will soon be able to buy these wonderfully entertaining shows from my store, or direct from my… website. Some shows will be available as instant downloads when you pay with Paypal–and naturally, there will be FREE downloads, too!

I have nearly every Lux Radio Theatre show ever made along with other collections and will be offering you these hugely entertaining shows on DVD or CD in the near future. Profits from the store and the website will offset, I hope! the costs of keeping the blog up, and in my dreams… that little trip to Jamaica!

Well… I can dream can't I?


— David DeWitt


Rory Flynn's new book on Errol…

11 Mar

Rory Flynn's new book on her father Errol Flynn is out now on Amazon! Check it out here: The Baron of Mulholland: A Daughter Remembers Errol Flynn






— David DeWitt


Songs about Errol Flynn…

07 Mar

It seems that Flynn is remembered in every way imaginable not the least pleasant of ways is through music. A band from the Netherlands called Beequeen features two songs directly related to Errol–in their album “Ownliness” available through Discogs.

1     Clockwise (1:29)
2     My Wicked Wicked Ways (7:04)

3     With Anna You Get Eggroll (7:25)
4     Daad (3:06)
5     Parselmouth (5:41) Flute [Maltreated] – Vivian Breuring
6     There Are Worse Things I Could Do
7     My Heart Belongs To Daddy (3:22)
8     Beam Ends (8:18) Cello – Feiko Halbertsma

9     (The Long And Metaphysical Journey Into) Ownliness (1:13)
     Voice – Elise De Waard

Amanda Mcbroom's album “A Waiting Heart” features her moving song “Errol Flynn” available on her website….

 Sample the song! Errol Flynn…

— David DeWitt


The Bust Of Errol Flynn

22 Feb

Many years ago, my wife and I were visiting the small village of Grand Rapids, Ohio. It is an old town, situated on the Miami and Erie Canal, dating back to the mid 1800s. The downtown is filled with craft stores, antiques, and restaurants; a good place to spend a Sunday afternoon, browsing.


We entered a ceramic shop, as my wife enjoyed painting, and one of her hobbies was ceramics. I noticed on one shelf a series of small busts of various Hollywood stars. One caught my eye, after seeing Gable, Astaire, and Karloff, I noticed another well-known face…. Errol Flynn. Having been a Flynn fan now for several years, I just had to have one. My wife agreed to paint it for me; so away we went with my new prize.


Soon, Errol Flynn adorned my bookcase, in his Don Juan shirt, painted red, looking suave and debonair. It remained there for several years. During that time, our son Nickolas was born. After he was a bit older, his bedroom was moved upstairs. Next to his bed stood the bookcase where Errol resided. After awhile, we would notice the bust had been moved, and was facing the books. I would turn it around, then later notice it was once again turned backwards. By then Nickolas was about 3 years old. When questioned about it, he informed us that he didn’t care for that “man staring at him all night”, which solved the mystery of the moving bust for us.


Errol has since moved downstairs. He now resides in our computer room, where he oversees my typing and e-mailing, from atop another bookcase. Nickolas is 17 now, but still remembers being glared at. And every now and then, I find Errol is facing backwards. Nickolas denies it, of course.




— Bob



20 Feb

Back in 2004, I met via the Internet a wonderful fellow by the name of David DeWitt. I’d purchased a CD on e-bay for a collection of radio shows from him. We began a correspondence afterward, about Errol Flynn; next thing I know, we become fast friends, separated by miles only, with a seemingly endless supply of things to talk about.
David introduced me to other Flynn fans, and also steered me towards several other interesting books, and I was able to obtain copies of each, one of which was written by Errol’s stunt double and friend, Buster Wiles. It was, and is, a great book to be sure. I became curious about Buster, and learned that he passed away two years after the book came out in 1988.
One of my hobbies is genealogy. Last fall I answered a request for a lady living in Beaverton, Oregon who was looking for ancestors that lived here. I was able to find the graves at the cemetery for her and send photos. She was very grateful and asked if she could do anything for me. On a lark, I asked her if she could check on Buster for obituary, and possibly locate his resting place. Before long, she wrote back, and sent me the newspaper notice for Buster, and also traveled to Skyline Memorial Gardens in Beaverton, and found Buster’s resting place for me, and sent some great photographs from the cemetery. I thought it rather fitting that we know where one of Errol’s best friends, and true supporters now reposes.

— Bob