Archive for the ‘Newspaper & Headlines’ Category

The Knights and The Baron — A Million Dollar Story

21 Apr


NEW YORK, April 21, 1937

Errol Flynn, film player, denied today in a telegram to the Knights of Columbus that he had engaged In activities in behalf of loyalist Spain. The telegram, addressed to John L. Rossborough, state deputy in Oakland, California, and Thomas B. Flanagan, secretary of the Los Angeles council, was made public here by Warner Brothers.

Catholic Opposition to Communism in Spain

“Catholics believed that communism was the antithesis to Christianity and thus the only way to save the soul of the country was to side with those opposing it. The archbishop of Toledo wrote to the American bishops in 1937 asking for support, stating that “the National army is defending the essential foundation of society.” The final straw that pushed Catholics to side with the Nationalists was the persecution of the Church religious. In total 12 bishops, 4184 priests, 2365 male religious, and 283 female religious were killed by the Republicans during the war.”


Report That $1,500,000 Given By Certain Film Players to Loyalists Claimed False

By United Press
HOLLYWOOD, April 21, 1937

An Interview with Errol Flynn In Barcelona Spain, in which the film actor and soldier of fortune purportedly told of helping raise a $1,500,000 fund in the Hollywood film colony to aid the loyalist forces, came under the scrutiny of the Knight of Columbus today. Thomas B. Flanagan, secretary of the Los Angeles council of the Knights of Columbus, said he was sending a report on Flynn to John J. Rossborough, state deputy of the order at Oakland, California, and to the national headquarters of the organization’s newly launched “antiradical” campaign at New Haven, Conn.

The purported interview was published in the Hollywood Reporter, a film trade paper. The Reporter stated the interview was filed to them by “our regular Barcelona correspondent.” The part to which the Knights of Columbus reportedly found most objection to follows:


“Is it true that money has been collected in Hollywood to help the Spanish government?’ asked the Reporter. “‘Yes,’ said the actor, ‘Fredrick March, James Cagney and I were the initiators and $1,500,000 has been raised so far”.” Flynn, husky film leading man and husband of Lili Damita, French actress, has been in Spain as a roving correspondent He was reported wounded by a machine gun bullet in dispatches from Madrid which later developed to be erroneous.

The Hollywood Reporter’s dispatch upon his arrival at Barcelona, strong loyalist headquarters, further stated: “When Errol Flynn arrived in Barcelona he was greeted by the “commissioner of public spectacles, J. Carner Rlbalta, who introduced him to the “commissioner of propaganda” of the Catalonian government, Jaime Miravitles, and the heart of the cinema section the same department, Juan Castanyer.

While in Barcelona, Flynn was considered a guest of honor of the Catalonian government and all facilities were accorded him. “In an interview with the press, Flynn said his visit to Spain was prompted by a desire to ascertain the truth regarding conditions here. “Asked by the press boys what was the general impression in the United States about the war, he replied: “That’s it, the confusing news and the fact that all the American press is in the hands of powerful trusts made me decide to take this trip to see with my own eves what is really happening and write a series of articles for publication.”

The dispatch ended:

“Flynn was accompanied by his old friend, Dr. Hermann F. Erben, a well known member of the American Communist party.”

Per the San Bernadino Daily Sun, April 22, 1937

— Tim


A Kiwi in Hollywood Hog Heaven

20 Apr

April 20, 1936

Harrison Carroll

Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn and Lili Damita don’t intend to live all the time on the ranch where he expects to raise hogs. They are building a house -n the Laurel Canyon district. One of the most unusual houses in Hollywood, too, for it will be modeled after Flynn’s ancestral home in Belfast. Incidentally, did you know that Errol was not born in Ireland? It was New Zealand while his father and mother were on a scientific expedition.

— Tim


Going Places

17 Apr

April 17, 1935

Harrison Carroll

Lily Damita and Errol Flynn are still going places together.


Here they are two months later, on June 16, at the Venice Amusement Pier, with Marlene Dietrich and Madonna (or perhaps that’s Carole Lombard?) Errol became “the talk of the town” for his immense popularity with the many women at the Tunnel of Love that night. Talk about going places, four days later he and Lili flew to Yuma. Then he flew into immortality.

— Tim


Errrol Interrrresting …

16 Apr

Young Errol Flynn at a Suez Canal Land Rush? Sounds like some sort of a flim-flam pyramid scheme!

April 15, 1936

Harrison Carroll

Errol tells me that his life story has had a favorable first reading by a publisher and that his agent has asked for a second copy to be submitted to the magazines. What excites the young Irish actor more, however, is the fact that Warner Brothers have bought one of his stories and will probably star him in it. The background is the land rush after the opening of the Suez Canal.


Is this a between-takes candid of Errol in his Suez Canal biographical epic for Warner Brothers?


— Tim


Diary of the Santa Fe

14 Apr

There were railroads and then there was the Santa Fe …

April 14, 1939

Hollywood Citizen News

The Warner Bros. are not going to wait a year before setting to work on another epochal western picture. Success of Dodge City (it’s breaking records at the Strand in New York) hs encouraged the studio to start preparing at once Diary of the Santa Fe, film story of the railroad.

In addition to Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, and Bruce Cabot, who were seen in Dodge City, the new picture will feature Buck Jones and Hoot Gibson, foremost western stars from away back. The saddle heroes almost overshadowed the other stars in attention from the public during the recent trek to Dodge City.

History and Importance of the Santa Fe Railroad …

— Tim


In Memoriam: Bud Ernst — Flynn’s First Buddy in Hollywood

14 Apr

He Died 70 Years Ago This Week

From My Wicked, Wicked Ways:

“It was the beginning of 1935. I bought a little car. Often I went for a spin with a big fellow named Bud Ernst.
He was six foot five, weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds. He was a flier, a fun guy.”

“He was my first and long-time friend in Hollywood. … We certainly had memorable times together in my early days behind the fog, smog, and grog curtain of Hollywood. How many words would you like on the shock a man gets when his dear friend, a roistering, Falstaffian ruffian, suddenly goes out, buys himself a 16-gauge double-barrel shotgun, some cartridges, and blows the top of his head off.”

Report in the New York Times, April 11, 1950

On June 20, 1935 – a date that will live in Flynnfamy – Bud flew Errol and Lili to Yuma to tie the knot. Five days following, he flew himself and Lyda Roberti to do the same.

One of Errol and Ernst’s “memorable times together in the early days”:Adventure at Asuncion Bay

Bud’s father, Hugh C. Ernst, was the brilliant business manager for the phenomenally successful bandleader Paul Whiteman, who had a major role in the 1924 first performance (by George Gershwin and the Paul Whiteman Orchestra at Aeolian Hall in New York) and subsequent popularizing of what many believe to be America’s most important musical composition, Rhapsody in Blue. After managing Paul Whiteman, he became a major executive with NBC. Through his father, Bud grew up “knowing everybody” in the world of music and radio.

Bud was director of the pioneering and hugely popular radio show “Queen for a Day”. Here’s one of the the show’s broadcasts, from February 1950, less than two months before Bud’s death:

Queen for a Day

— Tim


Adventure at Asuncion Bay

13 Apr

April 13, 1939


Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, April 13, 1939

Errol Flynn, the Robin Hood of the movies, shared the glory of a real-life adventure today. He made a mercy flight in an airplane through foggy skies 100 miles don the Mexican coast to bring back a sick sailor from the actor’s yacht.

Ray Hayes, 23, the sailor, was stricken with appendicitis aboard Flynn’s yacht, the Sirocco, disable in Asuncion Bay with a broken propeller. The yacht is headquarters for a tropical seas film Flynn is making on his own hook.

With pilot Hugh Ernst*, Flynn landed in a small cabin plane on a bean field 16 miles from the beach. A launch brought the sick man ashore and he was then carried back to the plane. An ambulance met them at the airport here and Hayes was taken to Santa Monica hospital.

Hayes was still in serious condition today. His appendix was feared ruptured.

* Errol’s First and Long Time Hollywood Buddy, Bud Ernst, with his famous newlywed wife, actress Lyda Roberti:

Errol, Howard Hill and Big Boy Williams off the coast of Mexico on the Sirocco following filming of Dodge City, 1939:

Sirocco South of the Border, circa 1940:

— Tim


60-Years Ago This Week

12 Apr

Second week of April, 1960

“In a photo taken by guest Bob Profeta during a party at their Hollywood apartment, Florence Aadland, left, scuffles with her 17-year-old daughter, Beverly, during an argument over whether the television was too loud. You may recall that Beverly Aadland was in the news in 1959 as Errol Flynn’s “protege.” She was being held on charges of prostitution and lack of parental supervision after William Stanciu was shot to death while struggling with her over a gun.”

Victoria Advocate – April 10, 1960

Paul V. Coates Confidential File – April 13, 1960

Daytona Beach Morning Journal – April 14, 1960

— Tim


Hollywood All Adither Again

12 Apr

April 12, 1943

Errol Flynn-Ann Sheridan Romance Hinted

LA Evening Herald Express

Hollywood was all adither again today over its time-honored pastime of name-coupling.

The names being coupled are Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan. And what brings the dither to a boil is the fact that Flynn just got his divorce decree last week. Ann still has three months to wait for her final release from George Brent.

Ann has denied a matrimonial measure of interest in the film swashbuckler and he has repeatedly sought refuge from the gossip in the traditional “we’re just good friends” line.

Annie Got Her Gun – Did she have Errol in her sights?

True amour? Or, more just an edgy Ann and Flynn fling/affair?

— Tim


Spain – April 11,1937

11 Apr

On April 11, 1937, Errol Flynn was pictured in the photograph below accompanying an ABC newspaper article lauding Hollywood actors and cinematographers for collecting money in support of Republican Spain.*

* It wasn’t easy at the ABC during the Spanish Civil War. The Madrid and Seville branches of the paper divided in their allegiances. The Madrid branch was taken by the Populist Republicans, while the Seville branch was controlled by Franco’s Rebels.

On July 25th of 1936, Seville’s edition of the ABC showed its support to Franco supporters, who fought for the “victoria de los que luchan por una España nueva”. [“for the victory of those who fight for a new Spain”]” Just the opposite in Madrid.…

— Tim