Archive for the ‘Newspaper & Headlines’ Category

Before She was a Guest

25 Nov

November 25, 1944

Louella O. Parsons

The lovely with Errol Flynn these nights is Lucy Cochrane, Boston socialite.


After she married a cousin of Churchill’s 75 years ago, Lucy became more famously known as “C. Z. Guest”

— Tim



21 Nov

November 1936


November 17, 1936

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Examiner


Ahem! Bob Taylor was out a-dancing with Ginger Rogers at the Clover Club!

And for someone just separated from his wife, Errol Flynn seemed to be having JULLY times at the same spot….


November 20, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Examiner


Figure me this. On Wednesday night, Errol Flynn came into the Cafe´ Lamaze alone and ordered dinner. While it was cooking, he put in a long distance call to Palm Springs.  Oddly enough, the call was to Lili Damita.  And even more odd, when the two had finished talking, Flynn canceled his order for dinner and dashed off in a steaming hurry.

Fine goings on for an-about-to-divorced pair! Or are they?


November 25, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizen News


Even the best friends of Lili Damita and Errol Flynn are smiling at the story that broke today on their marital reconciliation. The story came as the result of the discovery of the pair at the Beverly Hills Brown Derby last night. They looked serene. News hounds bombarded them for a statement. Both know the value of publicity and gave them a statement.  But their close friends, knowing the fiery temperament of both, predict that the reunion will be of brief and stormy duration.


November 27, 1936

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Examiner


The Lili Damita-Errol Flynn reconciliation takes on the aspect of a second honeymoon, or rather a first, as the two came right back to Hollywood after their elopement to Yuma. Through the studio, Errol has engaged the bridal suite at the Ritz Towers in New York, and is trying to get the same accommodations for his and Lili’s trip to Europe.

— Tim


A Parade of Stars — With Grand Marshall Errol Flynn

14 Nov

75 Years Ago

November 14, 1944

Hollywood Citizen News


Hollywood’s most famous horsemen from their major studios will be in the line-up of the Sixth War Loan Parade Saturday morning in downtown Los Angeles.

Errol Flynn has been appointed honorary grand marshall to ride with Sheriff Eugene W. Biscailuz, who will head the thousands of riders.

Following the Sheriff’s Posse will be the following film celebrities heading various groups: Lewis Stone, Prestin Foster, Roy Rogers, Bill Elliot, Don Barry, Bob Mitchum, Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele, Bill Boyd, Leo Carillo, Charles Starrett, Johnny Mack Brown, Noah Beery Jr., and Mrs. Beery, Chris Pin Martin, Michael O’Shea, Big Boy Williams, Dick Foran, George Tobias, and Dennis Morgan.

Honorary Grand Marshall Errol Flynn (shown below at the Dodge City Premier Parade in 1939)


LA County Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz

Lewis Stone (pictured with Norma Shearer)

Preston Foster

Roy Rogers

Bill Elliot

Don Barry

Bob Mitchum

Hoot Gibson

Bob Steele

Bill Boyd

Leo Carillo

Charles Starrett

Johnny Mack Brown

Noah Beery Jr.

and Mrs. Beery

Chris Pin Martin

Michael O’Shea

Big Boy Williams

Dick Foran

George Tobias (pictured with Errol’s great friends, Ida and Olivia)

Dennis Morgan

— Tim


Miss Damita

07 Nov

November 8, 1940
Los Angeles Examiner

Damita Files Suit for Divorce from Flynn

On the reef of “grievous mental and physical anguish” tge tempestuous kiss-and-makeup marriage of Errol Flynn and Lili Damita seemed wrecked without hope of salvage, yesterday.

The piquant Miss Damita, who only a few months ago became a mother, filed suit for divorce from the swashbuckling star.

Throughout their six years of marriage, the handsone Ulsterman and the dainty Lili have separated on numerous occasions, and even after they separated last August 1 friends had believed there might be another reconciliation.

The statement accompanying Ms. Damita’s divorce complaint, that an out-of-court property settlement had been effected, indicated that the last chapter in one of Hollywood’s most turbulent love stories had been reached.

Miss Damita, who sued under her legal name of Liliane Carre Flynn, charged that:

“The defendant gas inflicted a course of great and grievous mental and physical anguish and suffering, and has been guilty of extreme cruelty.”

The actress asked custody of their five month old son, Sean Leslie Flynn.

Flynn, who earns $6000 a week now, is limited to a budget of $12,000 a month pending settlement of a financial battle with Myron Selznick, his former agent.

Miss Damita, before her marriage to Flynn at Yuma on June 19, 1935, was one of the most courted beauties in the world. Her admirers included the Duke of Kent, in his bachelor days, Prince Louis Ferdinand Hohenzollern, Hugo Brassey, British millionaire, Sidney Smith, New York broker, and many other men of wealth, fame, or both.


Here is Lili’s Published List of Casualties:

Duke of Kent

Prince Louis Ferdinand Hohenzollern

Hugo Bassey

Lili’s Alleged Engagement with Hugo Bassey

Sidney Smith

— Tim


Coast Guard Arrives in Time

04 Nov

November 5, 1937

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Examiner

Didn’t see any mention of the fact that Errol Flynn’s yacht, “The Cheerio,” had to have assistance from the Coast Guard the other day. The star wasn’t aboard at the time. He had flown back from Catalina for scenes on Robin Hood.

The Cheerio was in mid-channel when a Coast Guard boat noticed the craft seemed to be in distress. Its captain, it turned out, had collapsed from a heart attack.*

The yacht was towed to port and the captain was rushed to the hospital.

Here’s current Captain, Dick McNish, pointing out for the Errol Flynn Blog, Cheerio II’s cabin clock. Captain McNish has meticulously restored Errol’s first significant yacht in California, the name of which was Cheerio II (not “The Cheerio”) when he purchased it from a silent movie star friend of Charlie Chaplin. Errol briefly named it “The Bachelor”.

* Who the “captain” was that suffered the heart attack, I do not know. Anyone out there in Flynnland know?

— Tim


Deaf to All Pleas — He’s Off to the South Seas

28 Oct

October 26, 1936
Harrison Carroll
Hollywood Citizens News

Deaf to all pleas, Errol Flynn will not put off his vacation to bask in the glory that is sure to be his after the release of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Hot or cold, he’ll leave about Nov. 18, and now threatens to be gone from Hollywood for six months instead of three. However, I imagine Warner Brothers will have something to say about this.

The vacation is almost certainly to a be a solo one, with Lili Damita preferring to remain in this country rather than to face the jungles and hardships that come under Flynn’s idea of having a good time.

Even though the motor lingers the full six months in the South Seas and the Orient, they’ll be no dearth of Flynn Pictures on the screen. Besides Charge of the Light Brigade, a film of real epic stature, there are Green Light and the current Another Dawn.

— Tim


Sailing the South Seas, Lililess

22 Oct

October 22, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizens News

Errol Flynn, completed four starting pictures in the one year he has been at Warners, is headed for a three-month vacation. His pictures have been Captain Blood, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Green Light, and Another Dawn, the latter now in progress of shooting with Kay Francis.  Only his first picture has been released.  Errol is headed for New Zealand and the South Seas, his old haunts before he became a movie star.  His bride, Lili Damita, will not accompany him on the holiday.  Perhaps, a marital holiday will do them both good, judging from rumors floating about.

— Tim


A Pig in a Joke

16 Oct

    October 16, 1937

    Hollywood’s Gabby Corners

    Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig – one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.

— Tim


“Real Cute”

15 Oct

Jimmy Starr
LA Evening Herald Express
2nd Week of October, 1937

Fiery Lili Damita, noted for doing the unusual, surprised her hubby Errol Flynn and the entire Robin Hood company, now living at Chico, Calif, where exterior scenes are being filmed for the lavish Warner color production.

Lili brought along eight massive wardrobe trunks! But instead of containing clothes, the trunks were filled with bedsheets, comforters, silverware and window drapes. Lili was assuming the role of housewife and was going to fix up Errol’s hotel room “real cute,” as she expressed it.

Anyway, the gossips can’t say that Errol and Lili aren’t getting along in the best of marital fashion.

Here was Lili’s target:

— Tim


Swinging & Dancing in Chico

15 Oct

October 15, 1937

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

Must have been fun, the party that the Robin Hood location troupe gave at Chico Saturday night. Members of the cast, the crew and some outsiders were invited, but when they got ready to dance, it was discovered there weren’t enough women to go around.

So Errol Flynn invaded the kitchen of the hotel and drafted 11 waitresses to join the party. Danced with everyone of them himself, too.

Likely Site of the Party:…

— Tim