Archive for the ‘Newspaper & Headlines’ Category

Errol at the Derby?🗡🏇

02 May

It’s been said by a credible source (but I have no written or photographic evidence) that Errol was at the 1956 Kentucky Derby, where he bet on aptly-named ‘King O’ Swords’, but witnessed “Needles’ win in one the greatest come-from-behind victories ever.

Anyone have any information or evidence of Errol being at this or any other Kentucky Derby?

Anyone see him in the photo below? :-)

— Tim


Paging Errol Flynn …. Paging Errol Flynn

30 Apr

April 30, 1937

— Tim


The Misadventure of William Tell — A Silent Film

30 Apr…

— Tim


Night and Site of the Fight

30 Apr

April 29, 1945

Olivia in 1946 (WOW!) – Over whom Errol and Huston fought.

Site of the Fight! David O. Selznick’s “breathtaking” home and gardens Summit Drive in Beverly Hills. The fight took place in both the the famous gardens and the then gravel driveway.

— Tim


“[Errol’s] First Screen Kiss”

29 Apr

April 28, 1948
Canberra Times

— Tim


Errol’s Tasmania

27 Apr

This is what Tasmania was like when Errol last lived Down Under:

— Tim


Cheerio Yawl!

24 Apr

April 24, 2019

A Dash of Cheer

“Cheerio II was built in 1931 by Fellows & Stewart in San Pedro, California and was designed by Edson B. Shock. The 85 year old classic sailboat was designated in 1992 as the State of California’s 66th historic vessel and landmark, a designation that only wooden boats built before 1940 can be given.”

She was the play toy of Errol Flynn, the swashbuckling actor from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Back in the day, folks would see Flynn and his friend, actor David Niven, sailing tye yawl to Catalina.”

— Tim


Raoul Walsh Attends Showing of Gentleman Jim in Manhattan

22 Apr

Raoul Walsh Attends a Retrospective of His Films at MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, April – July, 1974. Out of approximately seven dozen of his films shown, he chose to attend only Gentleman Jim.



Friend of Flynn

— Tim


Errolivia at the Lafayettes

22 Apr

Lafayette, Indiana – Four’s a Crowd Grand Opening

“The cream and black tiles glistened and the neon sign spelled out its welcome—it was September 1, 1938 and the new Lafayette Theater, with its modern Art Deco design, was opening! The line stretched down the block as people waited to see Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland in “Fours A Crowd.” Over 70 years later, people are still lining up for events at the Lafayette Theater.”

Lafayette Theater – Suffern, New York – Dodge City

— Tim


Erben’s Myth — A Million Dollar Srory

22 Apr

By United Press
Hollywood, April 21, 1937


Report That $1,500,000 Given By Certain Film Players to Loyalists Claimed False

An Interview with Errol Flynn In Barcelona Spain, in which the film actor and soldier of fortune purportedly told of helping raise a $1,500,000 fund in the Hollywood film colony to aid the loyalist forces, came under the scrutiny of the Knight of Columbus today. Thomas B. Flanagan, secretary of the Los Angeles council of the Knights of Columbus, said he was sending a report on Flynn to John J. Rossborough, state deputy of the order at Oakland, California, and to the national headquarters of the organization’s newly launched “antiradical” campaign at New Haven, Conn.

The purported interview was published in the Hollywood Reporter, a film trade paper. The Reporter stated the interview was filed to them by “our regular Barcelona correspondent.” The part to which the Knights of Columbus reportedly found most objection to follows:


“Is it true that money has been collected in Hollywood to help the Spanish government?’ asked the Reporter. “‘Yes,’ said the actor, ‘Fredrick March, James Cagney and I were the initiators and $1,500,000 has been raised so far”.” Flynn, husky film leading man and husband of Lili Damita, French actress, has been in Spain as a roving correspondent He was reported wounded by a machine gun bullet in dispatches from Madrid which later developed to be erroneous.

The Hollywood Reporter’s dispatch upon his arrival at Barcelona, strong loyalist headquarters, further stated: “When Errol Flynn arrived in Barcelona he was greeted by the “commissioner of public spectacles, J. Carner Rlbalta, who introduced him to the “commissioner of propaganda” of the Catalonian government, Jaime Miravitles, and the heart of the cinema section the same department, Juan Castanyer.

While in Barcelona, Flynn was considered a guest of honor of the Catalonian government and all facilities were accorded him. “In an interview with the press, Flynn said his visit to Spain was prompted by a desire to ascertain the truth regarding conditions here. “Asked by the press boys what was the general impression in the United States about the war, he replied: “That’s it, the confusing news and the fact that all the American press is in the hands of powerful trusts made me decide to take this trip to see with my own eves what is really happening and write a series of articles for publication.”

The dispatch ended:

“Flynn was accompanied by his old friend, Dr. Hermann F. Erben, a well known member of the American Communist party.”

— Tim