Archive for the ‘Newspaper & Headlines’ Category

It Was Eighty Years Ago Today — 3/30/37

30 Mar

March 30, 1937

Hollywood Citizen News – Elizabeth Yeaman

The Warner Bros. are sincerely worried over their failure to locate Errol Flynn,
who was hastily summoned back to Hollywood when it was learned that he was
planning to penetrate war-torn Spain. Errol was in Paris, and last Friday he told
his wife, Lili Damita, he was leaving for Spain. He left, while Lili remained in Paris.
He didn’t tell her where he was going in Spain, and apparently Lili didn’t bother to inquire.

Robert Schless, head of the Warner Paris office, has not been able to locate him. Errol,
when he left, was determined to do some war corresponding in Spain. He started to make
arrangements with the United States for some special articles, but the studio jumped in
and soured the deal. Errol threatened that he would make arrangements with an English syndicate.
This he may have done.

Warners cabled him to be back here by April 15, to start the The Perfect Specimen.
I doubt if they actually had a picture ready for him, but hoped to get him back on the plea of urgency.
Miriam Hopkins has been announced for the co-starring spot in The Perfect Specimen, but that
announcement is quite premature, for she has not been signed for the role.

— Tim


(Cooking) Out Like Flynn

16 Mar

March 16, 1937, in the Los Angeles Evening Herald Express


Green Light Hero Does His Cooking Best Outside

In the opinion of Errol Flynn, cooking is best in the great open spaces.

Flynn, the Irish actor, author, world-traveler and soldier-of-fortune now starring in the Cosmopolitan production of Green Light, which closes tonight at Warners’ Hollywood and Downtown, is a great admirer of culinary delicacies.

“You can’t do food real justice,” he contends “unless it’s cooked in the open. I’d trade the finest kitchen range anytime for a small plot under the trees by an open stream.”

Flynn learned the art of cookery beside roaring bonfires. His tutors were natives of New Guinea, Australia, and the uncharted islands in the South Seas.

He discovered that they know more about cooking and seasoning than most of the civilized races of the earth.


Here’s Errol shopping on Catalina for one of his famous pig-on-a-spit backyard roasts:

And here he is on a picnic with Livvie:

— Tim


The Palm Beach Story

19 Dec

Visiting with the Vietors


Last year I published a post entitled “A Stay at Palm Beach with the Jell-O Queen” about Errol & Lili’s visit/vacation at Southwood, the prominent mansion of Eleanore Emily Woodward Vietor.*

A Stay at Palm Beach, with the Jell-O Queen

In response to that post, I received correspondence from a descendent of the Vietors, who has very generously sent some clarifying and enhancing information, including in part the following news articles, the first of which reports (with a corrected date) on the party given for Errol & Lili in 1938. Look at that guest list! The Crockers (parents of Zaca owner Templeton Crocker), the Pillsburys (with all their dough), Howie Hughes, and E.F. Hutton (…), among many other deep pockets and Cafe Society-Era socialites.


Southwood also had a fascinating JFK connection:


See, also, for an account of the Robin Hood Parody film starring Errol, Lili, Paulette Goddard, et al.:



* Southwood was only a very short walk from Mar-a-Lago, the new Winter White House, designed by the very same architect, Marion Sims Wyeth. … Not that anyone who was anyone on Palm Beach in those days would deign to undertake such a horrendously plebeian trek without chauffeur and vetements formels.

— Tim



14 Dec


Depicted here: An Arno Wannabe, perhaps auditioning for a long-overdue Arno biopic.…


circa March 1939

Not fame, not fans, not his newest part are
nearly so much of a problem as one determined
Schnauser who nearly landed his master in jail.

■ When Mr. Errol Flynn adopted Arno
into his heart and home, he little knew
how much trouble he was borrowing!

One day his life was serene. He was
master of his own soul, captain of his own
ship, boss of his own household. There
were no strings on Mr. Flynn’s friendships,
his goings-and-comings, his general behavior.
Life, for him, was singularly free
of complications, He was the living,
breathing example of what people meant
when they spoke of a “free soul”.

Then Arno turned up and since then
life hasn’t been the same for Errol.

Errol may be the great Hollywood star,
the man who pays the income tax, the
guy whom the girls mob. But it’s Arno
who is the real boss of the Flynn menages.
He expects, and receives, a certain deference
from the servants, the milkman, the
bread man, the Fuller Brush man. If
anyone rings the doorbell, Arno is right
there to pass inspection on the visitor.
He may, and then again he may not, permit entrance.

A time or two Errol has been forced to
sneak important visitors through the side
door. Subterfuge galls Mr. Flynn, but he
is forced to admire Arno’s uncompromising
stand where his personal opinions are
concerned. After all, Errol himself does
his own thinking — and why deny Arno the
same right.

When Mr. Flynn first came to Hollywood his adventures
in the far-flung corners of the earth were given considerable
publicity. That venturesome quality is like the measles —
awfully easy to catch. With it goes a keen sense of justice —
of right and wrong. Of what’s fair play and what isn’t!

Arno is not the only one in the house who has determined ideas
about nearly everything!

Once, when Errol went on location,
Arno was sent on a visit to the home of Flynn’s closest friend.
A cocker-spaniel happened to be the lord of this green pasture.
Arno resented the indignity of sharing attention with a long-haired,
floppy-eared comrade, by going on a hunger strike.

He bayed at the moon and made faces at the sun, and
absolutely refused to have any truck with the ambulating,
friendly cocker. All day long Arno sat in injured solitude,
not even nosing the ground sirloin which was especially prepared
for him. (Errol is kinda choosy about his food, too).

Again and again Arno asked himself — “What have I done to deserve
this? I have been loyal. I haven’t had more than one fight a day for a
week. I haven’t chased the neighborhood cats. I have been most careful
to use the proper comfort station, but here I am banished from the sight
of the only person I care two hoots about! Is that fair?”

The hosts began to get a bit worried when Arno’s hunger strike extended
to two days. They opened the door to the wire enclosure, and made clucking
noises to coax him out. Silly creatures, Arno thought to himself, as if he
couldn’t break prison with his own brawn and brain if there had been a chance
of finding Errol. He wasn’t dependent on a door for an exit.

On the Dodge City set rehearsing with Flynn, Arno,
the gourmet, toys with his evening steak.

Arno, the sportsman, in
hot pursuit of goldfish.

Arno, the prodigal, begs
forgiveness at dinnertime

Arno might be a Houdini, for all the problem
that chains and ropes present to him. Not long ago,
when he was on vacation with Errol in Florida, they
stopped at a very snooty inn. The haughty clerk gave
Arno the fish-eye and announced that no dogs were allowed
in the rooms. It was finally agreed that Arno would be
tied up in the basement.

Arno, however, had other ideas. By what legerdemain he
slipped the chain from his collar, and found his way,
as true as a string, to his master’s room is still a mystery
for Sherlock Holmes. Exactly five times he was returned to his
own quarters, and securely fastened. He was acquiescent and placid
while the humans scolded. But the moment he was left alone, off would
come the rope, and Arno would trot up the six flights and scratch at
Errol’s door for admission.

The management finally admitted defeat. The Governor of Illinois
didn’t have his dog in his suite; a duke from England, a minor
King from Europe, and an important ambassador did not have their
dogs in their suites. But Arno, the problem child, took matters
into his own paws, cut red tape with his teeth and spent what was
left of the night in his accustomed sleeping place — at the foot of Errol’s bed.

With Arno for an example, it’s no wonder that Mr. Flynn’s quality
of perserverance is becoming a matter of comment. (Note how long
and devotedly he worked at archery to become expert for his part in Robin Hood.)

As a general rule, Arno is snobbish and haughty with other canines.
They are so much dust beneath his feet, and recently that attitude and
Anger rose in Arno’s breast. He would show these people
how a gentleman and a scholar can solve a problem.

That night he set to work with fury in his heart. The locked
door was a challenge. For hours on end, he dug deep beneath
the wall. And long before the birds began their daily vocal
lesson, Arno had a beautiful escape tunnel completed. There
it was for all to see. And when his hostess came to look at him
and to greet him cheerily, he was sitting belligerently in the
exact center of the pen, with his eyes on the tunnel, as if to
say— “I m staying here of my own free will. If I had wanted
leaving, I could have done a little digging long before this.”

Neither Errol nor Arno hold with conventional restrictions
or rules. One of these days Errol will dump his Fame in the
waste-basket, pick himself up and go off to places unknown,
to follow his fancy and his inclinations. To Errol even a
great career isn’t worth the spiritual imprisonment it imposes.
That will suit Arno right down to the ground. He doesn’t much favor routine either.

— Tim


So Much the Better

08 Dec

Egged on further by feistyheinz, here’s a list of where the best nightclub brawls in Hollywood took place.


… ~ “If Errol was involved, so much the better”




— Tim


More from the Mocambo

08 Dec

Egged on by feistyheinz’s eggstraordinary “Egged by the Mob”, I hereby present a personal favorite, wherein chicken Jimmie Fidler learns not to fiddle around with Errol Flynn, followed by Mrs. Fidler forking Flynn, proving herself to be no chicken and no second fiddle to Jimmie, her loud-mouthed, chicken-hearted, lily-livered hubbie.

Thanks to E.L. Flynn, the chickens finally came home to roost at The Mocambo for crabby Jimmie Fidler, Late September 1941.


— Tim


“That Man! That Man!”

10 Oct

Having recently landed at Lindberg Field in San Diego and headed into Mexico today, I thought I’d publish these protoflynnical, Lindberg Field and Mexico-related Hollywood news reports from March 24, 1939:

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Jimmy Starr:

Errol (pronounced Errant) Flynn, Hollywood’s “Peck’s Bad Boy” grown up, and his wife,the lovely Lili Damita, were finally lured from their vacation in Mazatlan, Mexico, by the Warner Studio, which demanded his return for picture work.

An effort to reach the film plant on time nearly cost them their lives. Chartering a plane, with Ted Brown as pilot, in Mazatlan, the trio battled heavy fog for most of the way to San Diego.

More thrilling than a horror movie, they were lost somewhere over San Diego. Their gas was low. They had lost their radion beam. With but two minutes of gas time in the tank, Brown took a chance, started to pancake the ship earthward. He caught his radio beams. Luckily, he was over the field!

“We owe our lives to Brown’s remarkable ‘deadstick’ landing,” said Errol, who, with Lili, was still somewhat jittery over the experience.

Lili and Errol arrived in Hollywood yesterday morning.


Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll

Even Lili Damita, who is on the impulsive side herself,was amazed at Errol Flynn’s first official act on returning to California. The Irish star climbed out of a chartered plane, in which he and Lili had flown from Mazatlan, and immediately his eyes fell upon another ship standing on the field.

“That’s a slick job. I’d like to take it up myself,” said the star.

“Go ahead,” said one of the spectators, “it belongs to me.”

So Flynn, whose feet had been on solid ground for less than ten minutes, hopped into the plane alone and took it aloft.

Lili, left standing there, could only shake her head and mutter: “That man! That man!”

btw, in researching this post, I discovered evidence that indicates the pilot who saved Errol & Lili’s lives in San Diego may have been the father of the highly respected tenor saxophonist Ted Brown. Here he is playing “On a Lost Plane to Lindberg” – I mean “On a Slow Boat to China” with jazz legend Art Pepper:

As always with these historic newspaper article posts, all thanks ans praise goes to Flynn Meister Karl Holmberg! Muchos gracias, Mi Amigo!

— Tim


A Premier Date! The Sea Hawk!

04 Oct

I am sure many of us use several sources to confirm the movie premiere dates for Flynn’s films. One of the largest, and generally reliable, is is IMDb. But it is always good to double check.

As an example I checked the date for The Sea Hawk with IMDb and it is listed as July 1, 1940 with a second listing of August 10 in New York City. Wellll, that’s not quite right.

After filming was completed on April 19, 1940 there was no release date set. On July 4th there was a special sneak preview of the film in Pomona, Cal. and still no release date set. On July 17 there is an all day preview of the film at Warner’s Hollywood theatre with guests anD reporters and a tentative premiere date was announced to be the Labor day wekend, but not printed. Read the rest of this entry »

— Topper


Hey Bulldogs!

03 Oct

“Last night was Errol” — Cede Nullis



Hollywood Royalty Join the Celebration of “The Best Grand Final Ever”:…

— Tim


Flynn Gets Out of Dodge

28 Sep

A Week in the Life of Errol Flynn, September 1938


Los Angeles Evening Herald Express
Harrison Carrol Reporting

September 21, 1938

“Unless Errol Flynn has another brainstorm between now and then, he’ll play host on a three-week yachting trip to fellow players in Dawn Patrol. The party on the Sirocco will include Donald Crisp, Edmund Goulding, David Niven and Michael Brook (the Earl of Warwick). Basil Rathbone was invited, but chose a New York trip instead.”


September 27, 1938

“It’s no wonder, doctors say, that Errol Flynn was knocked flat on his back by flue. Though ill on his boat at Catalina, the star insisted on going fishing in a dinghy with David Niven and Donald Crisp. Then, on top of this, he fell overboard. Niven, trying to pull Flynn back, capsized the dinghy and the three actors were floundering in the water for 15 minutes. When they finally got back to the yacht, Flynn was so sick that they had to fly him to the mainland.”


September 27, 1938

“Still dangerously ill, Errol Flynn, motion picture actor, rallied sufficiently today to permit of his being transferred from his Beverly Hills home to the Good Samaritan Hospital.

The change was made under the direction of his physician Dr. T.M. Hearn. Dr. Hearn said that the actor needed care and attention more readily available at the hospital.

Flynn is suffering from influenza, complicated by an infection of the throat and respiratory organs and a recurrence of malarial fever, which he contracted five years ago in New Guinea.”

Hospital of the Good Samaritan, Los Angeles


September 28, 1938 Santa Cruz Sentinel

“Errol Flynn, film actor, suffering from influenza and a streptococcic throat infection, was removed to a hospital today. His physician, Dr. T.M. Hearn, said the removal was “a precautionary measure.” Dr. Hearn also announced that the throat specialist, Dr. Voyle James, had been called into consultation. Flynn, after showing improvement yesterday, turned worse last night. His temperature went to 103.5 degrees, later dropping to 102. Dr. Hearn expressed concern over the possible development of pneumonia. Flynn’s illness was contracted when he fell overboard from a fishing boat near Santa Catalina Island.”


September 27, 1938

“The Warners are reported dickering for Ronald Coleman to take the leading role of the Englishman in Dodge City, now that Errol Flynn is out of the running. The Sea Hawk is scheduled as Flynn’s next.”


September 28, 1938

“An uncomfortable night, and a crisis expected within 24 hours.

This was the report on the condition of Errol Flynn, film actor, who was confined to Good Samaritan Hospital with influenza and streptococci infection of the throat.

Flynn was removed to the hospital yesterday on the orders of Dr. T.M. Hearns.

Dr. Doyle James, throat specialist, was called in consultation by Dr. Hearn, in an attempt to solve the mystery of the streptococci and the continued high fever which is now 102 degrees.”


September 29, 1938

“Cary Grant is being considered for the leading role of Dodge City now that Ronald Coleman and Errol Flynn have been eliminated.”

— Tim