Archive for the ‘Newspaper & Headlines’ Category

More from Manly – Errol’s Early Stomping Grounds

07 Sep

Donna Juana sends more from Manly!

Including a photo of Mrs. Robinson’s(!) cottage, in the second photo below, where Errol’s grandmother and aunt lived, and where Errol stayed and played as a boy and young man. Donna has discovered that the Robinson’s cottage was at 91 Stuart Street! I have never seen this address or a photo of the home published before. Thank you Donna, and thank you to the Manly residents and officials who helped her find this address!!! With special thanks to Manly official John M!)


Mrs. Robinson’s cottage at 91 Stuart Street:


Believed to be of Errol’s childhood play areas, where Errol spent much time in this area during his formative years. Donna discovered that one of the things he is believed to have done is to jump off the cliff at the end of the block at Spring Cove, a rite of passage for Manly teenagers.


Stuart Street, at Manly Scenic Walk, near the Cliff Jumping:


— Tim


Uncle Sam Needed Rubber for War

13 Aug

Errol & Olivia Help Out

Rubber for Boots…



— Tim


Did Errol Live Here (Too!)?

11 Aug

If so, when? When he first arrived in Hollywood, before he hit it big with Blood?




Hollywood Landmarks: the 1929 Villa Bonita Building

— Tim


Sailing with Senor Flynn — August 1937

10 Aug

August 5, 1937: LA Evening Herald Express, Harrison Carroll

Errol was the lad who said that no women, not even Lili Damita, was going to be allowed on his boat — and we were the sucker who printed it… Well, Lili must have changed his mind.

But quickly. The two of them are yachting at Catalina…Incidentally, Hollywood hears that Lili is home to stay…

More Flynnnfo on this @…

August 7, 1937: Peter Pry’s Notebook

Tennis shorts may walk in regiments on Hollywood, but they are strictly taboo in Ensenada. Errol Flynn made that embarrassing discovery a week ago, when he left his yacht, clad in the customary shorts, and strode into the little Mexican town. He wanted to send a telegram. On the main street, a gendarme in a blue coat, red trousers and gold braid, flagged Errol down. Argument ensued, Errol explained that his shorts were quite customary in Hollywood. But the minion of the law informed him that Ensenada’s morals could not be trifled with in such a manner.

Finally the copper pointed to a clothing store across the street and suggested that Flynn could settle the matter peacefully by making a purchase. Reluctantly, Errol bought a pair of trousers and donned them.

August 26, 1937: LA Evening Herald Express, Jimmy Starr

Errol Flynn isn’t sure , but he has a sneaking suspicion he’s been well ribbed. No sooner had he parked his boat near Todo Santos Island in Mexican waters than he was fined 200 pesos (about $50) for his failure to possess a deep sea fishing license.

The one thing that puzzles Errol is that the Mexican official had a new license already made out.

Here’s Errol a’sailing two months later:


— Tim


Errol’s Favorite Eyes — Flynn Pokes Warner Bros. Right in Their Oligarchic Orbs

21 Jul

A 10-part Quiz, Featuring the Eyes of 10 HollywOOd Legends.

Clue No. 1 – They were all 10’s.











Anyone recognize these eyes!?!

— Tim



19 Jul


— LA Evening Herald Express – December 22, 1939

“Police and humane society officers, as well as Tailwagger Foundation officials, today were investigating the latest case of “dognapping” in Hollywood.

Latest victim of the racket that has spread so widely in the film colony recently is Arno, a German Schnauzer belonging to Errol Flynn, film star.

Arno was lured into a black sedan just outside the gates of the Warner Bros. Burbank studio yesterday. Eldon Crowninshield, an electrician, saw the dog, which is well known on the movie lot, enter the car, but thought nothing of it until Flynn reported to studio police that his dog was missing.”


— Tim


Don’t Go Greyhounds!!

16 Jul

Errol was no Boy Scout, but he did once trek hills and canyons north of Los Angeles with them:

From the Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, reported exactly seventy-eight years ago this weekend, July 17, 1939:

“Leading a band of Boy Scouts and neighborhood youngsters, Errol Flynn is combing the canyons and hills between Sunland and Roscoe in an effort to locate his two prize greyhounds which disappeared from the home of Jim Fleming, his standin, last Wednesday night.

The dogs, valued at $250 each, were a gift from dentist Al Blissing, of Dodge City, Kansas, and were left in Fleming’s care while Flynn spent several days on his boat. Last Wednesday evening, Fleming tied the pets to an iron woodfire bucket in the patio of his home.

Shortly after dinner, Fleming went to take the dogs for a stroll. They were gone – and so was the bucket. Fleming sent word to Flynn, who started the search, rounding up all available youngsters, on Thursday. He fears the dogs might have become entangled with their leaches and the bucket and may be helplessly suffering, perhaps dying in some lonely part of the canyon and hills.”

Jimmy Starr, LA Evening Herald Express

I’m not 100% certain, but this may well have had Errol leading this troop of kids through Verduga and/or La Tuna Canyon terrain, some of which is depicted below. That’s must have been quite a merry and memorable experience for that band of kids – hiking through the hills with Robin Hood!


— Tim


A Week in the Life of Flynn — 2nd & 3rd Weeks of July 1935

12 Jul




“Lili Damita’s jubilant bridegroom, Errol Flynn, will swing the sword of his ancestors in his first big film role, Captain Blood. The young Irish actor has cabled his parents in Belfast to send on the heirloom, which was presented to a forbear, Lord Terrence Flynn, by a henchman of the Duke of Monouth in 1686. By an odd coincidence, this was the same period of history dealt with in the story. The fictional Captain Blood was supposed to have been sold into slavery after the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685.”

– Harrison Carroll, Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, July 11, 1935


Errol with bended sword and necklaces

“Well, at last they have finally cast Errol Flynn as Captain Blood in that Warners epic which will undoubtedly squelch his opportunities for being Katie Hepburn’s lead in Sylvia Scarlet. Speaking of Errol, he wears around his neck on a chain a locket that holds for him a great sentimental value – consequently he never removes it. Several years ago in the jungles of New Guinea, he found a friend of his, wounded, so he carried him on his shoulders for many miles to a stream where he boated him to medical aid, but it was too late. Just before dying, his friend gave him the medal and asked him to wear it always as a keepsake.”

– Lloyd Pantages, Los Angeles Hollywood Parade, July 13, 1935



“Filmland learned for the first time today the romantic history of the diamond that Errol Flynn, dark skinned Irish actor, put upon the finger of of Lili Damita, who is now his bride.

It was five years ago that Flynn came into possession. A young adventurer, he was working as a British agent in New Guinea to help preserve peace among the native tribes. One day, he made a gold strike in the jungle.

Trekking back to civilization, Flynn sold his discovery for $10,000 in gold. He decided to leave New Guinea, but couldn’t carry his new found riches. So he put the money into rough-cut diamonds. It was one of these diamonds that the young actor, soon to play the starring role in the Warner film, Captain Blood, had made into the engagement ring his bride now wears.”

– Harrison Carroll, Los Angeles Evening Herald Express, July 19, 1935


— Tim


A Week in the Life of Flynn — First Week of July, 1938

06 Jul

Errol Flynn Tells Me —

That his next globe trotting escapade will be a trip to the Galapagos Islands, which William Beebe has called the “World’s End.”

“In the fall, immediately upon the completion of whatever picture Warner Brothers have in mind for me after The Sisters, I’m going to take two months off for the cruise.

“In Palm Beach, Fla., I met T.O.M. Sopwith, the English sportsman and yachtsman. He had just returned from a cruise to the Galapagos, and his tall tales of the gigantic tortoises, tuna, marlin, and sailfish were most unbelievable.

“Another acquaintance I met in Florida who had just visited the Islands was William B. Leeds, and he averred that undoubtedly thay are the most mysterious and fascinating groups of islands to be found anywhere in the world.

“Of course my real inspiration is my new 75-foot sailboat, the Sirocco, which I recently purchased in Boston. It left Panama about a week ago and should now be approaching Cape San Lucas at the tip of Lower California. For after all with a yacht like that, one simply must go somewhere, mustn’t one?”

Ella Wickersham – Hollywood Parade – July 4, 1938

William leeds jr

High Society Adventurer William Leeds’ Moana

Billy Leeds Moana

Sportsman, Aviation Genius and Adventurer T.O.M. Sopwith in his Bi-Plane

T O M Sopwith

Naturalist and Adventurer William Beebe with his Bathysphere

William Beebe bathysphere

Galapagos Worlds End

— Tim


A Week in the Life of Flynn — First Week of July, 1937

05 Jul

“Never one to abide by Hollywood custom, Errol Flynn bough a small sailing yacht yesterday and announced that no women will be allowed on board.

In keeping with the policy, the star revealed he has decided to re-christen the yacht “The Bachelor.”

Which, of course, led someone to remind Flynn that he himself is no bachelor–still being married to the exotic French actress Lili Damita.

“She can’t come aboard the yacht either,” declared the Irish actor. “I never saw a woman yet who stand rough sailing without getting either sick or frightened. And I intend to have some real fun in this boat.”

The yacht, of modest size compared to most owned by Hollywood celebrities, was purchased by the star from George Arthur, the producer. It carries an auxiliary motor as well as sails.”

Harrison Carroll – LA Evening Herald Express, July 2, 1937

— Tim