Archive for the ‘Photos’ Category

Flynn's House was on Navy Island–his hotel, the Tichfield Hotel, was across the channel…

23 May

— David DeWitt

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Robin Hood

19 May

— Shamrock

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Casual Pose with a six-shooter…

19 May

— David DeWitt

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Master of Ballantrae – Yet again!

17 May

Like Against All Flags, The Master of Ballantrae is one of Flynn's later – but still enjoyable – adventure films.

Hmmm……. what's he looking at?

— Shamrock

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Against all Flags – Yet again!

17 May

The ultimate swordsman!

— Shamrock

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Against Maureen O'Hara…

15 May

— David DeWitt

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Without Incident… almost sepia toned, by Michael Joseph Pieper

13 May

— David DeWitt


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That Tassie Devil is not forgotten…

08 May

— David DeWitt

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Dolphin's view of Zaca… under full sail!

08 May

— David DeWitt

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Starlet Brigitte Bardot…

24 Apr

— David DeWitt

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