Archive for the ‘Publicity’ Category

MGM’s Eye Out for Flynn

16 Dec

Third Week of December, 1934

Los Angeles Examiner
Cover Hollywood

The MGMers should be happy to know that Errol Flynn, whom they have talent scouts looking for in England and Australia, to say nothing of New Zealand, is right here in the Hollywood’s at the moment. Because they saw him in an English version of Mutiny on the Bounty, they now want him for their own version of the same picture. So, seeing as how the Gent is actually under contract to Warner Brothers, they will have to do some borrowing if they really want him.…

— Tim


“Columbus” Discovers Flynn — Sends Him to America

01 Dec

NOVEMBER 30, 1934


Irving Asher, Warners’ London laddie in charge of the foreign studio, played “Colombus” and discovered a handsome Irish chap by the name of Errol Flynn .  The young newcomer proved himself in Murder at Monte Carlo. 

Asher figured Flynn had a better chance in Hollywood, and sent him to Jack Warner, who took a quick look at the English-made movie, snapped a contract under his nose and gave him one of the featured leads with Kay Francis in A Present from Margate, her next film following the current Living on Velvet. 

Mr. Flynn it seems has made quite an impression— and good leading men are scarse, you know.

Was it Asher? Or Doug Jr.? Or JB?…

Asher and Warner found gold in England when the found Flynn. The public really dug Errol.

— Tim


The Mayor of Townsville

09 Feb

from In Like Flynn…

— Tim


New Kid On the Lot

29 Dec

Quiz on a Questionnaire

Fresh from England in the Fall of 1934, Errol had his “first official” stateside interview. Conducted on Warner Brothers’ “Burbank campus” by Carlisle Jones, “dean of Hollywood press agents”, this debut interview revolved around answers Errol had recently provided on a WB publicity questionnaire. According to that questionnaire and interview:

1. Errol’s Schoolboy Ambition was:
a) To be a pirate
b) To be a movie star
c) nil

2. His Present Ambition was:
a) Success in movies
b) To meet Greta Garbo
c) To sail to Hawaii in his own yacht

3. His foremost interest aside from acting was:
a) Literature
b) Marrying a movie star
c) Big game hunting in Africa

4. He suppressed a desire to be a:
a) Biologist
b) Bartender
c) Pianist

5. If he failed at acting, he would:
a) Go to law school
b) Marry rich
c) Return to New Guinea as a gold prospector

6. He reported his dancing and singing talents as:
a) God-given
b) Better than average
c) Imperceptible

7. He identified his favorite city as:
a) Paris
b) London
c) Shanghai

8. Following his interview, Carlisle Jones escorted Errol to the Warner Brothers first-aid hospital to treat:
a) A fencing wound
b) A blister
c) A sudden malarial attack

9. The reason for his hospital visit was:
a) Olivia De Havilland
b) Pinch-toed shoes
c) The Sepik River

10. On the way to the Warner Brothers hospital, Errol asked Carlisle Jones:
a) What were the best bars in Hollywood to meet women?
b) Who were the best movie star tennis players in Hollywood?
c) Was Lili Damita married?

— Tim


Mail Bag! Crossed Swords Remembered!

14 Dec

Vincenzo Castaldo writes us about his new book on the filming of Errol Flynn’s Crossed Swords circa 1954. You may remember him from a previous post last year. His book is finished and was the center of attention in the village of Lauro at the Lancellotti Castle where the movie was filmed when Vincenzo (who lives in Lauro) held a public showing of the film, and discussion of his book. It was a grand affair attended by all the dignataries of the town. Vincenzo speaks no English but does well with Google Translate:

Crossed Swords – Stories and anecdotes about the Holy Grail by Errol Flynn (Il Papavero).

(Il Papavero is the book’s Italian Publisher. It may also be purchased online, he says.)

The book, the result of a three-year research conducted by the author mainly between Naples and Rome, unveils the gestation and elaboration of “Crossed Swords” (M. Krims, 1954), a compelling and unknown film from ’52 and ’53 made in Cinecittà , at Real Bosco di Capodimonte in Naples and in the Irpinia villages of Lauro and Marzano with the main interpreters Errol Flynn and Gina Lollobrigida.

The book is divided into four parts. The first offers a historical synthesis of swashbuckling, which found fertile ground first in America and then in Italy since the Thirties, and pays tribute to stars such as Burt Lancaster, Sean Connery, Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp who, in the wake of the mythical Errol Flynn, have made the caste of the hood famous. The second focuses exclusively on the cinematographic work of Milton Krims, revealing the artistic and technical cast, the plot, the places and the various assumptions about how the troupe has landed in Lower Irpinia.

The third part includes a series of stories, stories and very funny anecdotes retrieved by the author, who interviewed the exclusive diva Gina Lollobrigida, Prince Pietro Lancellotti with his sisters Ginevra and Maria Cristina, who met the main interpreters during the realization of the film in the family castle, and several citizens of the time of Lauro who have lived the period of filming or have participated in the film with more or less important roles.

The fourth and last part includes news and various curiosities about the vicissitudes of the company during the period of the film, the journalistic reviews of the major newspapers of the time and those “found” by four great critics of Italian cinema, including the late father of David Gian Luigi Rondi.

Everything is accompanied by scene photos and amateur shots found by the author.

The book uses the preface by Valerio Caprara (well known film historian and journalist) and the afterword by Alessandro Cecchi Paone. A well respected journalist).

Thanks, Vincenzo!


— David DeWitt


Pirate Party on Catalina Isle! First Appearance!

30 Aug

All Flynn followers are familiar with the brief appearance of Errol and Lily in Pirate Party on Catalina Island, but there was always a little confusion about when this quiet little short subject appeared. To help quell any more questions, here is a clip from the Los Angeles Times newspaper of Feb. 12, 1936, page 11.


It premiered with the Charlie Chaplin film Modern Times.



— Topper


Mail Bag! Screenland Magazine 1939! Day with Errol!

05 Aug

From our friend, Shel:


I came across an article, “A Real Day with Errol Flynn”  may (or, let’s be honest, may not) be of interest to you…

Screenland (April, 1939)



You can scroll through the magazine and enlarge the pages. If the article seems to end on the page, scroll past the next page of ads and it will continue. Quite an interesting look at the way the studios promoted their stars …

Thanks, Shel …


— David DeWitt


Love Letter to Robin Hood

02 Aug

Big Errol Flynn Fan and Great American Playwright, Ken Ludwig, creates a 360° stage version and tribute to The Adventures of Robin Hood at San Diego’s Old Globe Theater!……

— Tim


Mail Bag! Window Pane – Errol Flynn!

03 Jul

From the Mail Bag today …


This is for the Errol Flynn blog, as fans of the actor my band Window Pane made a song and a video about him, maybe you want to see it! Here is the link:

Hope you like it! Cheers!!


Thanks so much!

— David DeWitt


Who is Errol with and Why???

13 Jun

Northern Pursuit

Southern Pursuit

A Bishop’s Involved

— Tim